CLAUDIAClaudia Anna, Matilde, Valeriia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM7iTc-x0HQ Enjoy!
WHAT IS THE FILM ABOUT?hat is the film about? Genre: Thriller/Action Story follows a protagonist (played by Susannah Robertson) that may be involved in some sort of mission How do we know? -First scene there is a fight -Costumes are suits which suggest a professional agent of some sort -The blood suggests serious conflict -Taking a photo of the body can mean that she is completing a mission and recording her actions to send back to her ‘boss'
HOW DOES THE OPENING SEQUENCE BUILD TENSION?How does the opening sequence build tension? The sudden introduction of action and the soundtrack creates the impression of adrenaline pumping and sets the tone for the audience What methods? Close up shots keep the intensity high and creates the impression of chaos and conflict The fight sequence builds tension by heightening the action and introduces a story line for the audience to follow
WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS?Who are the characters? Protagonist: a very confident woman, the suffocation of her victim implies she is an aggressive character The audience should fear her because her calmness suggests that this is her normal lifestyle, the blood on her also gives the impression of violence and power Dead body: this character is used to show the protagonist’s power
WHAT DO YOU THINK THE REST OF TE PLOT LINE WOULD BE?What do you think the rest of the plot line would be? Story follows the woman on a mission that may begin as a consequence of the death she caused in the opening scene The plot will revolve around the woman, she will drive all the action forward
CRITICISMCriticism Good: -realistic fight scene -interesting plot -good acting -suitable costumes, realistic makeup (black eye) -appropriate location -proper lighting, didn’t distract from the scenes -slomo walk (good facial expression, interesting to watch, builds tension) -simple scene meant that story was straightforward, not too complicated Bad: -fight scene should be longer, seemed a bit incomplete -sound effect for the photo click isn’t realistic -blood on her clothes doesn’t look real -ending is too long, seems awkward to have her walk for so long, doesn’t keep audience interested, could have started the credits earlier?