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Analysis of Promoter Regions in trxB and sodM Genes

This study presents the nucleotide sequences of the promoter regions of trxB and sodM genes, highlighting key regulatory elements and transcriptional start sites. Consensus SarA and PerR binding sites are identified, providing insights into gene regulation mechanisms.

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Analysis of Promoter Regions in trxB and sodM Genes

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  1. SarA box A 61 TGCGTTTATTTATTTGTATTTTAAAAATCA ACCTCGAAAC GTTACAAAGA AGCAAATTAC ACGCAAATAAATAAACATAAAATTTTTAGTTGGAGCTTTG CAATGTTTCT TCGTTTAATG 121 AACATGGTTA GGCATAACAC AATATAAACT GAACAAAATG ATTGAATTTC TCTTGAGCAT TTGTACCAAT CCGTATTGTG TTATATTTGA CTTGTTTTAC TAACTTAAAG AGAACTCGTA 181 ATAGATTTAT GAAAAGTTAG ATTTATTATATAATGCGCATAATGATTAAT AATGAGGAGG TATCTAAATA CTTTTCAATC TAAATAATAT ATTACGCGTA TTACTAATTA TTACTCCTCC SarA box PerR box -10 +1 -35 RBS B 121 TTAAATATTA TATCAATTTC GAATATTTAA ATTTTATATA ATTGGATATA ACAAATAAAT AATTTATAAT ATAGTTAAAG CTTATAAATT TAAAATATAT TAACCTATAT TGTTTATTTA -35 -10 +1 181 AATAATTATTGCAAAACACA CCCGAAATTA ATTATTATAA AAGTATATTC ATAAAAGGAG TTATTAATAA CGTTTTGTGT GGGCTTTAAT TAATAATATT TTCATATAAG TATTTTCCTC SarA box SarA box SarA box SarA box RBS Fig. S1. Nucleotide sequences of the upstream promoter regions of the trxB (A) and sodM (B) genes. A. The nucleotide sequence of the 258-bp upstream promoter region of the trxB gene. B. The nucleotide sequence of the 120-bp DNA fragment upstream of the sodM gene (4). The -10 and -35 regions of trxB (52) and sodM genes are underlined. The transcriptional start site (+1), ribosome-binding site (SD) and translational start (ATG) of both gene are indicated in bold. The consensus-SarA binding sites are shown with arrows. The consensus regions are deduced from the analysis of the depicted DNA region with 26-bp SarA consensus-binding site (15) by using DNA alignment (LALIGN) program. The deduced two SarA consensus-binding sites are located within 25-bp region on both strands of the trxB DNA, while four SarA consensus-binding sites are confined within 47-bp region on both strands of the sodM DNA. The region of PerR binding site (24) is marked.

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