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Attendance Monitoring 2009/10

Attendance Monitoring 2009/10. Chris Bexton Adele Szeghalmi Academic Services Division, Registry Ian Hamley. How have we got here? What is the Points Based System (PBS)? Ian Hamley, Registry What have we been asked to do? Overview of the Process Adele Szeghalmi, Registry

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Attendance Monitoring 2009/10

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Attendance Monitoring 2009/10 Chris Bexton Adele Szeghalmi Academic Services Division, Registry Ian Hamley

  2. How have we got here? What is the Points Based System (PBS)? Ian Hamley, Registry What have we been asked to do? Overview of the Process Adele Szeghalmi, Registry Monitoring Attendance – Undergraduates Ian Hamley, Registry Monitoring Attendance – Postgraduates Chris Bexton, Registry Questions & Answers

  3. How have we got here? Students must attend all teaching activities necessary for the pursuit of their studies, undertake all associated assessments and attend meetings and other activities as required by their School or the University. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/quality-manual/study-regulations/attendance.htm

  4. How have we got here? It is also expected that full-time postgraduate students will reside within reasonable travelling distance of the University in order that they may be readily available for consultation with their supervisors and be in a position to make full use of laboratory and library facilities. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/regulations

  5. How have we got here? • Management Board • Points Based System Working Group • Senior Tutors Network • Students’ Union • ‘Compliance visits’ from the UKBA • Schools • Other universities, UUK & AUA contacts

  6. What is the PBS? • Five tiers: • Highly skilled workers • Skilled workers with a job offer • Low skilled workers • Students • Youth mobility and temporary workers • Sponsor licences, CAS Certificates and responsibilities

  7. What have we been asked to do? • Monitor attendance for Home, Home/EU and Overseas students – September 2009 • Monitor student attendance over 10 ‘expected interactions’ (circa 280k interactions per year) – September 2009 • Report sponsored student ‘No Shows’ to the UKBA – • February 2010 • Report non-attendance of sponsored Tier 4 students to the UKBA – March/April 2010

  8. What have we been asked to do? • For attendance monitoring and reportable to UKBA: • All sponsored students who are studying under a Tier 4 visa with an Activated CAS • For attendance monitoring only: • Home & EU students studying at the university or resit with attendance, including incoming Erasmus or U21 etc. • NOT part-time, distance learning, industrial placements, outgoing Erasmus or U21 etc.

  9. Acceptable Interactions – examples • Lecture, seminar, tutorial, laboratory session etc • Scheduled formal assessment, presentation, viva etc • Formal class register • Seeing an administrator, Personal Tutor, Supervisor etc • Physical submission of coursework • University registration • Feedback session with student • Group presentations • Work in progress (PGRs) • Supervision meetings with supervisor (PGRs) • Annual review (PGRs) • NOT EXHAUSTIVE… and never will be

  10. On-line Reporting System

  11. Overview of the Process Data from Saturn Database Web Facility Report to Registry Investigation Attendance monitored Withdraw on Saturn UKBA informed

  12. Monitoring Attendance – Undergraduates

  13. Reporting to the UKBA • Non-standard starters expecting to start from 1 February 2010 – expectedstart date + 20 working days • Non-registered students (September start) – 10 working days after registration ends - 22 October 2010 • Non-attendance in S1 – March/April 2011 • Non-attendance in S2 – 1 July 2011 • ***Withdrawing a student will be FINAL***

  14. Monitoring Attendance – Taught Postgraduates

  15. Monitoring Attendance – Research Postgraduates

  16. Reporting to the UKBAfor Postgraduates • PGRs and non-standard starters expecting to start from 1 February 2010 – expectedstart date + 20 working days • Non-registered students (September start) – 10 working days after registration - 22 October 2010 • Non-attendance in S1 – March/April 2011 • Non-attendance in S2 – 1 July 2011 • Non-attendance in Summer –24 October 2011 ***Withdrawing a student will be FINAL***

  17. Advantages of Monitoring • Compliance with external statutory requirements & continued recruitment of international students • Attendance is strongly correlated with academic attainment (Newman-Ford et al, 2008; Paisey & Paisey, 2003) • Increased communication with our students • Increased pastoral provision for our students • Useful tool to identify student with poor attendance at an earlier stage

  18. Looking to the future • Becoming a 'Highly Trusted Sponsor’? • Reduction in recording interactions (300k to 81k) • Developing our IT solution • Using module completion data (HESA)? • Government policy?

  19. Key Contacts • The Registry • attendance-monitoring@nottingham.ac.uk • FAQs on Registry’s web pages • Attendance Monitoring Helpline 32320 • The International Office • Student Services • Academic, Financial & Disability Support • Cripps Health Centre • Counselling

  20. Attendance Monitoring Web Page http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/academic-office/studentregistry/attendancemonitoring.htm

  21. Questions… ?

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