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OFSTED FRAMEWORK- September 2012. “A good education for all”. Key Words/Phrases- January 2012. Raising Expectations “What is it really like for children in this school?” Closing the Gap Close scrutiny of sub-groups compared to National N.B. No longer talk about “Raising the Bar”. Groups.
OFSTED FRAMEWORK- September 2012 “A good education for all”
Key Words/Phrases-January 2012 Raising Expectations “What is it really like for children in this school?” Closing the Gap Close scrutiny of sub-groupscompared to National N.B. No longer talk about “Raising the Bar”
Groups • Disabled • Boys • Girls • SEN • EAL • Minority Ethnic • Travellers • Looked After Children • Free School Meals • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual • Transgender pupils • Young Carers • Low income families • Other vulnerable groups
Quality of Teaching • Teaching overall • Pupils’ progress and learning • Pupils’ attitudes to learning • Teachers’ planning and expertise • Teachers’ expectations • Interventions and support • Teaching of Reading, Writing, Communication & Mathematics (RWCM) • Assessment • Marking, feedback & homework
Promotion of SMSC Relationships Opportunities to make decisions Reflection Awe and wonder Learning about inequalities & diversity Independence Teamwork Curiosity, Intrigue, Enthusiasm, Excitement
Overall Effectiveness “Is this typical” “Is this school improving?” “Learning over time”
“A good education for all” From Sept.2012 only a good standard of education will be good enough Overall Effectiveness: 1: Outstanding 2: Good 3: Requires Improvement 4: Inadequate - Serious Weaknesses - Special Measures
“A good education for all” Four key judgements remain the same: Achievement Teaching Behaviour & Safety Leadership & Management
“A good education for all” Overall Effectiveness: If any one of the four key judgements is inadequate (grade 4), it is likely that overall effectiveness will be INADEQUATE If any one of the four key judgements is “requires improvement” (grade 3), and the others are the same or above this, overall effectiveness will be REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT
“A good education for all” Overall effectiveness: Outstanding Schools = Outstanding Teaching
“A good education for all” ACHIEVEMENT: Increased focus on: • literacy & numeracy • the proportions of pupils in comparison with national figures, who, from each starting point, • make expected progress • make more than expected progress (in English & Maths)
WHAT DO WE NEED TO BE GOOD? ATTAINMENT: ALL MEASURES NEED TO BE ABOVE NATIONAL AVERAGES PROGRESS: ENGLISH: 3+ Levels of Progress: 0-15% above NA MATHS : 3 +Levels of Progress: 0-15% above NA No significant differences in groups ATTENDANCE: 93-94%
“A good education for all” QUALITY OF TEACHING: Will take account of evidence of pupils’ learning and progress over time Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement, Inadequate Good schools will have: • good teaching • effective systems for improving teaching
“A good education for all” LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Increased focus on the management of performance to improve teaching and learning Accurate monitoring Effective Performance Management & Professional Development PM & CPD closely matched to the needs of the school & staff
“A good education for all” Increased focus on governance: Holding senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance Ensuring the effective & efficient management of financial resources such as pupil premium
“A good education for all” FREQUENCY OF INSPECTIONS: Schools previously judged “Satisfactory” will be inspected more frequently….resources targeted towards helping all schools to become good Re-inspected within a maximum period of 2 years Two opportunities to become “good” – inadequate after that
“A good education for all” THE PROCESS OF INSPECTION: Notice given at midday on the working day before an inspection starts No Pre-Inspection Briefing No parent or pupil questionnaires Parent View, RAISEonline, Exam Results
“A good education for all” DURING THE INSPECTION: Increased focus on the learning and progress of: different groups of pupils currently on the roll (disabled, special educational needs, those being supported by pupil premium) Pupils who attend off-site alternative provision Lowest attaining pupils
“A good education for all” LESSONS: No “ideal Ofsted lesson” Lesson Plans Will expect to see children who are fully engaged in their learning and making good or outstanding progress
“A good education for all” BRINGING ABOUT IMPROVEMENT: Lesson Observations: must identify ways in which teaching & learning can be improved address the strengths and weaknesses (development points)
“A good education for all” Inspectors’ direct observation must be supplemented by a range of other evidence to enable inspectors to evaluate the impact that teaching has had on pupils’ learning over time EVIDENCE FILES
RAISING EXPECTATIONS: Summary Much is the same, although there will be an increased emphasis on: Improving schools that are not yet good Progress of pupils, especially disadvantaged pupils The use of the pupil premium to raise achievement Reading, literacy and mathematics Teaching and the management of performance to improve it The leadership of teaching Governance