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Discover the roots of corruption in the Lord's order leading to the need for a return to the first-century apostolic ways of the church. Dive into historical events such as the Babylonian Captivity, the Establishment of the Church, and the Apostasy to gain insights on reform. Explore key figures like Daniel, Peter, Paul, and Martin Luther, who played pivotal roles in shaping the church's trajectory.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fCorruption was the result of changes made in the Lord’s order. The need to go back to the first century church and model it after the apostolic way was seen.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p ”Ephraim is joined to idols, Let him alone” (Hos. 4:17) A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fGod had promised lifee and death (Deut. 30:19).
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p False Prophets . “Do not listen to the prophets who say, ‘you shall not serve the king of Babylon.’ For they prophesy a lie to you, and you will perish.” (Jer. 27:9, 10) A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fHananiah, prophet from Gibeon, said “I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. Within two full years I will bring back all the captives of Judah who went to Babylon” (Jer. 28:2)
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p King A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p “You have today rejected your God, and have said, “No, set a king over us”(1 Sam. 10:19) . . . . . . f“I gave you a king in My anger, and took him away in My wrath” (Hos. 13:11)
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Babylonian Captivity 70 Years 606 - 536 B.C. . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p “This city shall be given into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire” (Jer.21:10). “Then it will come to pass, when 70 years are completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon for his iniquity” (Jer. 25:12).” . . . . . . fNeh. 13:18.Profaned Sabbath-Lord brought “disaster on us and this city” because of it (70 Sabbaths profaned-70 yrs. of captivity.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Back to . Jerusalem “You see the gates of Jerusalem are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem…then they set their hands to this good work.” (Neh. 2:17f). A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fDaniel spent his life in Babylon. Ezra, & Nehemiah and Zerubbabel were sent under order of Cyryus & Darius, kings of Persia, to return and rebuild Jerusalem.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Establishment of the Church A.D. 30 “Upon this rock, I will build my church” (Jesus, Matt. 16:18). “repent and be baptized, every one of you for the remission of your sins (Peter in Acts 2:38). A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f“They continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, in fellowship, breaking bread and in prayer.” (Acts 2:42) Many thousands became members.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p The Apostasy 58 A.D. “After my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among your own selves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (Acts 20:29, 30).- Paul. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Priests and Bishops A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p “So when they had appointed elders in every church” (Acts 14:23). 1 Pet. 2:5, 11.”A Royal priesthood, a holy nation.” . . . . . . fMonarchal bishops were evolved (one bishop over a church).Then over many churches. They vied with each other for authority. Jer., Alex., Const.,Rome,
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f150-200 A.D. –Human creeds since Nicea in 323 A.D.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Human Creeds “And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9) A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . 325 A.D. The Nicean Creed, the Augsburg Confession; the Discipline; the Book of Mormon; Confession of Faith, etc.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p “. . . that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2 Thess. 2:3,4) The Pope A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . 606 A.D.Boniface III, now Benedict 16th
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Instrumental Music “Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19). A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f670 A.D.Organ caused division between east and west.Also caused division between C. of C. and Christian churches.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Transubstantiation “For we, though many are one bread and one body, for we all partake of that one bread” (1 Cor. 10:17) A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f1040 A.D. Cannibals eat literal flesh, drink lit. blood. Mis- understand “This is my body”, fig. for represents, memorial.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Celibacy A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Elder to be “husband of one wife” (1 Tim. 3:2). . . . . . . We are to “follow their faith” (Heb. 13:7). “Deny them privilege of marriage which God allows, will become corrupt.”-Martin Luther, 1521`.(1 Tim. 4:3) –a mark of apostasy...
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Indulgences . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p “And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1) . . . . . . f1190 A.D.John Tetzel sold right to sin- to build church in Rome. “When coin clinks in the coffer, sin is forgiven.”.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Sprinkling “Buried with him in baptism in which you also were raised with him through faith in the working of God” (Col. 2:12). A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f1311 A.D.- Vote in Council won by one vote. Earlier they had practiced this in case of sickness.(Novatian=250 A.D.)
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Auricular Confession . “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us…and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . f1400 A.D.- Sinner whispers sin in ear of priest, he absolves. “There is one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” (1 Tim. 2:5)
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p John Wickliffe 1320-1384 “Morning star of the Reformation” John Huss 1373-1415 Burned at the stake A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fMen grew tired of Rom. Cath. domination, These were early reformers who suffered much because Roman persecution.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Hulreich Zwingli 1484-1531 Martin Luther 1483-1524 . . . . . . The decline of Papal influence came. Luther tacked on door of Wittenburg Castle his 95 Theses, objections to R.C. Bravely he said at his trial, “I cannot recant anything, Here I stand. I cannot ado otherwise. God help me.” Condemned by Council as a heretic, he was “kidnapped” by frends and remained in hiding.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p John Calvin 1509-1564 John Knox 1505-1572 . . . . . . fZwingli closer to truth. Luther bel. All not forbidden acceptable, Zwingli bel. All had to be authorized. Calvin and Knox were leaders of Presbyterianism. Calvinism accepted by many: TULIP doctrine:TD,Uncon. Elec., Lim. At., IG, PoS.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Charles Wesley 1707-1788 John Wesley 1703-1791 . . . . . . fJohn, 15th child, Chasw. The 18th of nineteen children of Sam & Suzanna Wesley. Church of Eng. (Prot. Episc.) became corrupt. Small group at Oxford called “Methodists” because of strict observance of Prayer book. Did not think of returning to N.T. church. Some songs in our book by Chas Wesley.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Abner Jones 1772-1841 Vt. James O’Kelly 1736-1826 N. C. . . . . . . fThese are beginning of restorers, not trying to reform Cath. Church, but return to original church in Jerus. O’Kelly, a Methodist, withdrew claiming Bible as as only rule of faith. Jones, a Baptist, left Bapstists and est. church in Lyndon, Vt. In 1801, called “Christian Church” with Elias Smith.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Picture not available . Robert Haldane 1764-1842 James Haldane 1768-1851 A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Barton W. Stone 1772-1844 . . . . . . fStone was a Presbyterian, saw need too return to prim. Xty.Calvinism distressed him. ”Last will and Test. Of Springfield Presbytery” “We will that this body die and ..sink into union with the Body of Christ at large” (Cane Ridge, Ky)
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p Thomas Campbell 1763-1854 Alexander Campbell 1788-1866 . . . . . . f“The Declaration and Address of the Chr. Ass’n of Washington” (1809)- p. 320f.(TEK). A. Campbell debated Presbyterrians, Baptists, R. Cath.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . fThe church of Christ has been restored, however each generation must study for themselves the N.T. and come closer to its principles.
. .. A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . A b c d e f g h I k l m n O p . . . . . . INVITATION