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Data-Driven Educational Planning for Improved Student Writing Proficiency

Explore strategies and goals for enhancing students' writing proficiency through data-driven analysis and planning. Objectives include identifying writing quality, understanding rubrics, providing feedback, and using varied resources.

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Data-Driven Educational Planning for Improved Student Writing Proficiency

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  1. Data for Instruction Curriculum Leaders Boot Camp October 10, 2007 Karen Hart – Lakeview School District

  2. The Teaching and Learning Cycle Data Learning Analysis Planning What data do we need to collect about teaching and learning in our district? Are students learning what we want them to learn? What evidence will we accept? Do teachers have the understandings they need? How will we monitor for those understandings? What does the data tell us? What are our strengths? What are we attempting to do? What are our next steps? Who needs to help plan? What is the objective for professional development? What needs to happen whole group, small group, and individually What resource/learning experiences will work the best? What is the best approach?

  3. What data will you use? • At your table group, talk about what data you will collect and analyze to build a common focus for the district?

  4. MEAP Analysis • What are our strengths? • Where are we close? • What are our next steps?

  5. Data Statement • Write two to three statements about this graph?

  6. Data Statement • The percentage of students that are proficient in writing increases as the students progress through the grade levels. The HS experienced a drop in writing proficiency at 11th grade. This is the first year for the MME. • The percentage of students that are proficient in writing is lower in grades K-5 as compared to grades 6-8. • Very few students score at a Level 1 in writing at all grade levels.

  7. District Focus • By the year 2009,20% more students will become proficient on the MEAP, MME and MI-Access writing.

  8. Student Learning Goal • All students will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and apply those understandings to their own writing. • Students will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and be able to assess their own writing. • Students will understand the writing process. • Students will be able to give and receive “feedback” in order to develop as writers. • Students will use a variety of resources to develop as writers.

  9. Teacher Understandings • Teachers will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and support all students to apply those understandings to their own writing. • Teachers will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and use it to assess student writing. • Teachers will understand the writing process. • Teachers will provide “quality” feedback to students through conferencing at all stages of the process. • Teachers will understand the supports, strategies and resources available to meet the needs of all students to develop them as writers

  10. How Will We Know? • What evidence will we accept for student learning? • All students will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and apply those understandings to their own writing. • Students will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and be able to assess their own writing. • Students will understand the writing process. • Students will be able to give and receive “feedback” in order to develop as writers. • Students will use a variety of resources to develop as writers.

  11. How Will We Know? • What evidence will we accept for teacher understanding? • Teachers will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and support all students to apply those understandings to their own writing. • Teachers will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and use it to assess student writing. • Teachers will understand the writing process. • Teachers will provide “quality” feedback to students through conferencing at all stages of the process. • Teachers will understand the supports, strategies and resources available to meet the needs of all students to develop them as writers

  12. District Focus Student Achievement Goal By the year 2009,20% more students will become proficient on the MEAP, MME and MI-Access writing. Commitment to the Standards/Benchmarks/GLCE’s Professional Development Goal (Teacher Learning Goal linked to the Target Goal) All Teachers will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and support all students to apply those understandings to their own writing.           Teachers will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and use it to assess student writing.       Teachers will understand the writing process.           Teachers will provide “quality” feedback to students through conferencing at all stages of the process.           Teachers will understand the supports, strategies and resources available to meet the needs of all students to develop them as writers. Student Goal (Student Learning Goal) All students will be able to identify “quality” writing at their grade level and apply those understandings to their own writing. §          Students will understand the writing rubric (qualities of writing) and be able to assess their own writing. §          Students will understand the writing process. §          Students will be able to give and receive “feedback” in order to develop as writers. §          Students will use a variety of resources to develop as writers. Assessment (How will we know) What is the short-term impact on student achievement? What information do we need to gather along the way? (Evidence of student learning) Summative: MEAP Writing Formative: Writing Prompt Data Walk-Through Assessment (How will we know?) What new learning of teachers is evident in classroom practice? What information do we need to gather along the way? (Evidence of teacher learning) Summative: MEAP Writing Formative: Walk-Through Action Plans and Data Dialogues Resources What Processes will we use to support our work? 1.Individualization (Differentiation of Instruction based on data) 2.Assessment and monitoring (regular review of performance) 3.Academic press for achievement (high expectations for all) 4.Collaboration (sharing teacher work and expertise) 5.

  13. Data What?? • https://www2.achievedata.com/calhoun/?prev_page=News&page=Login

  14. Time to Practice • What is your focus? • Try out this process for yourself. • Analyze your data • Write data statements • Use blank template to develop your focus

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