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Explore the vast benefits of technology in education, from instructional effectiveness to individualized learning and motivation. Learn how modern technologies can foster critical thinking, active learning, and flexibility for students with special needs. Discover the advantages of cooperative learning, communication skills, and multicultural education through the integration of technology in the classroom. Follow expert tips on implementing blended learning, setting instructional objectives, and staying updated with the latest tools and techniques. Engage students, seek support, and collaborate with various resources to create a dynamic and effective educational environment.
Instructional A.V Media and Educational TechnologyDr. Antar S. Abdellah
Benefits of Technology in education • Instructional effectiveness .. (achievement, performance) • Active learning (simulations, interactivity) • Critical thinking (problem solving) • Individualization (S-centered, differences) • Motivation (exciting learning) • Flexibility of students with special needs (learning-disabled, low-achievers, slow learners, visual, physical impairment..)
Benefits of Technology in education • Cooperative learning (group work, collaboration) • Communication skills (presentation, demonstration) • Multisensory delivery (Audio/Visual/Kinesthetic) • Multicultural education (no walls-schools, international)
Implementation technology in the classroom (blended learning) • Determine instructional objectives, and select technology that support them. • Seek support from administrators • Form partnerships with learning resources (universities, businessmen, parents) • Keep updated with technology • Visit other schools, meet other teachers • Provide in-service training sessions
Implementation technology in the classroom (blended learning) • Get familiar with new software, hardware, firmware, courseware, and humanware. • Provide follow-up support • Involve the students • Investigate shareware resources • Subscribe to specialized periodicals (Forum, TESL-J) • Balance high tech with low tech • Be flexible and ready for change.