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Welcome to Ms. Pitsch’s 5th Grade Class or “School of Fish”. General Class Schedule. 8:00 -8:20 DOL/Opening 8:20-9:10 Specials 9:10-9:30 Read Aloud/Snack 9:10-10:35 Literacy Block 10:35-10:50 Recess 10:50-12:20 Math Block 12:25-1:10 Lunch 1:10-1:30 AR
General Class Schedule 8:00 -8:20 DOL/Opening 8:20-9:10 Specials 9:10-9:30 Read Aloud/Snack 9:10-10:35 Literacy Block 10:35-10:50 Recess 10:50-12:20 Math Block 12:25-1:10 Lunch 1:10-1:30 AR 1:30-1:55 Writing/Journal 1:55-3:10 Science (Ms. Pitsch) or Social Studies (Mrs. Nichol’s) alternating Wednesday: Library/Computer Lab 3:10-3:20 Closing
FishPhilosophy • Play • Be There • Make Their Day • Choose Your Attitude
Teachers provide: • A challenging, quality education • A safe and comfortable learning environment • Communication with parents in “Sneak Peak of the Week,” bulletins, and newsletters • Respect for all • Patience, understanding, tolerance, kindness Students provide: • Preparedness to learn • Best effort • Appropriate behavior and respect for rules • Respect for all • Patience, understanding, tolerance, kindness • Role modeling for younger students Parents provide: • Open communication with teacher about child’s learning • Review of daily agenda book, Friday Folder and other homework • Respect for all • Patience, understanding, tolerance, kindness • Check-in at the office before coming into the classroom
Curriculum Mathematics (Everyday Math) • Unit 1) Number Theory • Unit 2) Estimation and Computation • Unit 3) Geometry Explorations and the American Tour • Unit 4) Division • Unit 5) Fractions, Decimals, and Percents • Unit 6) Using Data; Addition and Subtraction of Fractions • Unit 7) Exponents and Negative Numbers • Unit 8) Fractions and Ratios • Unit 9) Coordinates, Area, Volume and Capacity • Unit 10) Algebra Concepts and Skills • Unit 11) Volume • Unit 12) Probability, Ratios, Rates • Literacy (Houghton Mifflin, Accelerated Reader, Write Source, Step Up to Writing) • Theme 1) Finding a Way • Theme 2) Common Goals • Theme 3) Go with the Flow • Theme 4) Dare to be Great • Theme 5) Making a Difference • Theme 6) Feats of Daring • Trade Books or Additional Units:Julie of the Wolves, Island of the Blue Dolphin, Newbery Award Books, Book vs. Movie, Tall Tales, Poetry, Scrapbook
Science (Foss, Delta) • Unit 1) Variables • Unit 2) Levers and Pulleys • Unit 3) Review • Unit 4) Landforms • Projects and Fieldtrips: • Marble Runs, Rocky Mountain National Park, High Peaks Camp • Social Studies (American History) • The United States and Its People • Native Peoples of North America • Exploration and Colonization • Colonial America • The Struggle for North America • The New Nation • Slavery and Emancipation • The Nation Grows • The Modern Era • Projects and Special Days: • Explorer Reports, Hall of Presidents, Colonial Projects, Power Point State Reports
Homework • I try to give homework that practices what we have learned for the day not that introduces new concepts. I take homework seriously. Students will have homework almost every night. Each night, whether there is homework or not, I encourage parents to set up a study time and read a minimum of 20 minutes for AR. I try to give the students the weekends off; however; if a student has make-up or late assignments, the weekend is a good time to get those done. • Assignments will be completed on time. Assignments will be done neatly and to the best of the student’s ability or returned to the student to do again.
Late assignments will receive credit if turned in by the next day at 8:10 am. Parents will be notified in writing of each late assignment or “One That Got Away.” If this is not returned, students will call home to notify parents of their incomplete work. Recess and “lunch bunch” will be utilized as a time for students to make up work. • If a student is absent, two days are given following the absence to complete the missed work (after this the work is treated as late work). Daily work will be recorded in the “Gone Fish’n” binder. It is the absent student’s responsibility to ask questions and get help where needed.
