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The Growth of Monarchies

The Growth of Monarchies. 1. English Monarchy. Anglo-Saxon England Rulers were descendents of the Angles and Saxons who invaded the island in the 400s England was divided into 7 kingdoms Each had their own laws and customs Danish Vikings invaded in the 800s and conquered many of the kingdoms.

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The Growth of Monarchies

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  1. The Growth of Monarchies

  2. 1. English Monarchy • Anglo-Saxon England • Rulers were descendents of the Angles and Saxons who invaded the island in the 400s • England was divided into 7 kingdoms • Each had their own laws and customs • Danish Vikings invaded in the 800s and conquered many of the kingdoms

  3. iv. Alfred the Great • The king of Wessex • Drove the Vikings north of London

  4. b. The Norman Conquest • 1066, the king of England died without an heir; 2 men will claim the crown • Harold- An Anglo-Saxon nobleman from England • William- Duke of Normandy and distant relative of the dead king • Harold had the support of the Englishmen and was named the new king • This will cause William to take the crown by force

  5. iii. The two armies meet and fought at the Battle of Hastings; William won • William became William I of England but he is better known as William the Conqueror

  6. iv. Decisions William made as king • Claimed all land in England as his personal property and divided it into fiefs and redistributed it among his Norman soldiers • He basically creates a new nobility

  7. 2. Ordered a survey to be taken of his kingdom • He wanted to know 3 things • Who lived where • What they owned • What they could afford to pay in taxes • Results of the surveys were recorded in the Doomsday Book • William will use this to create a central tax system 3. Introduced many elements of French culture into England

  8. c. The English in France • Henry II • Great grandson of William I • Married Eleanor of Aquitaine • With her they will rule all of England and half of France

  9. Henry II Eleanor of Aquitaine

  10. d. The Magna Carta • By 1200 the power of the English king started to worry some nobles • Feared the king would abuse power and take away nobles rights

  11. ii. King John • Crisis reached its peak under him in 1215 • He tried to raise money with a new tax on the nobility • The nobles refused to pay and took up arms

  12. 3. Will be forced to accept a document outlining the nobles’ rights • Document is called the Magna Carta • Restricted the king’s power • The king had to obtain the nobles consent before raising taxes • King could not arrest and punish people without cause • Could not seize property without following proper procedures

  13. c. Importance of the Magna Carta • Set forth ideas of limiting government and executive power • Kings were not above the law

  14. e. Parliament • As part of an agreement that ended a rebellion in the 1260s, the king agreed to meet with the nobility, the clergy and the middle class to discuss issues facing the country • Became known as Parliament

  15. ii. Edward I • One of the 1st kings to clarify the role of parliament • Parliament under him • Included nobles, clergy, and representatives from every county and town in England • Had the power to create new taxes • Advised the king on law making and other matters of royal policy • Strengthened England’s central government and reformed its systems of law

  16. 2. Other Monarchies • France • Capetians • Rose to power in the mid-900s • Hugh Capet • First to hold power • Managed to extend power gradually throughout France • By the 1300s the Capetians ruled almost all of modern day France

  17. b. Holy Roman Empire • Otto the Great • Succeed his father as the king of Germany • Worked to unite Germany • Helped Pope John XII and was rewarded by being crowned Emperor of the Romans in 962 • Territories united under him became known as the Holy Roman Empire

  18. Otto the Great Pope John XII

  19. ii. Role of Holy Roman Emperor • Made decisions and passed laws with help of the dukes • Position was elected

  20. c. Spain and Portugal • Religious Struggles • Located on the Iberian peninsula • Conquered by the Moors in the early 700s • By 722 Christian rulers began expanding westward and started fighting the Moors, driving them out of Europe

  21. ii. Reconquista • The largest of the Christian kingdoms Castile lead in the Reconquista effort • Castile’s victory of recapturing the city of Toledo inspired the kingdoms of Aragon and Portugal to join in the effort • The Moors will be completely driven out by 1492

  22. iii. Aragon and Castile were united in a royal marriage • This union created one of the strongest countries in Europe

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