"Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education." - Ibrahim Hooper CAIR Spokesman.
Sunni Muslims – • Muhammad did not have a designated successor • The best qualified person should be selected or elected (caliph) • The Caliph was to succeed Muhammad as the Political leader • Caliph should serve as the protector of faith, but not special religious status or inspiration
Shiis Muslims – • Believe succession to the leadership should be hereditary, passed down to Muhammad’s male descendants (From Muhammad’s daughter Fatima and her Husband Ali) • They will serve as both religious and political leaders and are known as the Imams • Imam is religiously inspired, sinless, and the interpreter of God’s will as a continued Islamic Law, but not a prophet. • The Imams writings, sayings, and deeds are to be authoritative texts in addition to the Quran and Sunnah
Wahhabi Islam • Osama Bin Laden • From Abd al-Wahhabi • Return to fundamental Islam
Sufis – mystical tradition – Sufism • Discipline the mind and body to experience God • Withdraw from the world • Inner struggle is greater Jihad/killing is lesser Jihad
Nation of Islam – • Began in 1930’s • Black Muslims are not Americans • Cassius Clay and Malcolm X
Biblical God Jms. 1:17 – Changeless John 3:16 – Loves utterly Titus 1:12 – Can not lie John 8:54/Col. 2:9/Math. 28:19 – God head = Father, Son, Holy Spirit Allah Surah 2:106 – Changes Surah 32:13 – Changes in affections Surah 8:30 – Deceives Surah 5:73 – No God but Allah Surah 5:116 – Godhead = Father, Mother, Son Biblical God vs. Allah
THE BOOKS • Islam has a holy Book, like Christianity. That book is called the Quran. Quran means recite and that is what the Angel Gabriel told Muhammad to do..
It is perfect and only reliable in the Arabic form. You can not truly know Allah and you can not know the true absolute meaning of Allah and his religion in any other language other than Arabic. Arabic is the divine language that is written on the stone in heaven (85:21-22)
Besides the Quran, Islam has the hadiths and Sunna. The hadiths and Sunna are both referred to as the traditions of Muhammad, but there is a difference.
The sunna is the Sharia Law (the path) and is the authoritative ruling among Islamic states. It depicts the events of the life of Muhammad, and offers examples for ethics and living. • The hadith is similar to the sunna, but not identical. Each hadith is a narration from the life of Muhammad and what he said, as opposed to a biographical sketch.
In the Hadith you will find something Muhammad did, said, something that happened in Muhammad’s presence, words of God to Muhammad that are not in the Quran. It is story type material, but make no doubt about it…It happened and the Islamic religion would be broken without it. • The word Sunna has a basic meaning of customary practice or model behavior. The sunna is prior to the hadith just like the traditions of your family are prior to any oral or written accounts.
Reading a hadith can go a long way toward helping the Christian understand the lifestyle of a Muslim. The hadith decrees such actions as: • Sitting cross-legged in prayer with the right leg on top (muftarishan; Bukhari, 784); • Sacrificing a camel while it is standing up, and it’s left foreleg is tied (Bukhari, 1598); • Passing a drinking vessel to one’s right (Muslim, 3785); • Dividing one’s time equally among co-wives (Bukhari, 4813).
Although the Quran, hadiths, and sunna were written many years after the bible, with better writing materials, and a larger following, they still can not produce a single ancient manuscript even coming close to the death of Muhammad for the Quran, the hadiths, or the sunna.
As for the Sunna and the hadith it is kind of like the Catholic traditions. These traditions of Muhammad have been passed down orally from generation to generation. Many scholars agree that the Quran and other documents would have been passed down orally from generation to generation.
4 HADITH’S THAT ARE ACCEPTED BY THE ISLAMIC COMMUNITY – • Sahih Al-Bukhari (810-870) – he is the most popular with 3,295 hadiths divided into 97 Books with 3, 450 chapters. • Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al- Nisapuri – student of Bukhari has a much larger collection • 2 PARTIAL COLLECTIONS – • Sunan Abu Daawuud • Malik’I Muwatta
ODD TEACHINGS OF THE HADITH • HADITH 4.537 – “ Mohammad said, ‘If a housefly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of it’s wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease” • Bukhari 4:546 – “Mohammad said “As for the child, if the man’s discharge is precedes the woman’s discharge the child attracts the similarity of the Man…” – (same if the Woman is 1st).
