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Understanding God's Plan: Man Made in Image of God

This study delves into Chapter Two of Marriage & Family, exploring the creation of man in God's image and likeness. It discusses the spiritual nature of man, his purpose, role, and relationships, as depicted in Genesis. The text highlights the significance of reflecting God's image in marriage, family, and society.

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Understanding God's Plan: Man Made in Image of God

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  1. Marriage & Family A Study to understand God's Plan Chapter Two

  2. Man Made in Image of God. Let us . . . Man made in spiritual image not physical. John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”[1] [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

  3. Genesis 1:26 Creation of Man God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. [1][1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

  4. Genesis 1:26 ff First Account of Creation

  5. Man made in likeness of God! Gen. 1:26 • Man made to rule! Gen. 1:26 • Man created male and female to rule • together! 1:26 • Man created to be vegetarian. 1:29 • Man created Good – No Sin – Perfect • like God! 1:31

  6. Words-Man Adam mda fya Man

  7. The Likeness of God make moral ethical decisions intellectual ability social beings Love among the Persons of the Trinity and His love for sinners operate in the spiritual realm

  8. The Word - Rule radah; v 1) to rule, have dominion, dominate, care for, nurture. { hd;r; }

  9. { hV;ai} woman, wife, female woman (opposite of man)

  10. Marriage Doctrine Genesis

  11. Looking at the proper progression ! Order of Creation Man Adam Genesis 2:7 Then Genesis 2: 21-22 Woman Eve Creational View Adam First then Eve

  12. Marriage Church False Images Headship Headship False Marriage False Family False Churches Order Of Creation Husband Christ To Mirror Distorted Images Produce Distorted Faith To Reflect Wife Bride Godly Image New Believers Yields – Choas/Ruin/Death Children Order of Redemption Creational View

  13. Man and Woman Lived in peace with each other and their creator.

  14. I Cor. 11:7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God

  15. Headship Man & Woman God’s Image Perfect Righteous Spirit Creative Marriage Family Church

  16. Evolution Twisted Image of God Leads To Immorality And False Doctrine Homosexuality Female Pastors Distortion of Gender Roles

  17. God created Adam and Eve

  18. MALE & FEMALE: Genesis: 1:26-27 So What? “In the beginning…. Very Good! • Our Image and Likeness (God’s) • Rule over all the earth • Male and Female

  19. Male Female {rk;z} { hb;qenÒ} Female ( of man) Male (of man)

  20. God's Image Reflecting Created in His Image Genesis 1:26-27 God made them Male and Female And He called him Man or Adam! Gen. 5:1,2 Differentiated into Gen. 2:18-23 Male Female Gen. 2:24-25 Fully Reflect’s Pair Bonded God’s Image

  21. Why Marriage? What is it’s purpose? Family Children Sexual Purity Companionship Made for community

  22. A Perfect Garden – A Perfect World

  23. Genesis 2:7 ff The Second Account of Creation

  24. Genesis 2:7 7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

  25. U.S. News & World Report December 4, 1995 GENETIC EVE GETS A GENETIC ADAM Eight years ago, researchers "found" the mother of all humans, the proverbial Eve. By peeking into the cells of several ethnic groups, they traced the family tree of modern humans back 200,000 years to a single - albeit theoretical - woman. "Mitochondrial Eve,"

  26. GENETIC EVE GETS A GENETIC ADAM named for the part of the cell passed from the mother and examined in the study, was hardly the only female human who was bearing children at the time, but scientists said her genes were the ones that endured.

  27. Now, Eve has an Adam. In two reports in last week's Nature, researchers suggest that virtually all modern men - 99.9 percent of them, says one scientist - are closely related genetically and share genes with one male ancestor dubbed "Y-chromosome Adam." Unlike other chromosomes, Y's are passed strictly from father to son, thus enabling scientists to follow the human race patrilineally.

  28. From a Biblical World View how can we interpret this information? There was a set of first parents The assumption that others were having children is a secular world view 200,000 years is Evolutionary Assumption

  29. Breath of life – sets man apart from the animals - man becomes a living being. Man given the ability to apply moral standards. (Image of God) Genesis 2:7

  30. Genesis 2:7 Man not an animal. “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Man has a soul only!

  31. Psalm 11:3 3 When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

  32. God’s Purpose in Marriage Read Genesis 2:18-25. God's purpose for marriage is for male/female companionship. From God's perspective, everything was good except for Adam's being alone. Adam's being alone was more than not having others around. His "alone-ness" was a result of having no one around that was suitable for him. Adam was not lonely, no such thing in a perfect world.

