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The Lord Jesus Christ was a master in outreach. He had the passion, the cause and the purpose to do this. He was motivated by the love of God. His meeting with Nicodemus the Pharisee is classic. This is where we get the verse that is known all over the world, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” [John 3:16].
This was a one-on-one outreach. The other story of a one-on-one outreach was when Jesus sat with the Samaritan woman at the well. By the end of the conversation the woman went into the city and brought out all the men telling them, “Come and see a man who has told me everything about me.” This was the impact of that outreach.
The Lord also reached out to small groups like families. We think of the family of Martha and Mary and Lazarus. He also reached out to the house of Simeon. He visited Zachaeus the tax collector’s home. The Lord also reached out to the multitudes and one time fed 5,000 men. Jesus was in the cities and in the villages. He encountered the political and religious leaders of the day. He used various approaches to touch lives. He taught the crowds. He rebuked the hypocrites. He healed the sick. He consoled those in despair. He rejoiced with those who rejoiced. He ate and drank. He delivered the oppressed. No wonder He could say, “The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many..
After His death, burial and resurrection, He released the same mandate He had received from His father to the disciples and said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit.” We are now to reach out as Jesus did. Jesus was mostly located in Israel, but his impact has touched the whole world through the disciples that He sent out.
Our parameters of outreach have changed. We are no longer going into the physical world as we know it. Now our world is made up of technology, arts and entertainment, political, religious, business, educational, social strata and so on. The message is the same. The motivation is the same. The goal is the same. The methods must change depending on the various spheres we enter. Extraordinary outreach requires extraordinary empowerment. That is why we have the Holy Spirit with us [Acts 1:8]. Let us go and fulfill our mandate.
John 3:16—For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life • John 10:10—The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance. • Matt 28:18-19—All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. I am with you always to the close of the age. • Mk 16:15—Go and preach the gospel to every creation • Rom 1:16—I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God to salvation to those who have faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek
Lk 5:10—Do not be afraid. From now you will catch men. • Mt 9:38—The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest that He may thrust laborers into His harvest. • John 4:35—Lift up your eyes and see, the fields are white for harvest • II Tim 1:7—You have not received the spirit of fear [timidity] but the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind • II Cor 5:20—we are a new creation. We are reconcilers. We are ambassadors of Christ. We are co-laborers with Christ
We decree and declare that the fields of the kingdom are white for harvest and we are busy bringing in the sheaves • We decree and declare that the Lord of the harvest has not only sent us, but He has empowered us for the great task • We decree and declare that we are launching out into the deep for a catch. We are touching men and women from all spheres of life for the kingdom of God
We decree and declare that we shall preach the word in season and out of season, in the city and in the country side; when we sit and when we stand up. • We decree and declare that the poor will be enriched; the blind will see; the captives will be set free; the downtrodden will be lifted up; the proud will be humbled; those who believe will be transformed • We decree and declare that we are going beyond our comfort zones to the places that God wants us to go; to a people that he wants us to reach. We have the wisdom for those who win souls are wise
We decree and declare that miracles and wonders will accompany our outreach. We shall see miracles and works of transformation in the church and in the marketplace; in our homes and our schools; in the business world and in the political world; in the academic world and in the entertainment world • We decree and declare that those who sow in tears carrying seeds to sow, will return rejoicing carrying sheaves of a great harvest • We decree and declare that the season is now. We shall arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon us
We are faced with a great opportunity in this season and time. The world is in turmoil and confusion. They are looking for answers to life. God has those answers and we are His ambassadors. Now is our time • We have a message that the world needs. This is the message of redemption. It is the message of reconnecting with the Kingdom of God. It is the message that says that through faith in Jesus Christ we have become a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a people belonging to God. • We have a motivation that Paul describes when he writes, “the love of God compels me.” We have this love poured in us through the Holy Spirit. It is the love that caused the Lord Jesus to have compassion on the crowd that followed Him. He described the people as helpless and harassed; like sheep without a shepherd. We must be motivated by the love of God.
We have a mandate to establish the Kingdom of God. Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand. In these tough political, economical and social times, we need to introduce the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The King is here and seeks to birth kingdom citizens who will be ambassadors wherever they go. • We have a mission that Paul declared saying that he was not ashamed of the gospel for it was the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. This gospel is what gives foundation to the right lifestyle. We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We live lives that will attract men and women to the King. We witness with our lives and with our words.
We must be wise in our approach. We are not trying to get statistics. We are building relationships that will last. Jesus lived among us and showed what it meant to love God with all the heart, mind and strength; and then to love one’s neighbor as self. We must be wise in our communication. We must use the right language to reach out to those who may not understand where we are coming from. This takes time and patience. • We must love at all times. The world is hurting and desires to be healed. Love is the healing balm of the spirit and soul. We must love with our speech and with our conduct. We must be kind to all we meet. They must see Jesus in us. • We must see beyond the natural. We must see the invisible to achieve the impossible. Challenges will come, and we must see beyond them. We must see beyond pain, opposition and heartache. We must see men and women coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ in great numbers. We must see with the eyes of faith.
We must be patient at all times. The seed falls into the ground and dies. Then it bears and releases the plant which in turn grows to bear fruit. One plants, another waters. God brings the increase. • We should never give up. We must run this race until we attain the goal. We must never give up on God. We must never give up on people. We must never give up on ourselves. We shall bring in the harvest. • We must reach out to all in the power of the Holy Spirit. The time is now. Arise and shine. • We shall give an account before God. May He say to us, “Welcome, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”
Heavenly Father, give me the love and compassion to go forth in your strength. In this season of extraordinary outreach, use me as an honorable vessel to make a difference wherever I go. May I indeed be an ambassador of your Kingdom. May I represent you well.