ODD TEACHINGS OF THE HADITH • HADITH 7.636 – Muhammad was a superstitious man. He taught that “the effect of an evil eye is a fact” • HADITH 7.747 - “If you want to put on your shoes, put on the right shoe first, and if you want them off, take off the left one first” • HADITH 7.619 – “Fever is from the heat of hell, so put it out (cool it) with water”
Bukhari 4:779 – food talked to Muhammad while he was eating it • Bukhari 2:41; 4:783 – a tree cried because Muhammad would not preach neat it, and after Muhammad comforted the tree, it stopped crying. For this to be true the trees and food would have to have at least lungs, a respiratory system, vocal cords and a tongue. One has to wonder if you could be more absurd that this?
In the hadith, Muhammad explains the cause of fever and the reason for high body temperatures they come from the fire of Hell (Bukhari 4:483; 486). From today’s medical studies, we know the real cause of fevers. • Bukhari 1:242 – Muhammad sometimes spat on his clothes • Bukhari 3:891 – Muhammad let people catch his own spit and rub it on their faces and skin • Bukhari 1:188 – to someone else he ejected a mouthful of water on them • Bukhari 1:187-188 – Muhammad would give his dirty water to his followers to drink and smear themselves with
Now the majority of Muslims hold the hadiths just as doctrinal as the Quran. Over the years some Muslims tried to go sola Quran, like we do with the bible, but they ended up dead or threaten with death and they had to Change. It is a very serious thing, once you take out the traditions of Muhammad then that leaves questions for the Quran and even the life of Muhammad. The Islam religion is built up on the traditions of there Great prophet. That is where you get the next major, major part in Islam… The 5 pillars.
Muslims believe that Jewish and Christian scriptures prophesied his coming. Muslims now identify the Holy Spirit whom Jesus promises to send (John 14:16) with the prophet of Islam. Muhammad says he is the one in response to Abraham and Jesus, the ones who gave good news about him (Ibn Sa’d, vol. 1, 169).
The greatest prophet of Islam was a member of the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, which is an important center for trade and religion in Arabia. Mecca housed Ka’ba which is a very important shrine among the people of Arabia. Thousands made pilgrimage to Ka’ba who would visit to see and touch a very important stone contained therein. They also left gifts before the idols. This rock was the rock God who Muhammad worshiped before the Angel Gabriel intervened.
Muhammad was born in 570 A.D., in the house of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. His father Abdullah died during one of his trading missions before Muhammad’s birth, his mother was Amina. His grandfather named him to be praised on heaven and on earth. Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib.
Muhammad says he was raised for jihad and not for tillage. He met a distant cousin, and traveled as a salesman to Syria and to trade her goods. He did such a great job that she, Khadijah, wanted to marry him. When he was 25, he married his first wife Khadijah who was 40, and managed her holdings and trade.
After his wife died (Muhammad being 50 yrs. Old) Allah gave Muhammad the “Eternal word in Heaven” when he gave Muhammad the inspiration of Surah 33:51 – “take to yourself any you wish” giving Muhammad the ability to have anyone as his wife and the number was unlimited.
MARRIAGE TO AISHAH • The most questionable of marriages • Consummated the marriage when she was 9 • Only virgin the prophet ever married How a prophet of noble character could wed Someone so young, even in the culture, is a Mystery. How could any man consummate a Marriage with a nine year old?
MARRIAGE TO ZAYNAB Behold! You did say to one who had received the grace of Allah and your favor: “Retain in wedlock your wife, and fear Allah.” But you did hide in Your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: you did fear people, but it is more fitting that you should fear Allah. Then did Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her we joined her in marriage to you: in order that in the future There may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of the adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved their marriage with Them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled. (Surah 33:37)
You see that Muhammad had to give excuses for his disgusting actions. The Quran of course gives a passage that it was ok for Muhammad to marry more than four wives as he instructs all Muslims. Many times in the Quran we have an incident, like with one of his wives Zaynab, and Allah reveals another portion of the Quran to support what Muhammad was Doing -
If he truly was the chosen one, his knowledge and power was certainly limited. As for Jesus he was an awesome powerful son of God who knew the hearts and mind of men.
Many Muslims try to make Muhammad sound like a great prophet who had trustworthy and innocent plan at mind. They try to make the fact that he is a womanizer into making his marriages for treaties and ties into other kingdom.
During his early life, Muhammad and his family would travel and leave the city and go into a cooler cave, where they would meditate and connect with their Gods. Get this straight that Muhammad was in that cave, and he was not seeking Allah, he was seeking their Rock God or another of the 365 idols that he served at that time. And during one of these meditations the Angel Gabriel came to him. At the age of 40, Muhammad first declared himself a prophet from Allah