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    2. BRUKER SPR BRUKER - ISLAND 1999 Nordisk kongress Dagfinn/Jan-Arve 2004 Student nyskapning En av de fire beste 2006 Sosialminister Uttekt av 8 hjem 2 dagers seminar Brukererfaring Brukerkunnskap A young man Hedinn became sick while he was studying to becaome a doctor. He was a man with pride and was asstonised when he came better the stigma he met. He tried to get work in many places was honest but refused. He began to tell in cooparation with the health alliance, was involved to make a bnoncie on litium and wrot articles in the papers on mental illness and was asked to hold speched on days like 10th of october. He began to get interested in the issue and became across the Ottawa treaty anddicided that he wanted to do something for Iceland. He got his dream to promote a mental healht progra.He did not get support on this dream. Forget this dont become sich of fiting for this course it will only make you ill again. Stop thinking about mental healht issue and start to work on something that has an onther focus. How I came in the pictur was that he was a patient were I worked not one of mine however I chat to everyone I had seen some articles that he hed wrote and was telling him how pround I was that he stood up and attmit his was sich but he had voice and I coulr her him lound and cler. So we chatted more once in a while and he told me about his dream. I thouhgt is was a wonderfull dream and he should do it. When others have faith in you you become stronger so he got more support and suddeny he had the surgeon general end the psykiatri at the University hospital behind him. This was happening in other contries so we did not want to be behind however who was going to be hired? The stingma within is often the worst anemi. Hedinn who had this dream could he be trusted. He had to wait for several months and was not happy. Finally a disision was made. Two would be hired. In the pictureyou se the pair of them. This is a story of many struggles and tvo women worked with him before this one cameA young man Hedinn became sick while he was studying to becaome a doctor. He was a man with pride and was asstonised when he came better the stigma he met. He tried to get work in many places was honest but refused. He began to tell in cooparation with the health alliance, was involved to make a bnoncie on litium and wrot articles in the papers on mental illness and was asked to hold speched on days like 10th of october. He began to get interested in the issue and became across the Ottawa treaty anddicided that he wanted to do something for Iceland. He got his dream to promote a mental healht progra.He did not get support on this dream. Forget this dont become sich of fiting for this course it will only make you ill again. Stop thinking about mental healht issue and start to work on something that has an onther focus. How I came in the pictur was that he was a patient were I worked not one of mine however I chat to everyone I had seen some articles that he hed wrote and was telling him how pround I was that he stood up and attmit his was sich but he had voice and I coulr her him lound and cler. So we chatted more once in a while and he told me about his dream. I thouhgt is was a wonderfull dream and he should do it. When others have faith in you you become stronger so he got more support and suddeny he had the surgeon general end the psykiatri at the University hospital behind him. This was happening in other contries so we did not want to be behind however who was going to be hired? The stingma within is often the worst anemi. Hedinn who had this dream could he be trusted. He had to wait for several months and was not happy. Finally a disision was made. Two would be hired. In the pictureyou se the pair of them. This is a story of many struggles and tvo women worked with him before this one came


    4. MOTIVASJON Forandre systemet Forandre holdninger Takle fordommer med positive innslag Brukersperspetivet i forgrunn Empowerment The dirve for mmetal health promotion is no other in Iceland than in other countries. This is very costly and the pain it couses will never be mesured in money. 5 og our 10 dicesses that coused disability are mental healht problmes. So if we can decrease this by doing some thins prventive or promoting mental healht is is very valuable. This sound be part of publiv helaht likde ecercis, nutrition healty livestyles like not smoking using durgs ect, Instead of ficing always was has gone wrong doing something to prevent. The motivation was also mot empower peoble with ecperience from mental illness. They swas that a peer like Hedinn had influence on higer grounds. Mental patienst could move things could do somethin. So he was a great inspior. In the program they were included to hold lecures and take part in some waysThe dirve for mmetal health promotion is no other in Iceland than in other countries. This is very costly and the pain it couses will never be mesured in money. 5 og our 10 dicesses that coused disability are mental healht problmes. So if we can decrease this by doing some thins prventive or promoting mental healht is is very valuable. This sound be part of publiv helaht likde ecercis, nutrition healty livestyles like not smoking using durgs ect, Instead of ficing always was has gone wrong doing something to prevent. The motivation was also mot empower peoble with ecperience from mental illness. They swas that a peer like Hedinn had influence on higer grounds. Mental patienst could move things could do somethin. So he was a great inspior. In the program they were included to hold lecures and take part in some ways

