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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR TRASLATION

This course introduces students to the use of computer-assisted translation tools, translation memories, machine translation, and subtitling software. It covers theoretical aspects and practical assignments to prepare students for their professional life as translators.

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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR TRASLATION

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  1. Faculdade de LetrasdaUniversidade do Porto INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR TRASLATION INFORMÁTICA DE TRADUÇÃO FALL SEMESTER 2010 Tue. 19:30-21:30 Wed.17.30-19.30 Room 204 Elena ZagarGalvão elenazagar@gmail.com Webpage: web.letras.up.pt/egalvao FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  2. Learning outcomes (1) Students who successfully complete this class will: • be familiar with some of the multiple resources for translators and language service providers available on the Internet; FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  3. Learning outcomes (2) • be able to use the main functionalities of Computer Assisted Translation tools; • be familiar with the most important concepts in software localization; • be able to use free downloadable subtitling software such as Subtitle Workshop; FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  4. Learning outcomes (3) • be able to produce quotations for small-scale translation projects; • be able to produce a database using the Corpógrafo; • be able to produce small comparable or parallel corpora using the Corpógrafo; FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  5. Programme (1) This course is designed to introduce students to the use of CAT tools, Translation Memories (TM), Machine Translation (MT), the Corpógrafo, as well as the main functions of free subtitling software so as to help them get ready for their professional life as translators and language service providers. For this reason, the approach will be mostly practical, with a variety of hands-on assignments to be carried out both in and out of class. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  6. Programme (2) Lectures will cover more theoretical aspects such as the difference between TM and MT, the use of comparable and parallel corpora in translation, Machine Translation (history, success stories, limitations), subtitling (history, classification, pros and cons), etc. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  7. Bib-andWebliography Excerpts from the set books (see programme) and a selection of articles which you will be able to download via relevant links. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  8. Assessment (cf. Sumário Aula 1) Avaliação distribuída sem exame final/Continuousassessmentwith no final exam • Parte teórica (Theory): 40% • Parte prática (Practice): 60% FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  9. Parte Teórica (Theory) (40%) • 1 teste final na segunda semana de Janeiro (semana 14)/1 final test in the second week in January FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  10. Parte prática (Practice) (60%) • 2 ‘minitestes’ + exercícios práticos a serem efectuados durante a aula 2 minitests+practical exercises during class (20%+20%)/ • 1 apresentação a efectuar pelos grupos dos tutoriais durante a aula (o tema e os detalhes sobre tais apresentações deverão ser previamente acordados com a docente)/1 presentation by tutorial groups (topics+details to be agreed upon with the teacher) (20%) FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  11. Switch off your computer screens, please! FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  12. Translate the text on the handout into your main / first foreign / second language using only pen/pencil and paper. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  13. Now switch on your computers • Using MSWord and online resources, translate the same text into your main language / first foreign language / second language. • Tell the person next to you how you felt during this experience, comparing both your translation and your reactions to the task. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  14. Food for thought for tomorrow What aspects of the translator’s work are affected by electronic tools and how?

  15. Andbeforeyouleave … FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  16. Please write me an e-mail (elenazagar@gmail.com) containing the following info about yourself: • Full name and name you want to be called • Contact info: e-mail and cell phone; • Software applications you can use/you regularly use at work (rate your knowledge as very good, good, sufficient, insufficient) • Language combination • A brief statement about yourself including why you want to become a translator; what type of texts you’d like to translate; etc. • Other interests • Something else you would like me to know about you FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

  17. Thanks and see you tomorrow. FLUP - Elena Zagar Galvão

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