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OVERVIEW OF THE LIBRARY HUB PROJECT. “B ringing Books to Public Schools Nationwide”. “ Today a reader , tomorrow a leader.” DR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO Secretary. An Invitation to Invest in Literacy through DepED’s Adopt-a-School-Program.
OVERVIEW OF THE LIBRARY HUB PROJECT “Bringing Books to Public Schools Nationwide”
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” DR. ARMIN A. LUISTROSecretary
An Invitation to Invest in Literacy through DepED’s Adopt-a-School-Program FRANCISCO M. VARELA Undersecretary of Finance and Administration Department of Education
General Rationale of the Library Hub Project If every child is to be functionally literate, there must be an infrastructure that makes available reading materials to support this agenda. However, the problem besetting the public schools in the country is the prohibitive cost of setting-up libraries.
This project aims to develop the love for and habit of reading among public school pupils and students through building a warehouse of supplementary reading materials called the Library Hub. The Hub is anchored on the principle that every child can develop desirable reading habits and skills through greater access to reading materials. Ultimately, it will create pervasive reading culture and environment in public schools. Under the Project, the Department is tapping the support and cooperation of both internal and external stakeholders.
Vision A functional Library Hub in every schools division is a reservoir of reading materials envisioned to develop among pupils and students the love for and habit of reading. Mission The Library Hub is equipped with adequate and varied quality supplementary reading materials for public elementary and secondary schools shall be established in all schools divisions nationwide.
Goals In order to attain its vision and mission, at least one Library Hub shall be established in every schools division nationwide by 2010. ObjectivesThe Library Hub Project aims to:1. Provide greater access to reading materials to all public school pupils and students through Library Hubs2. Provide quality and appropriate books to public schools nationwide3. Develop the love for books and habit of reading4. Make every Filipino child a book lover5. Support the development of reading and comprehension skills of public school pupils and students
What is a Library Hub? • It is a “warehouse and wholesale” library located in a strategic place within a Division and exclusively providing public elementary and secondary schools with quality and adequate supplementary reading materials arranged in plastic bins and sorted by subject area and grade or year level.
Why is it called a Library Hub? • It is the center or depot of learning activities. • It is a circulation of books, reading materials and other educational resources in a division. • It aims to develop the love and habit of reading among pupils and students in public schools. The project supports the DepED’s reading program. • Is the key to unlocking the challenge of literacy on a nationwide scale.
What are the Library Hub Books and how are they selected? • These are BEC curriculum specifics and value-laden reading books intended for pre-schoolers to high school students, including SPED classes and non-formal education learners. The reading materials provided by DepED as its counter-part are carefully selected and evaluated by curriculum experts. To augment its book collection, the Hub welcomes donations from its stakeholders.
The Library Hub Sizes Large and extra-large divisions may establish five to six (5-6) hubs while island divisions may have one (1) hub divided into sub-hubs, as shown in the chart.
Features of a Library Hub The Site • Accessible to all means of transportation • Floor area of 300 square meters • Located on DepED property or near the Division office • With provision of separate entrance / exit • Strategic location of any additional Hubs within the division
The Basic Areas / Sections of a Library Hub • Main area w/ steel shelves to hold book bundles • Conference / training room • Computer room w/ Internet connectivity • Book repair and bindery section • Check- out counters • Print shop • Loading and sorting bay w/ steel curtain • Reference filing system
The Basic Equipment • Shelving • Furniture • Plastic Bins and Roll-Away carts • At least 2 computers • Bar code scanners • Bindery equipment • Photocopier • Multi-media equipment
The Hub Enhancements • Library Hub Institute (for Librarian / Teacher training) • READshops • Basic Computer Skills Training • Infrastructure to support 3 types of school libraries: • Basic School Library : Reading Corners / Centers (RC) • Leader School Library : Learning Resource Centers (LRC) w/ multi-media capabilities • Global School Library : Internet-connected LRCs
The StrategiesMedium to Long-Term • Help schools establish Reading Corners or Libraries • Train teachers to develop and implement reading programs • Build relationships with donors / institutions, NGOs and LGUs to source private and public (SEF) funds for establishing local school libraries and running reading programs
How are books borrowed from the hub? • The books are packed in roll-away bins and bundled according to different subject areas and grade/year levels. The bins are stocked in shelving and can be borrowed by the schools. A school may borrow these bins and bring these in their respective classrooms and hold their reading sessions. They can keep the bins for 25 calendar days, return them afterwards and borrow another set of books. In this way, the reading materials are made accessible to every to every one not necessary of ownership.
