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Explorers. By Jena Schulz. Explorers of the New World Leif Ericson Marco Polo Prince Henry Bartholomeu Dias Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci Vasco da Gamma Ferdinand Magellan. Other Explorers Henry Hudson Hernando De Soto Sir Francis Drake Robert LaSalle. Main Menu.

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  1. Explorers By Jena Schulz

  2. Explorers of the New World Leif Ericson Marco Polo Prince Henry Bartholomeu Dias Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci Vasco da Gamma Ferdinand Magellan Other Explorers Henry Hudson Hernando De Soto Sir Francis Drake Robert LaSalle Main Menu

  3. Around the year 982 Eric the Red sailed to Iceland. He landed on the coast of Greenland. He founded the first colony there. His son named Leif Ericson began exploring the area. He reached the North American mainland around the year 1000. He called it Vinland. This makes Ericson the explorer who discovered North America. Other Facts: Dates lived: 970-1020 From Iceland He was a Viking October 9th is Leif Ericson Day Leif Ericson

  4. Marco Polo Marco Polo and his two uncles visited China and lived at the court of the Emperor. When he went back to Italy, Polo wrote a book about his travels in the Far East. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1254-1324 • From Venice, Italy

  5. Prince Henry is also known as ‘Prince Henry the Navigator’. He spent his entire fortune funding many voyages of exploration. He had a school for sailors that studied projects in navigation, ship design, astronomy, and mapmaking. The school along with Prince Henry explored the west coast of Africa. Other Facts: Dates lived: 1394-1460 From Wales Prince Henry

  6. King John II chose Dias to lead a group close to the southern tip of Africa. A storm blew him past the southernmost tip of land. After 13 days Dias was able to turn east, but found no land. He then turned north and sighted the Mossel Bay, around the cape. On his return trip Dias saw the Cape of Good Hope for the first time in May of 1488. This made him the first explorer to sail around Africa. Other Facts: Dates lived: 1450-1500 From Portugal Bartholomeu Dias

  7. Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus dreamed of becoming a sailor. At age 14 he made his first voyage on an Italian ship. Columbus also read books about the world such as the one written by Marco Polo. Columbus wanted to reach the Indies by sailing west. Columbus went to the king and queen of Spain. They gave him three ships; the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, as well as a crew and the money he needed to make the trip. On October 12, 1492 Columbus reached the land. He had not found the Indies. He was really in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands he discovered were off the coast of North America; San Salvador then Cuba which Columbus called Juana. Columbus went back to Spain and showed everyone the gold and other goods he had found. Columbus sailed back to the New World three more times. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1451-1506 • From Genoa, Italy

  8. Vespucci made voyages to the West Indies and South America for Spain and Portugal. He explored the shores of South America. Some of Vespucci’s reports and maps were found by a German schoolteacher who was writing a geography book. The teacher named the New World America after Vespucci and his voyages. Other Facts: Dates lived: 1454-1512 From Florence, Italy Amerigo Vespucci

  9. Vasco da Gamma King Manuel I of Portugal picked da Gamma to head a new expedition that would continue where Dias had stopped. On November 22, 1498 da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope. In May he landed at Calicut (now Kozhikode) on the southwest coast of India. da Gama brought back many trade goods from the Indies. This made him the first to sail to India. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1469-1524 • From Portugal

  10. Ferdinand Magellan Magellan proved through his explorations that the Earth is round. He established the first route to the East that involved sailing to the west. This passage went around the tip of South America. Magellan sailed for the Spanish king Charles I. He was the first to sail around the world. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1480-1521 • From Portugal

  11. Henry Hudson Henry Hudson wanted to find a passage across the continent of North America. He was unable to find the Northeast or the Northwest Passage he sought. He did however add to Europe's knowledge of the Arctic and North America. He explored the Hudson Bay, Hudson River, and Hudson Strait. He discovered the Hudson Bay in 1610. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1570-1611 • From London

  12. On May 30, 1539 De Soto and his men went into Florida. His goal was to find gold. In his journey De Soto forced the Indians to give his men supplies. This led to many battles. De Soto discovered the Mississippi River near present day Memphis, Tennessee in the spring of 1541. De Soto died near his discovery without finding the gold he sought. Other Facts: Dates lived: 1496-1542 From Badajoz, Spain Hernando De Soto

  13. Sir Francis Drake Sir Frances Drake was a British sea captain who traded with the Spanish. In 1582 his ship was sunk in a port in Spanish America. Most of Drake's crew was killed. Drake got away and returned to England. He gathered a new crew and a powerful ship. He returned to America. Drake sailed along the coast taking what he could from Spanish treasure ships. He also attacked Spanish settlements up and down the coast. This lead to the Spanish gathering a large fleet of ships to attack England called the Spanish Armada. In 1588 the Spanish Armada sailed for England. The British fleet was able to stop them because a storm destroyed many of the Spanish ships and pushed many others off course. This event made the New World a safe place for English colonists. Sir Frances Drake is also known because he became the first for England to sail around the world. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1540-1596 • From England

  14. Robert LaSalle Robert LaSalle finished the trip that Father Marquette and Louis Joliet had started earlier. LaSalle sailed all the way to the mouth of the Mississippi River. Along the way he built a chain of trading posts. LaSalle claimed the entire Mississippi River in the name of  France. LaSalle received money from the King of France. His plan was to build a trading post at the mouth of the Mississippi River at the location which is now New Orleans. He got lost and build the post on a small branch of the Mississippi River farther west. Through this the French had a valuable hold on the New World. They made money from the fur trade. Other Facts: • Dates lived: 1643-1687 • From Rouen, France

  15. Slide 2: Image (boat) came from Microsoft Clip Art Slides 3-10: Text came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/explorers2.htm Slide 3: Picture came from http://www.bluffton.edu/womenartists/womenartistspw/whitneyericson.jpg Slides 4,7,9,10: Images (pictures of explorers) came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/explorers2.htm Slide 5: Picture came from http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/resources/Private/Faculty/Fac_To1877ChapterDocFiles/ChapterImages/Ch2PrinceHenrytheNavigator.jpg Slide 6: Picture came from http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/00169/00169a35.jpg Slide 8: Picture came from http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/images/South%20America/factfile/456px-Amerigo_Vespucci.jpg Slide 11: Image and text came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/englishexplorers.htm#hudson Slide 12: Text came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/spanishexplorers.htm#soto Picture came from http://www.waywelivednc.com/before-1770/1.08.jpg Slide 13: Text and picture came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/englishexplorers.htm#drake Slide 14: Text and picture came from http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/frenchexplorers.htm#lasalle Music in background came from http://www.fortunecity.com/banners/interstitial.html?http://www.fortunecity.com/bennyhills/chapman/164/pirates.mid References

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