Expectations • We work on a fish system in which students earn fish for good work, completing homework, perfect behavior, etc. Once they earn 10 fish, they may trade them in for candy, a free assignment pass, or change their lowest grade to an A. (See ROARS contract.) • I do not allow inappropriate behavior that interferes with my teaching or with learning in my classroom. Behavior grades are given as follows: 0-1 behavior marks =A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5+=F. Parents will be notified weekly of behavior in the Friday Folder.
Communication • Each student will keep a written agenda book. This will be checked by me or by parents at any time. It should go home daily and return to school daily. Assignments are posted, discussed, and reviewed each day before the close of the school day. • Parent assistance and communication is vital. Parents are always welcome in my classroom. I can be reached at school: 586-7406 ext. 3258, or at home (970) 310-6193 or by email: ecpitsch@hotmail.com or Erin_Pitsch@psdr3.k12.co.us.
Thank You For Coming! • I am sorry I was unable to make it to the Open House tonight, but I have an away volleyball game in South Valley. If you would like to meet with me in person or if you have questions or concerns please leave a note, or call: 970-586-7406, ext. 3258, or email: Erin_Pitsch@psdr3.co.edu • Volunteers are definitely needed! If you’d like to help out in any way, please sign up on the back table. Thanks so much.
Estes Park Elementary Refocus Form NAME: ______________________________________DATE: _______________ TEACHER: _________________________________________________________ Time left classroom: ____________ Return time to classroom: ___________ Initial of Refocus buddy teacher: ___________ 1. What was your behavior? I was _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What problems did your behavior cause for you, your classmates, and/or your teacher? My behavior__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. What will your behavior look like when you return to class? I will________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. I am ready to return to class and use my plan. _________YES _________NO Sending Teacher __________________________________________
Teach To’s Pledge of Allegiance Goal: To teach the students proper respect for our flag Rationale: To show proper respect for our country Expected Group Behavior: At 8:10, when the final bell rings, the Pledge of Allegiance will be led over the intercom throughout the entire Elementary School Regardless of where students, staff members, and visitors are, they are to stop and locate the nearest flag. They should then face that flag. Students should stand with their right hand over their heart and their left hand down by their side Students should speak in a normal and respectful (calm, firm, even) tone **Please refer to the policy located in the “Elementary Schedules” section of the Certified Staff Handbook for questions regarding participation in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Teach To’s Mr. Bryant and Ms. Lucht will explain Thursday after specials: Arriving At School Expected Group Behavior: Exit bus / car correctly Walk to designated area: Before 8:00 – walk to black top on the North side of building After 8:00 – enter Elementary School and proceed to class Once in designated area: Teachers on duty will line up students by grade level at 7:55 in preparation for the 8:00. At 8:00 teacher on duty will begin dismissing grade levels into the buiding Students are to quietly proceed directly to their classroom, enter the classroom, and begin daily entry task. Keep hands and backpacks to self **Students who are eating breakfast may enter the cafeteria upon arrival. Departure From School Expected Group Behavior: All students will exit their building when the bell rings at 3:20 **Students are not to be dismissed until the teacher hears the bell. Students will walk directly to their appropriate after school location Students will be respectful to staff members and other students Students waiting to be picked up will wait quietly
More Teach To’s Hallways (with class and teacher) Expected Behavior: Always WALK in the hallway Always stay on the right side when walking in the hallway and on stairs Use inside voices or no voice at all Keep at least a forearm space between you and the next person in line Keep hands and feet to yourself (off walls and others) Everyone in a single line Be considerate of others **As lines of students proceed throughout the hallway, every teacher is to require your line leader to stop at every appropriate corner along the route to allow for the remainder of the line to “catch up”. In addition, this allows for the teacher to maintain appropriate control over the entire group of students, as to not have the group spread out over a long distance, creating limited management by the teacher. This will require significant “teach tos” on the part of each teacher in order to train your classes to do this. Designated “stopping areas” at strategic corners throughout the building are to be identified, discussed, and recognized by classes. This will be different for every class, as common routes are individual to each classroom. Our hallways are very long, thus requiring that every group of students throughout the building travelling together recognize this procedure. Assemblies Expected Group Behavior: Sit with hands and feet in your space Walk into gym in an orderly fashion Look at and listen to the speaker Clap only after the presentation or when prompted by the speaker Floor - sit criss-cross applesauce Chairs - sit appropriately
