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3-Way Conferences. Sofia Guzman English Mrs. Thomas Period 8.
3-Way Conferences Sofia Guzman English Mrs. Thomas Period 8
Bloom’s Taxonomy is an important tool for teachers to use to focus on a student’s thinking/learning level. By having 6 different levels, this can help teachers to design different tasks, create questions, and give feedback on all of the student’s work. • There are 6 different steps or levels in this type of Taxonomy, Knowing, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Creating, and Evaluating. Bloom’sTaxonomy
Knowing is the firststep and it is whenitbring back previouslearned material usingfacts, recognizedterms, basicconcepts on the subject and answersaboutthisselection. • Understanding is next and this is when the student’s show thattheyunderstood the main idea byorganizing, comparing, interpreting, and finallystate the main idea. • Applying is the thirdlevel and is whenyouappyfacts, techniques or rules to a different situation. In other words you applywhatyoulearnedto a real assesment. 3 FirstLevels/Steps
Applying is one of the laststeps and itwhenyouapplyyourlearningbyexaminaiting or breakingdowninformationintodifferentparts. You can eithermake inferences or find evidence to support your topic. • Creating is when you gather all the information you learned in a easy to understand way presentaion. In my case you do a simple presentation teaching or summing up what you learned during the whole lesson. • Evaluating is the last level. This is when you judge or make opinions about what you have learned overall in this lesson. Last 3 Levels/Steps
What is “Standard Base Grading”? • Standard Base Gradingaimsto grade studentsonhowtheyapplywhattheylearnedto real-worldexampleshowthey use itthroughouttherest of theyear.
In eachlesson plan there are 6 differentstepstoacomplishthelesson and be abletoturneverythingon time. She uses it in a veryinterestingway, in whicheverystepgoes .5 up. • Knowing: 1 • Understanding: 2 • Applying: 2.5 • Analizing: 3 • Creating: 3.5 • Evaluating: 4 • Ifyoudon’tturntheworkforone of thesestepsyour grade freezesonthestepthatyou are on. Howdoes Mrs. Thomas use Bloom’sTaxonomy in herClass?
Howaccurately do mysummative grades reflectmy actual learning? • My grades reflecthowmuchwork I do, and how I applyitonmyassesments. This can changeaccordingtohow I do mywork. I mightnotget a 4 but I at least try toturnmywork in on time, so I don’tseemtounorganized. • 4= I’mabletodemostrateadvanced and understandingknowledgethatwastaught. You are abletomeatthestandards Show in yourworkallthecharacteristics of thebenchmark. • 3.5= You can demostartesoemadvancedknowledge. You are abletomakesomeconnectionstoknowledgelearnedbefore. • 3= You are abletolittleknowledge and show mostcharacteristics of thebenchmark. • 2.5= Your are abletodemonstratesomelittleknowledgethatweretaught. Makesverylittleconnectionsand isneededsupporttowork. • 2= You can show basic/verylittleknowledgethatweretaught. You can demonstrateminimalcharacteristics of thebenchmark. Makes no connectionstoknowledgelearnedbefore, and needs a lot of help and practice.
Quarter 4 What Am I Proud Of? What do I NeedtoImproveon? I think I needtoimproveonexplainingthings more in depth and writting more aboutthesubjectwhenitisneededto. • I think I didgood in turningthings in on time, becausethisquarter I didn’thaveany late ormissingassigenments. I am proudthatmy grade went up duringthisquarter.