  33. God’s Purpose for Marriage • There was no one to complement him, and by that we mean everything from biological to complex psychological and spiritual complementation. He was a sole piece of a puzzle, designed for another piece where none existed. After seeing Eve, the female, Adam understood this profound truth. He realized God made male for female, "together she and I are one bone, one flesh," -- in essence, one being.

  34. God’s Purpose for Marriage 2. Marriage between a man and a woman is God's idea. In this passage we discover that husband and wife in marriage is the very first institution that God created. It is the primary institution of the society God created.

  35. God’s Purpose for Marriage 3. God designed marriage between a man and a woman to be the first system of interdependent human relationships. 4. God designed the husband and wife relationship as the primary relationship of the family.

  36. From Ephesians 5:21-33 Biblical Relationships Analogy the Example for Marriage T O T A L R E S P O N S E I N I T I A T E D L O V E A Primary and Continual Initiation of Love Romans 5:8 T O T A L R E S P O N S E I N I T I A T E D L O V E “THE KEY” Submit to One Another Eph. 5:21 HUSBAND AND WIFE CHRIST AND CHURCH A Total and Beautiful Responding I John 4:19 Romans 12:1,2

  37. Oneness • It is this "oneness" that is the primary purpose in marriage. • Pursuing God's design for marriage is essential in fulfilling God's purposes for mankind.

  38. Oneness • God's design for marriage is for a man and a woman, in all their masculine and feminine differences, to come together and become "one." Not just "one flesh" in the sense of the physical, sexual union, but more than that. The oneness that occurs during intercourse is a beautiful, physical illustration of God's intention for the rest of their relationship: Intimate oneness.

  39. Oneness 2. Married individuals are not carbon copies of each other, but two people who are both being transformed into the image of Christ. The more each individual is transformed into the image of Christ, the more they move toward oneness.

  40. Oneness God's design is that by moving toward oneness with your spouse, you learn to love, you mature, and you develop as a human in a way that no other relationship is capable of producing. Put simply, marriage is to make us more like God wants us to be.

  41. Oneness • This "oneness" is a profoundly unique thing that is strengthened by years of shared experiences, trials, triumphs, challenges, and victories. It's why grandpa can start a sentence and grandma can finish it. It's why when she cries he tastes the salt. It's her knowing what's wrong without his speaking a word. It's two lives becoming one. It takes time, effort, sweat and tenacity. But the rewards are like none other on earth.

  42. Two Becoming One • God's purpose in "two" becoming "one." Genesis 1:26-27. In many ways, marriage mirrors the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At the very core of the nature of the Trinity is relationship. Each member of the Trinity has His Work, and as the Godhead are "one." It should be the same with husband and wife. Each has their place and work in God's plan for the family, yet they are to be "one flesh." Their "oneness" reflects the character and unity of God. To mirror God's image.

  43. Mirroring God’s Image: Father Holy Trinity Holy Spirit Son And The Christ Marriage Trinity Wife Husband

  44. "ONENESS" THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIBLICAL INTIMATE LOVE Obedience to God’s Word on your part will increase the development of INTIMATE LOVE. Every selfishact on your part will decrease the development of your INTIMATE LOVE

  45. Eph. 5:25-29 Husbands: Serve Her Nurture Her Protect Her Wife learns to be secure in her man’s love. Husband is initiator or leader. Eph. 5:22-24, 33 Wives: Submit to Him (Adapt) Honor Him as Your Head. Have Attitude of Respect “Be a Good Responder” Husband finds his physical needs are met by good responder.

  46. Where 1000 teens got their Sex Information: A. 32% of girls & 15% of boys were informed by parents. • 53% of boys & 42% of girls were informed by friends. • 15% pieced it together from other sources. • 56% informed between 6th & 9th grade. • 18% informed before 5th grade. • 88% felt they needed more from their parents then they received. Josh McDowell “Why Wait”

  47. "ONENESS" Oneness results in a Godly goal…

  48. Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one?Because He was seeking Godly offspring.So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. Malachi 2:15

  49. Oneness and Holiness • Oneness as related to the Trinity (God), Holiness as related to Holy God. Marriage Trinity

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