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Engineering Program Requirements Overview

Understand promotion and graduation requirements, work terms registration, evaluation, and more. Ensure eligibility and successful completion.

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Engineering Program Requirements Overview

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  2. Overview 2  Promotion Requirements  Graduation Requirements  Work Terms (Requirements, Registration, and Evaluation)

  3. Promotion Requirements 3  Academic Terms 3 to 8  Promotion average*: at least 60%.  Minimum grade of 50% in each course included in the calculation of the promotion average in that academic term. *Promotion average excludes Complementary Studies (ENGI or other subjects) and other elective courses.  Work Terms:  Overall grade of PASS (PAS or PWD) in that work term.  See the University Calendar for further details.

  4. Graduation 4  Subject to the University’s general regulations governing graduation (see the University Calendar).  Complete each and all Academic Terms with “CLEAR” promotion status.  Completion of all Work Terms with grade of PASS (‘PAS’ or ‘PWD’):  Minimum: Four (4) Work Terms.  Maximum: Six (6) Work Terms.  Expectation: As many as qualified to complete.

  5. Work Terms - Registration 5  Registration for Work Terms is required as it is for registration in any course. Appears on transcript with credit value (zero) and grade along with academic courses.  Subject to all general University regulations governing registration (see University Calendar).  Work Term registration eligibility – all students:  Program of Study is Engineering.  Clear academic standing in previous academic semesters.  For each, completion of the previous WT with Pass (PAS or PWD).  No financial or academic holds.  Direct any financial hold or fees payment questions to the Cashier’s Office.

  6. Work Terms - Registration 6  No student may begin a Work Term placement without being registered for that work term.  Auto-registration for Work Terms:  Only those who are eligible will be registered.  Occurs on the first day of registration for the upcoming Work Term semester.  Those who register after the last day to add courses for a semester must use a Course Change Form with sign off from the Co-op Office and the Associate Dean of Engineering. Co-op Office will initiates all necessary signatures.

  7. Work Terms - Registration 7  Work Terms 1 to 6 (following Academic Term 3):  WT1: Completion of ENGI 200W Professional Development Seminars.  Automatic (WT# is based upon eligibility and last Work Term completed - if any).  Pass (‘PAS’ or ‘PWD’) in previous work term.  Clear or probationary promotion from previous academic term.

  8. Work Terms - Registration 8  Verify registration and financial account information online through Memorial Self-Service.  Ensure fees are paid within deadlines.  If registered after first day of classes in the semester: Pay fees within 48 hours to avoid late payment fees.  Students missing pre-requisites may be permitted to continue to a scheduled work term under special circumstances. Consult with the Co-op Office.

  9. Work Terms - Registration 9  Dropping Work Terms – Automatic  If you are registered for a Work Term but are not placed by the course add/100% refund deadline (2 weeks after first day of classes for the semester), your WT registration will be dropped automatically.  Work Terms registration drops are processed by the Registrar’s Office based upon the records submitted by the Co-op Office.  If you are not placed by this time but you wish to continue to pursue a possible placement, ensure the Co-op Office is aware of your plans before that date!  Continued....

  10. Work Terms - Registration 10 o Late registration (re-registration) will be permitted with the approval of the Co-op Office and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies. This will be subject to pre-approval as noted above.  Other considerations: Be aware of the academic and financial implications if you register for academic courses in a semester when you might possibly have a late work term placement. Consult with the Registrar’s Office representative first.

  11. Work Terms - Evaluation 11  Students are expected to complete all aspects of each work term.  Grade is awarded for each of two components:  Work Term performance (employer/Co-op evaluation).  Communications.  Component Grades: ‘Outstanding’, ‘Above Expectations’, ‘Satisfactory’, ‘Marginal Pass’, or ‘Fail’  Overall Grade (on transcript): ‘Pass With Distinction’, ‘Pass’, or ‘Fail’

  12. Work Terms - Evaluation 12  Failure on either the ‘performance’ or ‘communications’ component results in overall grade of ‘Fail’ for the Work Term.  Failed work terms must be repeated.  A ‘Fail’ for the performance component may result from:  Termination by employer  Quitting a work term position  Failing to honour work term placement or work commitment  Failing to submit required documentation  Message: Talk to the Co-op Office about any concerns, issues, or actions you are considering before you act!

  13. Work Term Placements 13  Placements are coordinated by the Faculty of Engineering Co-Operative Education Office.  The placement and opt out processes are guided by the Engineering Co-Op Handbook.  Only registered students are allowed to continue in the job competition beyond the automatic registration date.  Students who do not intend to seek a work term: Opt- out as prescribed by the Co-op Office (normally one week after the start of classes in the preceding academic semester).  Opt-out later?: Complete Opt-out form and speak with a Co-ordinator.

  14. Work Term Placements 14  Individuals who are not registered, and thus restricted from the MyMUNLife job competition, may pursue a work term independently and accept an offer only under the following conditions:  The Co-Op Office first approves of the position.  If an Opt-out was previously approved for the semester, it has been reversed/cleared with the Co-op Office.  Registration pre-requisites as outlined earlier have been met.  Work Term registration is complete. Only registered students may accept and begin a work term with an employer.

  15. Work Term Placements 15  See the University Calendar and Engineering Co-op Handbook for further details.  Be familiar with the Engineering Co-op Handbook.  The Co-op Office will not normally become involved in resolving registration issues associated with fees or other holds.  Complete the Placement Process:  Pick up the Work Term package in the Co-op Office.  Communicate with your employer for start dates, travel, and other requirements.  Complete all documents on time.

  16. 16 Area Contact Application for Admission Registration, transcript, or other student record questions Office of the Registrar Graduation Contacts Program Admission Faculty of Engineering – Office of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate) Major Allocation Program Promotion Work Term opt-in/out, registration, placement, evaluation, and questions/issues Co-operative Education Office (Engineering)

  17. Contacts 17 Victoria (Tory) Greey Assistant Registrar Office of the Registrar Room AA 2003 (Arts and Admin Building) engr_registrar@mun.ca mun.ca/regoff 864-7409 Co-ordinators Co-operative Education Office Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Room EN-4021 (Engineering Building) coopeng@mun.ca www.mun.ca/coop/contact_us/engineering 864-8816 *Self-Service issues: reghelp@mun.ca or 864-4445 Associate Dean (Undergraduate) Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Room EN-4019 (Engineering Building) engr-ADUGS@mun.ca engr.mun.ca/undergrad/current.php 864-8813

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