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Polar Radio Sounding: A Study of Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

Explore radio sounding of polar regions, satellite missions, ionospheric studies, auroral phenomena, and implications for planetary missions. Discover insights on plasma and surface investigations in this comprehensive review.

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Polar Radio Sounding: A Study of Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

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  1. Radio Sounding in the Polar Regions Robert F. Benson Geospace Physics Laboratory (Code 673) Heliophysics Science Division NASA/GSFC Nathan Kurtz University of Maryland Baltimore County/GSFC Kris Atkins NASA Academy/University of Missouri-Rolla/GSFC Thorsten Markus Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory (Code 614.6) Earth Sciences Division NASA/GSFC GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

  2. OUTLINE • Radio sounding of the polar ionosphere & magnetosphere • Alouette & ISIS topside-sounding satellites • Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) • OEDIPUS dual-payload auroral rocket-sounders • magnetic Field-Aligned electron-density (Ne) Irregularities (FAI) • Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on the IMAGE satellite • polar magnetospheric Ne response to a magnetic storm • Radio sounding of polar surfaces • Ground-based ionosondes in polar regions as ice-penetrating radars • ionospheric interference between direct and "surface"-reflected rays • Alouette-1 surface reflections over Greenland • rarely observed - attributed to signal absorption by ice • ISIS-2 surface reflections over Antarctica • frequency of occurrence & intensity decreases with increasing ice thickness • Implications for planetary missions • Plasma investigations • Surface investigations

  3. Radio sounding of the polar ionosphere & magnetosphere • Polar-orbiting International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) • Alouette 1 : 1,000 km 10 yrs. of data (1962-1972) • Alouette 2: 500 - 3,000 km 10 yrs. of data (1965-1975) • ISIS 1: 550 - 3,500 km 21 yrs. of data (1969-1990) • ISIS 2: 1,400 km 19 yrs. of data (1971-1990) • Observations of Electric-field Distributions in the Ionospheric Plasma - A Unique Strategy (OEDIPUS) dual-payload auroral rocket-sounders • OEDIPUS A from Andøya Rocket Range (Jan 1989) to 512 km • new record length (958 m) for a space tether • OEDIPUS C from Poker Flat Research Range (Nov 1995) to 824 km • 1174 m tether cut after apogee ~ two free-flying payloads • Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) • 1,000 km - 8 RE radial distance 5 yrs. of data (2000-2005) • RPI used 3 orthogonal dipoles: 500 m spin-plane, 20 m spin axis • Other satellites with radio sounders in the polar regions • ISS b (1978), EXOS C (1984), EXOS D (1989) Japan • Interkosmos 19 (1979), COSMOS 1809 (1986) USSR

  4. ISIS 1 AKR source-region encounter intense X-mode radiation near the electron cyclotron frequency fH = fce from low Neregions fN = fpe = electron plasma frequency ( √ Ne) fN/fH = fpe/fce <<1 [Benson & Akasofu, Radio Sci., 19, 527, 1984]

  5. Fort Yukon aurora & ISIS-1 AKR detection & Ne orbit-plane contours broad Ne cavity AKR source-region magnetic field lines auroral-arc locations all-sky camera images with ISIS-2 orbital path and satellite location [Benson & Akasofu, Radio Sci., 19, 527, 1984]

  6. OEDIPUS-C trajectory with principal events Time after launch at 0638 UT on 7 Nov 1995 (s) [James and Calvert, 1998] Representative accomplishments First in-situ demonstration of Faraday rotation in space [James and Calvert, Radio Sci. 33, 617, 1998] Determination of the depletions (up to 20%) and width (~ 1 km) of Ne FAI [James, JGR, 111, A09315, 2006]

  7. IMAGE/RPI observations near 8 RE in polar cap before & after 31 March 2001 magnetic storm TS04 fce within 15% of observations on quiet & disturbed days [Tsyganenko & Sitnov, JGR, 110, A03208, 2005] fpe can be 2 x fpe(mod) on quiet day and 8 x fpe(mod) on disturbed day fpe(mod): Persoon et al., JGR, 88, 10123, 1983 fpe/fce fluctuations,with 3-hr delay, highly correlated (cc = 0.87) with solar-wind QI index fluctuations QI = (B2/8π)/(v2/2) Osherovich et al., JGR, 112, A06247, 2007

  8. Ellsworth, Antarctica ionosonde as an ice-penetrating radar interference between direct and sea-water reflected rays produce nulls in the ionospheric reflection traces used to calculate thickness and dielectric constant of ice Bowman [J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 30, 1115, 1968]

  9. Alouette-1 surface reflection investigation by Muldrew et al.[Planet. Space. Sci. 15, 611, 1967] • surface echoes governed by: • directivity of sounder transmissions • radio noise level at the satellite • reflectivity at the Earth's surface • statistical study of ALOSYN tabulations (1: strong, 2: weak, and 3: no echo) • 10 degree by 10 degree bins • low lat obs. limited by 11.5 MHz sounder upper freq. limit • low % ground-echo occurrence ~ high noise regions • some indication that sea is a better reflector than land, yet strong ground echoes were obtained over desert conditions in central Australia • lack of reflections over Greenland imply that the signals penetrate the ice (approximately 3 km thick) and are absorbed before being reflected • above based on Piggott and Barclay [J. Atmos. Terr. Phys.,20, 298, 1961] conclusions that main radio reflections from the Halley Bay, Antarctica ionosonde were 22 dB stronger at the sea/ice interface 150 m beneath the station than the partial reflections from the air/snow surface