    5. STRUKTUR Vanlig arbeidsplass Fagfolk og brukere likestilte Bruker / leder Syv i arbeid Veiledning Faglig sttte The dirve for mmetal health promotion is no other in Iceland than in other countries. This is very costly and the pain it couses will never be mesured in money. 5 og our 10 dicesses that coused disability are mental healht problmes. So if we can decrease this by doing some thins prventive or promoting mental healht is is very valuable. This sound be part of publiv helaht likde ecercis, nutrition healty livestyles like not smoking using durgs ect, Instead of ficing always was has gone wrong doing something to prevent. The motivation was also mot empower peoble with ecperience from mental illness. They swas that a peer like Hedinn had influence on higer grounds. Mental patienst could move things could do somethin. So he was a great inspior. In the program they were included to hold lecures and take part in some waysThe dirve for mmetal health promotion is no other in Iceland than in other countries. This is very costly and the pain it couses will never be mesured in money. 5 og our 10 dicesses that coused disability are mental healht problmes. So if we can decrease this by doing some thins prventive or promoting mental healht is is very valuable. This sound be part of publiv helaht likde ecercis, nutrition healty livestyles like not smoking using durgs ect, Instead of ficing always was has gone wrong doing something to prevent. The motivation was also mot empower peoble with ecperience from mental illness. They swas that a peer like Hedinn had influence on higer grounds. Mental patienst could move things could do somethin. So he was a great inspior. In the program they were included to hold lecures and take part in some ways

    6. FINANSIERING 2004 : 60.000 kr. Nyskapningfond + helsedirektoret 2006 : Sosial-departementet 280.000 kr. i 2 r I dont know if this is special in Icelnad but privat vonpanies came of with mmost of the money for this instead they got their logos on the projects. This was a nationa bank, a medicine conpamy, oil conpany, university, genetic genes ans so on. The good part of this was that Hedinn was not afraid to speek loundly about the market and often woender in his speaches in articles did the faarmaco companies really promote mental healht would it not decrease the demands on drugs. Well they know that peobles want quik solutions although we were telling something different so our oppinion did not tret them. They gave us money anyway.I dont know if this is special in Icelnad but privat vonpanies came of with mmost of the money for this instead they got their logos on the projects. This was a nationa bank, a medicine conpamy, oil conpany, university, genetic genes ans so on. The good part of this was that Hedinn was not afraid to speek loundly about the market and often woender in his speaches in articles did the faarmaco companies really promote mental healht would it not decrease the demands on drugs. Well they know that peobles want quik solutions although we were telling something different so our oppinion did not tret them. They gave us money anyway.

    7. RESULTATER For mye medikamenter Liten innflytelse p behandligen Manglene relasjoner Lite aktivitet for kropp og sjel Lite informasjon Lite valg Familie og venner utsttte Liten oppflging Bra steder - ikke sa bra Institusjoner i hjemmet

    8. HVAD HAR SKJEDD Kvalitetskomiteen p sykehuset intresert Brukerstilling p sykehuset Bedre opplysninger Diskusjon om alternativer Holdningsendring hos fagfolk, familier, brukere og politikere Ny arbeidsplass Nye oppgaver Flere aktive Mere energi Har gitt hp Similar projects as abroad other apdpted for Iceland in line with the teport empasis from the health minestry. nPublications about mental healht books etc Kindergardens: Fellings and communacation projects Primary schools 6 - 12 education about mental healht part of health education education for teachers and others in the schoolsysem Secondary Schools 13 - 15 School diary feelings and communacation, webpage targetet for young peoble cooperatikon with thwos who are doing preentive work in the drug tobak and alchol field. Universities: Cooperation with concelors about risk groups collaberation with student organications Others: Information material about where help canbe found litli bklingurinn empowerment what can we do to inprove service enforcing self help groups Web page cooperation with othe big webs and couseling and help on the web Short piecte about mental healht and illness, advertising and getting known people to speek openlySimilar projects as abroad other apdpted for Iceland in line with the teport empasis from the health minestry. nPublications about mental healht books etc Kindergardens: Fellings and communacation projects Primary schools 6 - 12 education about mental healht part of health education education for teachers and others in the schoolsysem Secondary Schools 13 - 15 School diary feelings and communacation, webpage targetet for young peoble cooperatikon with thwos who are doing preentive work in the drug tobak and alchol field. Universities: Cooperation with concelors about risk groups collaberation with student organications Others: Information material about where help canbe found litli bklingurinn empowerment what can we do to inprove service enforcing self help groups Web page cooperation with othe big webs and couseling and help on the web Short piecte about mental healht and illness, advertising and getting known people to speek openly

