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Poem 1. Physics Obscure , blissful Thrilling , studying, living Science governs entire cosmos, Divine . http://www.gotpoetry.com/Poems/new/l_op=viewpoems/lid=61711.html. CINQUAIN. Physics Obscure , blissful Thrilling , studying, living Science governs entire cosmos Divine
Poem 1 Physics Obscure, blissful Thrilling, studying, living Science governs entire cosmos, Divine. http://www.gotpoetry.com/Poems/new/l_op=viewpoems/lid=61711.html
CINQUAIN Physics Obscure, blissful Thrilling, studying, living Science governs entire cosmos Divine http://www.gotpoetry.com/Poems/new/l_op=viewpoems/lid=61711.html 1 beseda vezana na temo 2 pridevnika 5 3 glagoli vrstic 4-besedna poved asociacija na besedo v prvi vrstici
Poem 2 A moving beach ball Exerted upon by force Gathers momentum. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/33-131/more33131/docs/haiku.html
HAIKU A mov|ing beach ball Ex|ert|edup|on by force Gath|ersmo|men|tum. A moving beach ball Exerted upon by force Gathers momentum. 5 zlogov 3 7 zlogov vrstice 5 zlogov
Poem 3 T I M E ime is best defined by reference to other quantities since it is an nternationally-recognised fundamental quantity which is easured in the SI unit, second (s), and can be calculated using a number of different quations, like:
AKROSTIH predmetse preberenavpično začetnečrkevsakevrsticetvorijozačetekpovedi T I M E T I M E ime is best defined by reference to other quantities since it is an nternationally-recognised fundamental quantity which is easured in the SI unit, second (s), and can be calculated using a number of different quations, like: ime is best defined by reference to other quantities since it is an nternationally-recognised fundamental quantity which is easured in the SI unit, second (s), and can be calculated using a number of different quations, like:
View a stimulus image and identify a content-related concept it evokes. *** Gravitational force*** http://jinavie.tumblr.com/post/12367516561/newtons-apple#.UPatMPIvgyA
Write down the concept, definition, law, formula etc. The image alludes to the common belief that the observation (by Newton) of the falling apple phenomenon inspired his on-going research into the nature of gravitational force.
Choose an appropriate poetry type and write the poem. Adapted: Ben Tweedie Original Text: Patrick Winstanley TheNewtonsand friends weretaking tea beneath the boughs of anappletree when a falling fruit landed on the head of the head of thefamily.Mrs Newtoncried, 'Well dearie me!Thatcould‘ve caused an injury‘.But cleverIsaac alone could see,the situation‘s true gravity. http://www.funny-poems.co.uk/kids/famous-poetry/h05-newton.asp
View a stimulus image and identify a content-related concept it evokes. http://www.sport360.com/article/krzysztof-radzikowski-crowned-worlds-strongest-man-abu-dhabi *** Newton‘s 2nd law***
Write down the concept, definition, law, formula etc. Pospešek telesa (a) je premo sorazmeren z rezultanto sil na telo (F) in obratno sorazmeren z maso telesa (m). The acceleration (a) of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force (F) and inversely proportional to the mass (m). F = ma
Choose an appropriate poetry type and write the poem. The net force on an ob| ject is its mass times itsac | cel| er| a | tion. (F = ma) (5 syllables) (7 syllables) (5 syllables)
Ekfrastična poezija proces • Ogled slike in prepoznavanje pojma. • Zapišite pojem, opredelitev, zakon, formulo, itd. • Izberite vrsto poezije in zapišite pesem.