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Economic Opportunity and Indigenous Peoples in Mexico

Indigenous Peoples in Mexico. 11 percent of Mexico's population is indigenousLargest indigenous population in Latin America, in absolute numbersOne in four indigenous in Latin America are MexicanA heterogeneous indigenous population62 indigenous language groups each with their own set of cultura

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Economic Opportunity and Indigenous Peoples in Mexico

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    2. Indigenous Peoples in Mexico 11 percent of Mexico’s population is indigenous Largest indigenous population in Latin America, in absolute numbers One in four indigenous in Latin America are Mexican A heterogeneous indigenous population 62 indigenous language groups each with their own set of cultural characteristics and traditions The indigenous population constitute a source of unparalleled cultural diversity and richnessThe indigenous population constitute a source of unparalleled cultural diversity and richness

    3. Despite progress in human development indicators, indigenous peoples remain marginalized Mexico has made progress in poverty reduction since the 90s, particularly extreme poverty The country has also increased social spending and enforced a more progressive use of resources more targeted toward the poor While progress was also made in expanding access to health and education and other basic services in indigenous communities, these remain highly marginalized 92.4 percent of the population in the 50 municipalities in Mexico with the lowest HDI is indigenous (UNDP 2005) The lowest ranking municipality is at the same level as Malawi (HDI = 0.38)

    4. Poverty is substantially higher among indigenous peoples…

    5. …and the indigenous are benefiting less from past years’ poverty reduction Aquí vemos la reducción de pobreza en comunidades indígena y no indígena: Desde 1992, pobreza entre no indígena ha disminuido mas rápido que entre indígenas. Eso significa que la brecha en términos de ingresa - entre indígena y no indígena ha crecido en los últimos 12 anos Aquí vemos la reducción de pobreza en comunidades indígena y no indígena: Desde 1992, pobreza entre no indígena ha disminuido mas rápido que entre indígenas. Eso significa que la brecha en términos de ingresa - entre indígena y no indígena ha crecido en los últimos 12 anos

    6. The percentage of indigenous people surveyed that Estimates show that over 50 percent of the the earnings differential between indigenous and non-indigenous cannot be explained by productive characteristics and other observable, contextual factors -- upper bound of what can be attributed to discrimination However there is little in terms of experimental research to measure overt actions of discriminationEstimates show that over 50 percent of the the earnings differential between indigenous and non-indigenous cannot be explained by productive characteristics and other observable, contextual factors -- upper bound of what can be attributed to discrimination However there is little in terms of experimental research to measure overt actions of discrimination

    7. Indigenous peoples are concentrated in small, rural communities Some will argue that these income differences is a reflection of urban-rural differences given that indigenous live predominantly in small rural communities… Some will argue that these income differences is a reflection of urban-rural differences given that indigenous live predominantly in small rural communities…

    8. Yet, differences in poverty remain stark even when looking at rural and urban areas separately We see that poverty gaps are still glaring even if we look only at rural areas Here rural is defined as those having less than 2,500 inhabitants We see that poverty gaps are still glaring even if we look only at rural areas Here rural is defined as those having less than 2,500 inhabitants

    9. Rural and Indigenous Disadvantages in terms of Economic Opportunity Rural disadvantages faced by all Less access to and lower quality of public services and infrastructure More restricted labor and product markets Less diversity of economic opportunity In addition, Indigenous face other disadvantages Lower asset endowments Lower returns to assets Potential labor market discrimination Lower quality of assets Lacking complementarity of assets Rural-rural differences Smaller more disperse populations Concentration in poorer Southern States

    10. Economic sectors and activities: Concentration of rural indigenous in low-paying, low-productivity sectors and occupations Otra forma de explicar la pobreza entre indígena se encuentra en las diferencias que existen en el mercado laboral y en las actividades económicas que hacenOtra forma de explicar la pobreza entre indígena se encuentra en las diferencias que existen en el mercado laboral y en las actividades económicas que hacen

    11. In rural areas, indigenous derive almost half of their income from agricultural activity…

    12. After controlling for other characteristics and contextual factors, the study finds that: Being extreme poor and indigenous results in a 73% likelihood of engaging in waged agricultural work Being extreme poor and non-indigenous results in only a 22% likelihood of engaging in waged agricultural work, and the highest probability of engaging in waged non-agricultural work (75%) Location however matters: Probability of engaging in waged agricultural work is low for both groups in the Southern states Being indigenous and located in one of the Southern States results in a 62 percent probability of farming own land, compared to only 17 percent for non-indigenous Determinants of Participation in Economic Activity After controlling for location, wealth (a log of per capital consumption), household conditions, access to basic services and individual characteristics, indigenous have a higher probability of engaging in waged agricultural work or to farm their own land, while non-indigenous are more likely to engage in waged non-agricultural work After controlling for location, wealth (a log of per capital consumption), household conditions, access to basic services and individual characteristics, indigenous have a higher probability of engaging in waged agricultural work or to farm their own land, while non-indigenous are more likely to engage in waged non-agricultural work

    13. Differ Group Differences After controlling for location, wealth (a log of per capital consumption), household conditions, access to basic services and individual characteristics, indigenous have a higher probability of engaging in waged agricultural work or to farm their own land, while non-indigenous are more likely to engage in waged non-agricultural work After controlling for location, wealth (a log of per capital consumption), household conditions, access to basic services and individual characteristics, indigenous have a higher probability of engaging in waged agricultural work or to farm their own land, while non-indigenous are more likely to engage in waged non-agricultural work

    14. Lower endowments of physical and human capital, and more restricted access to basic services among indigenous Hay varias formas en que los investigadores trata de explicar esa brecha étnica en términos de ingresos. Unos es ver los patrimonios de cada grupo en particular en términos de capital productiva como lo es tierra, machinas, medios de transporte, escolaridad etc.. Hay varias formas en que los investigadores trata de explicar esa brecha étnica en términos de ingresos. Unos es ver los patrimonios de cada grupo en particular en términos de capital productiva como lo es tierra, machinas, medios de transporte, escolaridad etc..