    9. EFFEKT Skiftende meninger Fagfolk spr hvorfor komunikasjon har blitt satt i forgrunnen De som deltok er aktive Nyskapning i helsetjeneste Krav om alternativer Fagfolk har blitt aktivister

    10. FREMTIDSVISJONER Skape verdier i samfunnet Skape flere arbeidsmuligheter Pvirke politikere Samarbeide videre Brukersyn likestillt Hedinn had all the goals ready. The list was much longer than this I have only taken the most important. The goal was also to reduce suisiderate, drug use and addmitance to psyatric wards. Same as in other countries. Well everything was settled and he was starting his progoganda. Tne lady who worked with hem first used material from Britten on comunication for kidergardens up to 12 years. Working with teachers and adulst working with kids. Hedinn had made a program on his experience and information when peoble should be alert of having problems and needing help. I was in the supportgroup cheering him up and beliving in that this was an imprtant program. He wanted to have a mental health worker becide him to do the lecture a doctor or a nurce. He talked to many peoble but did not find what he was looking for. He came one day to visit my andwas not in a good mood he needed meet on the bones. He felt that the input he was getting was illness focus he wanted to focus on the healty side and do it more healty. I listen and agreed. I should him what I was teaching in the OT school in my course occupation healht throug social glasses. You knot the improtance of selc esttem thinking positive empoverment knowing what stesses you, how it affect your body and stressrelief. There is also the Model of the humon occupation and all the stuff that Ots are using now over the world. Well after he saw that stuff now way trurning back becore I knew it I became ivvolved in makihng lectures for teacher, healht workers, public, you peoble. I was trown in to interview in radio TV not many however enouhgt that I know I can do this. Somebody beliefed in me and what my profession stood for and it came for a concumer not fellow workers. You never know what the future has vaiting for you.Hedinn had all the goals ready. The list was much longer than this I have only taken the most important. The goal was also to reduce suisiderate, drug use and addmitance to psyatric wards. Same as in other countries. Well everything was settled and he was starting his progoganda. Tne lady who worked with hem first used material from Britten on comunication for kidergardens up to 12 years. Working with teachers and adulst working with kids. Hedinn had made a program on his experience and information when peoble should be alert of having problems and needing help. I was in the supportgroup cheering him up and beliving in that this was an imprtant program. He wanted to have a mental health worker becide him to do the lecture a doctor or a nurce. He talked to many peoble but did not find what he was looking for. He came one day to visit my andwas not in a good mood he needed meet on the bones. He felt that the input he was getting was illness focus he wanted to focus on the healty side and do it more healty. I listen and agreed. I should him what I was teaching in the OT school in my course occupation healht throug social glasses. You knot the improtance of selc esttem thinking positive empoverment knowing what stesses you, how it affect your body and stressrelief. There is also the Model of the humon occupation and all the stuff that Ots are using now over the world. Well after he saw that stuff now way trurning back becore I knew it I became ivvolved in makihng lectures for teacher, healht workers, public, you peoble. I was trown in to interview in radio TV not many however enouhgt that I know I can do this. Somebody beliefed in me and what my profession stood for and it came for a concumer not fellow workers. You never know what the future has vaiting for you.

    11. FREMTIDSKRAV Hvis ingen brukerevaluering innen psykisk helsevesen : ingen bevilgninger Brukere ansatt Brukere involvert i avgjrelser Krav om samarbeid p alle omrder


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