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Phases of Russian Revolution: Similarities & Differences with French Revolution

Explore the stages of the Russian Revolution and compare them to the French Revolution. Discover the key events, leaders, and ideologies that shaped each phase. Analyze the similarities and differences between the two revolutions.

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Phases of Russian Revolution: Similarities & Differences with French Revolution

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  1. Identify events from the Russian Revolution that match each phase. • What similarities and differences do you see with the French Revolution? Stages of Revolution Estates General National Assembly Legislative Assembly National Convention Directory Consulate Napoleon 1. Incubation Phase • Intellectual criticism, faith in the system is lost, economic crisis, a new class is on the rise 2. Moderate Phase • Some acts of violence, revolution seems to be over, pressure from extremists, government is unable to use for effectively 3. Radical Phase • Mass violence, secret police, foreign threats, extreme nationalism, class struggle, forced ideological conformity 4. Recovery Phase • Government reverts to pre-revolutionary form, often rule by a tyrant, uneven return to peace

  2. Russian Revolution: Incubation Phase Political Anger • Nicholas II • Pogroms Economic Turmoil • Industrialization (3rd wave…) • Union ban • Bloody Sunday (1905) Revolution of 1905 • Duma Crises Abroad • Russo-Japanese War (1904) • World War I • Alexandra • Rasputin Bloody Sunday Rasputin

  3. March Revolution Revolution Moderate Phase March Revolution (1917) • Abdicates (March 15) Provisional Government • Mensheviks vs. Bolsheviks • Soviets Radical Phase Bolshevik Revolution (Nov. 1917) Vladimir Lenin (r.1917-1924) • “Peace, land, bread” • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  4. “Not a single class in history has reached power without thrusting forward its political leaders, without advancing leading representatives capable of directing and organizing the movement. We must train people who will dedicate to the revolution, not a spare evening but the whole of their lives.” —Lenin Vladimir Lenin

  5. Revolution Radical Phase…still Civil War (1918-1920) • Reds vs. Whites Red Terror • Cheka Leon Trotsky

  6. Russian Revolution Recovery Phase “Leninism” vs. Marxism Communist Party (1918) New Economic Policy—NEP (1921) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Joseph Stalin vs. Leon Trotsky (r.1927-1953) • Secretary General Joseph Stalin

  7. In this unit I think… • these are the two most important people. • these are the three most important concepts. • these are the two most important dates to remember. • this is the most likely discussion question. • these are the three most important vocabulary words. • these are the three most important images/art/architecture.

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