What is the role of the sponsors in the Library Hub? * The project is a cost-partnership between the DepED and the Government. Since the DepED cannot provide full budgetary allocation for a Hub, the Department is strengthening its partnership with its stakeholders to augment other requirements needed by the project.
Any person or organization from the government or from the private sector may signify their interest to sponsor a Hub. They may support hub renovation or new construction, provision of furniture and equipment, additional books, computers or they may fund the salaries of additional personnel in the Hub. The agreement between the DepED and the sponsor is covered by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
The Partner / Donor Packages • Pal of the Hub PhP 50,000.00 • Friend of the Hub PhP 100,000.00 • Patron of the Hub PhP 250,000.00 • Partner of the Hub PhP 500,000.00 • Lord of the Hub PhP 1,000,000.00 • w/ Naming Rights PhP 5,000,000.00
Monitoring and Evaluation Hub monitoring and evaluation shall determine the conditions in obtaining the Hub. These constitute the actual observations and interviews using the prescribe evaluation forms. The results of the Monitoring and Evaluation including recommendations at all levels shall be submitted to the Central Office Management and field offices.
Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures • Schools submit accomplished LH Forms to division office through the District Supervisor. • Division Office • Collects accomplished summary forms from the districts • Reviews accuracy and completeness of accomplished forms • Submits organized data to Regional Office • Confers with district supervisors and school heads on findings of the Monitoring and Evaluation report • Prepares Division Wide Action Plan based on agreements with School Heads and District Supervisors • Submits Division – Wide Hub Project Action Plan to Regional Office • Formulates division policies based on Monitoring and Evaluation Report.
Hub Sustainability • Physical and Financial Sustainability • sustainability of the hub is a collaborative endeavor between and among the Department, its field offices, and stakeholders through a functional networking focused on the following: • Maintenance of the hub • Human resource development • Generation of additional resources • The Expanded local School Board Fund (ELSBF) shall be tapped to intensify the sustainability of the Hub. • The Schools Division Superintendent shall allocate funds from the Division Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) for the Hub operation.
Flowchart of the Central Office Project Monitoring Team Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Office of the Undersecretary for Finance and Administration Regional Office (Regional Director) Division Office (Library Hub Project Coordinator)
GENERAL GUIDELINES ON THE USE OF LIBRARY HUBS IN THE PHILIPPINES To ensure the effective operation of the library hubs nationwide, the following are the general rules / guidelines on the use of library hubs: • The Library Hub Project Manager shall designate a Division Library Hub Coordinator who must be supervisory level preferably in-charge of English/Reading or Filipino subject area; • The Division Physical Facilities Coordinator shall also coordinate with the Library Hub coordinator in overseeing the physical development of the Hub; • Each hub must have an available copy of the library Hub handbook;
4. The Library Hub Coordinator shall initiate the conduct of regular information dissemination and social advocacy among its clientele and stakeholders to heighten public awareness on the services of the hub; 5. The Library Hub is a learning resource center and shall not be a venue of any activity that is not related to the objectives of the Project; 6. The Library Hub Project is not a stock room of the Division Office. The facilities of the hub shall be maximized in making a hub conducive to learning;
7. The Library Hub is one of the priority projects of the Division Office, hence, the Project Manager is expected the necessary efforts to make the Hub beneficial to its pupils and students; and 8. Quarterly or bi-annual Progress Report shall be submitted to the Library Hub Project Team at DepED Central Office, Merlaco Ave., Pasig City. Inquiries may be forwarded to the National team with phone numbers (02) -6339342 or (02) 6319840.
Thank You Very Much! LORENA S. WALANGSUMBAT Education Program Supervisor - I Division Library Hub Coordinator