Bathroom Behavior Expected Group Behavior: Use a quiet and appropriate voice Hands to self – always Toilet paper only in toilets Flush toilets and urinals after use Paper towels and sanitary articles in garbage cans Wash hands with soap Recess Expected Behavior: • Slides are for going down. Students ride on their bottoms only. One student at a time on the slide. • Swings are to be used by one student at a time. No jumping out of swings or hanging upside down on them. Swing in a forward/backward motion. • Sand, sticks, rocks or snow should stay on the ground. Snow can be used to build snowmen. • Students should stay below the top of the equipment. • If a child asks nicely and plays fair, all students must be allowed to play in any group game. • The student’s head should always be above their feet. • 10 students at a time on the “caterpillar”. • No pushing or shoving on the “pods” or “caterpillar”. • Students can’t push “caterpillar” up and down. • No helping students up on the zipline or pushing/pulling them. • Students can’t sit on the top of the rockwall, they need to climb over or come down. • Jumpropes are to be used on the shed end of topfield. • All personal toys need to be kept inside. • No hard balls (baseballs etc). Needs to be tennis balls or a softer ball. • No tackling, pushing, shoving, kicking or headlocks. • Students need to stay away from the fence below the soccer fields. They need to stay up on topfield. • Only parents who have a visitor’s badge on can come up to topfield and talk to their students. The front office will call us if someone is leaving and needs to go inside. • Parents who come up to the fence need to be informed that they have to check in at the office before talking to their student.
Lunchroom (Entering) Students line up without running and pushing Students line up allowing a forearm space between the person in front and behind them Hot lunch students enter the lunchroom and go directly to the serving Keep hands and feet to yourself (off walls and others) Cold lunch students go directly to their seats Be considerate of others Lunchroom (Eating) Students stay seated at their table at all times If a student needs to get up they must raise their hand and be acknowledged by the teacher on duty in order to get up (this applies to all grade levels, including 5th grade) Students are expected to use good manners – chewing with your mouth closed, no slurping, no playing with your food, etc. Students are expected to help clean up any spills that occur in the cafeteria Students are to only talk to other students at their own table and seated within reasonable proximity Keep hands and feet to yourself Noise level is expected to remain to at a “neighbor voice” level Be considerate of others Lunchroom (Dismissal) Students will not be dismissed until at least 15 minutes into their grade level’s lunch period Students who are not yet finished eating at the 15-minute interval can stay and finish their lunch. However, at the 25-minute mark the teacher on duty needs to encourage students to finish their lunch in order to free up table space for the next grade level that will be coming at the 30-minute mark. Following the 15-minute mark, students can then raise their hand to ask to be dismissed by the teacher on duty. Students will be dismissed in the following way: Student raises hand silently (It is unacceptable if a student calls out the name of the teacher on duty instead of silently raising their hand. If students do not raise their hand silently, the teacher on duty is to redirect them and return when the appropriate behavior has been demonstrated.) Teacher on duty checks that the student’s lunch has been eaten to an appropriate degree Teacher on duty checks that the student’s area surrounding them (table, floor, bench) is clean. There are to be no crumbs, spills, drops of liquid, etc. anywhere in the area that the student was sitting. The area is to be left just as it was when the student arrived. In the event that the area was not in ideal condition when the student arrived, it is still the responsibility of the student leaving at that time to clean up the area. Teacher then dismisses the student that they have just “checked-out” to go to the trash can and throw away any trash, and then, if necessary, to place their lunch box/bag in their classroom’s lunch basket located along the South wall of the cafeteria. **Teachers are to ensure that their lunch basket is marked well so that all students and teachers on duty can identify it. **When throwing things away at the trash cans students are expected to form a single file line and throw things away one at a time. As Teachers dismiss students they are to remind them of expected behaviors along the way in the hallway and on their way out to recess. Students are then to WALK out of the cafeteria. If they need to place their lunch box/bag in the class lunch basket they must place it in there, not throw it. It is expected that at any time if a teacher asks students to help clean up a mess in the cafeteria the students will help. This is independent of who actually made the mess. In other words, the response that “I didn’t make that mess” when asked to help clean up is unacceptable, as the cafeteria is seen as a common area that will be taken care of by all students.