  10. Anatomy of an ISIS-2 digital topside ionogram Ionosphere Penetration Frequency Surface Reflection Ionospheric Reflections Ground-based transmitter interference

  11. ISIS-2 pass illustrating variations in surface reflection intensity

  12. ISIS-2 pass illustrating variations in surface reflection intensity

  13. ISIS-2 pass illustrating variations in surface reflection intensity

  14. ISIS-2 pass illustrating variations in surface reflection intensity

  15. ISIS-2 pass illustrating variations in surface reflection intensity

  16. Determination of ISIS-2 surface reflection power • satellite rotation (20 s period) affects power values - used maximum reflected signal ~ assumed to represent optimum antenna orientaion • problems with Automatic Gain Control (AGC) voltage prevented power-value calculations in some cases • calculated values compared with expectations from a mirror reflection • independent classification scheme also used which included cases where a reliable power calculation was not possible • 1: no echo • 2: questionable echo • 3: weak echo • 4: medium strength echo • 5: strong echo

  17. Surface reflection power for two ISIS-2 passes over Antarctica Glacial Ice Salt Water Ocean

  18. Surface reflection power for two ISIS-2 passes over the Ross Ice Shelf Ice Shelf Salt Water Ocean  ionograms shown on next two sldes

  19. ISIS-2 Ionogram recorded over Ross Ice Shelf with ionospheric but no surface reflections (-83.4° geographic latitude; 1307:48 UT on 28 Nov 1974) ionospheric reflections

  20. ISIS-2 Ionogram recorded over ocean with ionospheric and surface reflections (-70.7° geographic latitude; 1311:55 UT on 28 Nov 1974) Surface reflections

  21. Many ISIS-2 passes investigated in four distinct areas of Antarctica • Ross Ice Shelf area • area with no known underground lakes • area with a heavy concentration of underground lakes beneath 3,000 to 4,000 m of ice • Lake Vostok (beneath 3741-4150 m of ice) and area which includes a region not explored for underground lakes • Lake information from airborne surveys [Siegert et al., Antarctic Sci., 17, 453, 2005]

  22. ISIS-2surface echo power relative to mirror reflection 1 Ross Ice Shelf 2 no lakes 3 lake region 4 Lake Vostok area 4 1 3 2

  23. Surface-echo strengths from all ISIS-2 ionograms inspected . lake or Ross Ice Shelf boundary no echo + questionable echo + weak echo + medium-strength echo + strong echo +

  24. Summary of observations related to surface reflections • stronger over water than land • salt water ocean reflections had the highest reflectivity; typically +15 dB relative to mirror reflections • average land reflections typically -10 dB relative to mirror reflections • thick glacial ice reflections ranged from -17 dB relative to mirror reflections to no detectable echoes • many strong echoes observed over the Antarctica region with many underground lakes • only two reflections, out of five possible, observed over Lake Vostok - possibly because lake surface approximately 4 km beneath the ice; some near-by reflections possibly due to non-vertical propagation • many reflections, though weak, observed over the area with no known underground lakes • several relatively strong reflections observed in area not explored for underground lakes

  25. Summary of observations related to ionosphere & magnetosphere • extremely limited selection of topics from subjects covered in over 1,000 publications based on space-borne radio sounders • intense AKR is generated in the X-mode very near the electron cyclotron frequency in regions of low electron density (fpe/fce << 1) • key observations for the cyclotron maser mechanism of Wu & Lee [Astrophys. J., 230, 621, 1979] • Ne FAI ~ depletions from a few to 20% with cross-field scales of few km • common high-latitude features that scatter and duct radio waves • may support force-free em cylindrical oscillations as a new wave mode [Osherovich et al., IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 33, 599, 2005] • accurate determinations of magnetospheric fpe/fce during magnetic storms • fpe and fce both increase - but fpe more than fce high in the polar cap • fpe/fce as a new magnetospheric index • fpe/fce and solar-wind index fluctuations highly correlated [Osherovich et al., J Geophys. Res., 112, A06247, 2007]

  26. Implications for radio sounders on planetary missions • Planetary ionospheres and magnetospheres (minute sample of results based on space-borne radio sounders in geospace plasma) • terrestrial AKR analog is common in cosmos • [Wu, Space Sci. Rev., 41, 215, 1985; Ergun et al., Apj., 538, 456, 2000] • FAI enable long-range diagnostics & support local oscillations • [Huang et al., Adv. Space Sci., 33, 829, 2004; Osherovich et al., JGR, 98, 18751, 1993] • electron plasma-to-cyclotron ratio fpe/fce comparable in different plasmas • [Osherovich, JGR, 94, 5530, 1989; Benson & Osherovich, Radio Sci., 39, RS1S28, 2004] • Planetary surfaces investigated by ionospheric sounders • Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) on the Mars Express Orbiter, currently in operation • [Farrell et al., GRL, 32, L11204, 2005; JGR, in press, 2008; Gurnet et al., Science, 310, 1929, 2005] • advanced planetary radio sounders proposed to explore Galilean icy moons • [Markus et al., Tenth Int. Conf. on Ground Penetrating Radar, 21-24 June, Delft, The Netherlands] • present results over known terrain on Earth are relevant to such missions

  27. Underground lakes from airborne surveys (insert) [Siegert et al., Antarctic Sci., 17, 453, 2005]

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