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Learn about Skills for Care initiatives ensuring high-quality social care workforce. Sign up for the Social Care Commitment for improved reputation, staff training, and care quality.
ICC Conference Newcastle9th Sept 2015Sally Gretton ,Head Of AreaYorkshire Humber and the North East
Skills for Care (Home of the National Skills Academy) Skills for Care ensure that the adult social care workforce has the skills and qualifications to deliver high quality social care We work with social care employers, people who need care and support, carers and other key stakeholders to develop tools and resources that meet the needs of the sector in terms of workforce development Last year, Skills for Care merged with the National Skills Academy for Social Care to maximise the impact of our combined knowledge and expertise
In the news Care Certificate Social Care Commitment CQC and Care Improvement Works Recruitment and Retention online toolkit People Performance Management toolkit Individual Employer & Personal Assistant info hub Integration of health and care services Qualification changes
Care Certificate from April 2015 Following the Francis Inquiry and Cavendish Review induction training for social care and health care staff has changed Common Induction Standards have been replaced by Care Certificate 15 Standards to be completed by new to care workers within first 12 weeks Observed and assessed in the workplace Full range of resources available to support employers – www.skillsforcare.org.uk/carecertificate
The Social Care Commitment • White paper initiative ‘caring for our future’ • Improving care, and the public’s confidence in care • Developed by employers, employees and people who need care and support • A voluntary agreement on workforce quality
Quality People, Quality Care • Sign up to the seven “I will…” statements • Employers promise to give their workers the development they need • Employees promise to put their values into practice in their daily work • Guidance and resources to support employers and employees
What are the benefits to my organisation? • Endorse or recognise things you currently do well • Enhance the organisation’s reputation • Improve how you train and develop staff • Improve the overall quality of care you provide • Provides supporting evidence for CQC inspection and Key Lines of Enquiry • Shows improvement – necessary for ‘Outstanding’ grade
That’s great but I don’t have the time to sign up! • 95% of employers who have signed up and made their commitment said sign up is straight forward • 85% said they have already seen or expect to see an improvement in the quality of care they deliver • 83% said it has or will lead to improvements to staff training and development
CQC key lines of enquiry (KLOE) Are services? • Safe • Effective • Caring • Responsive • Well-led
Latest Statistics from NMDS-SC (North East) 2000 establishments providing adult social care as at 2013 75,000 people working in adult social care jobs Direct care workers represent 73% of workers Just over 58% of workers are full-time in North East Mean hourly rate for Care Worker is £6.89 Mean hourly rate for Senior Care Worker is £7.76 71% of jobs are in independent sector 1:5 workers left their job in the last 12 months 11,000 direct payment recipients in 2013 21% of workforce are aged 55 years or above
Latest statistics re Recruitment & retention The turnover rate of care workers is 20.4% Social care employers struggle to retain younger workers Establishments with relatively high pay lose fewer staff A large proportion of staff turnover is a result of people leaving the sector soon after joining
What is Informatics? Informatics is concerned with the collection, collation, analysis and sharing of data, information and knowledge. It is also concerned with the use and development of technologies to facilitate this.
Why does Informatics Matter? Information is integral to the delivery of safe, effective person-centered care We use information to ensure we make the very best use of our resources Data and information can transform services by supporting decision making in commissioning, delivery and management of care
Mental Health The Law Commission is holding a consultation on Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty which is open until 2nd November. The commission is reviewing Deprivation of Liberty safeguards with a view to replace DoLs with a straightforward and accessible legal framework which provides safeguards for people who lack capacity whose care or treatment is becoming restrictive. The link is http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/mental-capacity-and-deprivation-of-liberty/#related
Qualification changes L4 Diploma in Adult Care New Commissioning qualification being scoped and developed Apprenticeship ‘trailblazers’ The future of QCF?
The Care Act England The Care Act brings together existing care and support legislation into a single legal Act , with a new well-being principle at its heart The Care Act came into effect in April 2015 The Care Act will result in major implications for all those working in adult social care
Exercise… Thinking about The Care Act and it’s emphasis on Health and Wellbeing what changes have you made, what are you doing ‘differently’? Have Commissioners asked you to do things differently? Or have you decided to do things differently without waiting to be asked?
Care Act Workforce Capacity Planning Tools Interactive Workforce Capacity Planning model available on our website – encourages employers to think through the issues of implementing change Workforce Readiness tool – enables Local Authority and other employers to assess how ready or not they are for the changes that the Care Act will bring, includes an ‘readiness report’ by email
Care Act L & D Materials The collection of materials offers a range of resources designed to help organisations implement the Care Act The materials cover the Act, the regulations and the guidance and focus on key changes introduced by the Act These are resources, rather than an ‘off the peg’ training pack: You can adapt, alter and amend them They can be customised for use by a range of organisations They can be used with a variety of job roles that require different depths of knowledge for implementing the Act What are the materials about and who are they for?
Workforce Development Funding (WDF) Supports employer costs as their workforce achieve units of, or full qualifications, e.g. backfill costs, course fees, mentoring, supervision Pays £15.00 per credit achieved, up to 60 credits per learner per funding year Funds all units / qualifications on ‘list of acceptable’ units funded To access you need to: be a social care employer, update your NMDS-SC each year and complete 90% of worker records, join a WDF Partnership, provide evidence that units have been achieved, provide Unique Learner Number (ULN)
WDF for Individual Employers and their workforce Applications directly to Skills for Care Funding will cover full cost of training and includes ‘replacement wage’ while PA is training Once application is approved, funds are paid upfront Funding can be for any relevant training the IE identifies, not just QCF units Registration and completion of NMDS-SC is not necessary for this fund http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Funding/Individual-employer-funding/Individual-employer-funding.aspx
Some other recent resources from Skills for Care include… Principles of Workforce Integration Supporting people with dementia and other conditions Training on End of Life Care for domiciliary staff – CD (downloadable from Skills for Care website) Common Core Principles of Dignity training pack
A ‘refresh’ is taking place of the Manager Induction Standards, the Level 5 Leadership and Management (Registered Managers) and the level 4 qualification within the graduate management scheme. Products will be launched at the Skills for Care conference next year. Level 5 refresh
Locality Managers- Yorkshire and the Humber and the North East Bradford and Calderdale Rachael Ross (part-time) Rachael.ross@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07815 429170 North Lincs & North East Lincs Fiona Macmillan (part time) fiona.macmillan@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07967 247220 City of York and North Yorkshire Angela Thompson angela.thompson@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07813 031257 Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Sunderland Peter Northrop peter.northrop@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07817760387 Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield Jeanette Cookson jeanette.cookson@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07969 762864 South Yorkshire Zoe Thomas zoe.thomas@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07792 425219 South Tyneside, North Tyneside, Newcastle, Sunderland and Northumberland. Wendy Down Wendy.down@skillsforcare.org.uk T 07823444136 Tees Valley Karen Winspear karen.winspear@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07811393012
Head of Area Yorkshire & the Humber and the North East Sally Gretton sally.gretton@skillsforcare.org.uk T: 07792907588
As you registered you should have been given a number either 1,2,3 or 4. On the tables there are numbers 1,2,3 and 4! Please can you go to the table that your number corresponds with and then if you start at table 2 you will move on to table 3… Information sessions
For more information Visit our web site www.skillsforcare.org.uk Subscribe to our bi-weekly e-news by emailing: info@skillsforcare.org.uk