    15. Access to Productive Assets

    16. Access to Credit

    17. Land Ownership and Usage Among the Extreme Poor in Rural Areas First, indigenous extreme poor are more dependent on land: 53 percent have access to land compared to only 17 percent of non-indigenous The graphs show results for landed extreme poor Land usage may reflect not only quality of land but also whether or not land is irrigated and other factors that affect seasonality and productivity First, indigenous extreme poor are more dependent on land: 53 percent have access to land compared to only 17 percent of non-indigenous The graphs show results for landed extreme poor Land usage may reflect not only quality of land but also whether or not land is irrigated and other factors that affect seasonality and productivity

    18. Human Capital Aqui vemos anos de escolaridad entre indigenas y no indigenas en zonas rurales. Aqui vemos anos de escolaridad entre indigenas y no indigenas en zonas rurales.

    19. Low returns to assets among indigenous raises concerns about quality of assets, lacking asset complementarity, and discrimination Otra línea de investigación se concentra en analizar retornos a los capitales que tiene cada grupo. Encuentran que controlando por otros factores, los indígena tienen retornos - por ejemplo a la educación - mas baja que otros pueblos. Otra línea de investigación se concentra en analizar retornos a los capitales que tiene cada grupo. Encuentran que controlando por otros factores, los indígena tienen retornos - por ejemplo a la educación - mas baja que otros pueblos.

    20. Complementarity of Assets Low asset endowments both a cause and consequence of poverty For example, studies have shown that education plays a key role in determining returns to land and agricultural activities Low asset endowments both a cause and consequence of poverty For example, studies have shown that education plays a key role in determining returns to land and agricultural activities

    21. Returns to Schooling Returns to schooling are lower for indigenous (5%) than for non-indigenous (12%), and this suggests differences in educational quality of education and potential labor market discrimination Differences in returns to schooling prevail even when looking at indigenous areas only, however, they differ across indigenous areas and indigenous groups 5 percent Mas que la mitad de la diferencia salarial entre indígena y no indígena en México no se explica por característica productivito como nivel y calidad de educación, sector de empleo, experiencia, etcMas que la mitad de la diferencia salarial entre indígena y no indígena en México no se explica por característica productivito como nivel y calidad de educación, sector de empleo, experiencia, etc

    22. Social capital/social networks are strong in indigenous communities, however the potential of these networks in the creation of economic opportunity is not fully realized Hay varias formas en que los investigadores trata de explicar esa brecha étnica en términos de ingresos. Unos es ver los patrimonios de cada grupo en particular en términos de capital productiva como lo es tierra, machinas, medios de transporte, escolaridad etc.. Hay varias formas en que los investigadores trata de explicar esa brecha étnica en términos de ingresos. Unos es ver los patrimonios de cada grupo en particular en términos de capital productiva como lo es tierra, machinas, medios de transporte, escolaridad etc..

    23. Social Capital and Social Networks Effects Indigenous have strong social networks and is often seen as being well-endowed with social capital An empirical study of the impact of social networks on economic outcomes found that: The principal effect of social network on participation in sector and employment choices seem to be to maintain current patterns thus reinforcing indigenous/non-indigenous differences Network effects are scarce among indigenous females Networks seem to strengthen participation in cash transfer programs such as Oportunidades and Procampo There are strong positive network effects on school attendance - in particular among females - and no effect of social networks on child labor Only significant network effect for women appears to be that of working in handicraft or manufacturing in urban areasOnly significant network effect for women appears to be that of working in handicraft or manufacturing in urban areas

    24. Case studies provide important examples of indigenous social capital transformed into economic opportunity Migrant networks and US-based Home Town Associations Coffee and Handicraft Cooperatives producing for exports Economically and socially successful forestry enterprises Strong communitarian values and organizational capacity among indigenous communities

    25. Questions for Policy Debates Why is the closing of the indigenous/non-indigenous schooling gap not reflected in employment outcomes, and why did the indigenous seemingly benefit less from the expansion of non-agricultural jobs in rural areas in the last decade? Networks and peer effects, quality of education, or labor market discrimination? How do we increase productivity in agricultural activities and lower dependency on seasonal harvests? Training and education, access to credit, infrastructure (irrigation, roads etc.), productive machinery, or ‘bundled’ interventions to gain synergies? How can we build on the strengths of indigenous socioeconomic structures in policy formulation and implementation? These include: reciprocal and mutually supportive work systems, communal land ownership and sharing of natural resources, a strong sense of communal responsibility Only significant network effect for women appears to be that of working in handicraft or manufacturing in urban areasOnly significant network effect for women appears to be that of working in handicraft or manufacturing in urban areas

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