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Bunun Tribe And Other Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan

Bunun Tribe And Other Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan. Overview. Motivation and Purpose Taiwan’s Aborigines Introduction to Bunun Tribe Aboriginal Activities involved in Crises Faced by Aboriginal Tribes Conclusion and Reflections References. Motivation.

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Bunun Tribe And Other Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan

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  1. Bunun Tribe And Other Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan

  2. Overview Motivation and Purpose Taiwan’s Aborigines Introduction to Bunun Tribe Aboriginal Activities involved in Crises Faced by Aboriginal Tribes Conclusion and Reflections References

  3. Motivation The reason why we are interested in this topic is because our classmate, Savi, is a Bunun girl from Hualien. Bunun is one of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. What’s impressed us is that Savi has made a great effort to promote her culture by attending several aboriginal activities and winning competitions, which makes us curious and want to know more about her tribe and culture.

  4. Purpose Savi has performed brilliantly by intro-ducing and promoting her Bunun tribe culture, therefore, our purpose in this project is to specifically explore more about her tribe’s history, culture, feature, customs, languages and simultaneously get to know more about other indigenous peoples in Taiwan.

  5. Jia-Shin, with the name Savi in Bunun Language Savi won the prizes in the Taipei and island-wide aboriginal language speech contests.

  6. Taiwan’s Aborigines

  7. Saisiyat Sedig Thao Bunun Tsou Paiwan Rukai Taiwan’s Aborigines

  8. Atayal Truku Sakizaya Kavalan Amis Puyuma Yami

  9. Atayal Tribe • Population:83,000 Over a larger area than any other aboriginal people • Feature:Facial tattooing Tattoos on both men and women as a MARK of adulthood or honor

  10. Truku (Toroka) Tribe • Population:20700 In the mountain of Hualien, a subtribe of the Atayal • Feature:Tattooing Facial tattoos is a sign of adulthood. They used to hold animistic beliefs.

  11. Amis Tribe • Population:138,000 On the plains, along sea shores, river banks, the largest population of all aboriginal tribes • Feature:Harvest festival Generally held in every village in July or August

  12. Sakizaya Tribe • Population:5,000~10,000 In Hualien County villages and urban areas of northern Taiwan • Feature:worship ceremony Holding ceremonies to memorize ancestors and worship Palamal, the god of fire

  13. Tsou Tribe • Population:6,500 In the west of the Central Mountain Range’s central section • Feature:Mayasvi festival TO welcome warriors returning from their hunting and mark men’s adulthood

  14. Paiwan Tribe • Population:65,000 • In the south of the Central • Range Mt. and eastern • coastal mountain area • Feature:Hereditary system • Tattooing tribe once with • class distinctions of • chieftain, nobility and • commoners

  15. Rukai Tribe • Population:9000 In the mountains on the southern tip of the Central Mt. Range • Feature:Lily head ornament Given by the chieftain because of their bravery and chastity

  16. Puyuma Tribe Population:9,600 On the plains to the south of the Taitung valley Feature:Rite and festival Including adulthood ceremonies, warrior training and colorful sophisticated woven fabrics 

  17. Yami Tribe Population:4,300 In the villages on Orchid Island, 78 kilometers to the southeast of Taiwan Feature:Flying Fish Festival Including the blessing of the boats, praying for a bountiful catch, fish storing ceremony ceremonies, etc.

  18. Saisiyat Tribe Population:4,200 In the Northwest of the Central Mt. Range, in Hsinchu and Miaoli border Feature:Pasta’ai ceremony Worshipping negritos and receiving the returning souls in the full moon of the lunar October

  19. Thao Tribe Population:500 Mostly on the banks of Sun Moon Lake in central Taiwan Feature:Pestle music Using the wooden pestle as an instrument to play music and entertain the tourists in Sun Moon Lake Area

  20. Kavalan Tribe • Population:1,145 Originally in Yilan area and now in Hualien and Taitung • Feature:Tribe ceremonies Including victory celebrations, funerals and ancestor worship ceremony

  21. Sedig Tribe Population:Over 5,000 Mostly in Renai Township of Nantou County Feature:Subtribe of Atayal Became Taiwan’s 14th officially recognized tribe in 2008

  22. Introduction to Bunun Tribe

  23. History of Bunun Tribe • Known as the Vonum • The last tribes to be "pacified" during the Japanese rule (1895-1945) • Concentrating in mountainous regions of the Central Mountain Range • Then being forced to migrate to lowland villages with small family units after resistance against Japanese

  24. Nowadays • Population: 39,000 • Spreading to Nantou, Kaoshiung, Hualien and Taitung counties due to the massive migrations

  25. The Best-known Feature Sophisticated polyphonic vocal music, also called Eight-part Harmonic Singing

  26. Unique Polyphonic vocal music • Japanese scholar Kurosawa Takatomo presented recordings of Bunun music in Paris in 1943. • It has caught western ethnomusicologists’ attention.

  27. Ear and planting Festivals Festivals in Culture

  28. Ear Festival • A rite of male adulthood and passage ceremony • Holding between March and April • Prohibiting women from attending • Before the festival, every adult male would go to the mountains to hunt.

  29. Planting festival Telling ancestry spirits of the planting and praying for dilas harvest in November and December

  30. Customs • Musical culture is closely tied to singing and dancing. • Customs, heritage, festivals, rituals, daily life and living environment developed all involve singing and dancing.

  31. Bunun Tribe Celebrities Famous pop singers & Golden Song Award Winners

  32. Aboriginal Activities involved in

  33. Winning the English Singing Contest Held in Taipei City Savi

  34. Savi teaches our school students Bunun aboriginal language during Taiwan Heritage and Culture time on Friday through our campus announcement System. Bunun language promotion

  35. Bunun language Learning • Mihumisang = Hello • Uninang = Thank you • Sumanai = Sorry • Tama = Dad • Tina = Mom

  36. Promoting Bunun aboriginal Culturein South Africa SAVI

  37. Crisis Faced by Aboriginal Tribes

  38. Crises Faced by Aboriginal Tribes • Population decreasing and migration to other locations or urban areas • Mountain regional exploitation and development • Sinicized by Han People in Taiwan

  39. Bunun Tribe in Siu-Lang, Hualien The Village set up aboriginal signs, sculpture poles to preserve Bunun Culture.

  40. Flagstone Houses in Bunun Tribe Flagstone houses preserved in Bunun Villages

  41. Conclusion and Reflections • Should be proud of our own culture and promote it just like Savi does • Increasing our respect to multicultures and their origins • Profoundly understanding more about Taiwan’s aborigines in Taiwan, specifically Bunun tribe • Should explore more about our own family backgrounds and roots

  42. References I • Yahoo: http://tw.yahoo.com • Google http://www.google.com.tw • Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page • 台灣原住民服飾介紹 http://formosa-force-games.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-post.html • 順益台灣原住民博物館 http://www.museum.org.tw/index.htm • 行政院原住民委員會 http://www.apc.gov.tw/portal/

  43. References II • 台灣原住民史布農族史篇 The History of Formosan Aborigines Bunun • 台灣原住民藝術田野筆記 Taiwan Aboriginal Art : Field Study • 台灣先住民腳印 The culture & legend about ten minority tribes

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