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Tahara and As Salah Purity and Prayer. Gratitude to the great blessings that Allah has bestowed upon His servants Clear demonstration of the meaning of worship, as it displays turning to Allah and submission and humility in front of Him
Tahara and As SalahPurity and Prayer • Gratitude to the great blessings that Allah has bestowed upon His servants • Clear demonstration of the meaning of worship, as it displays turning to Allah and submission and humility in front of Him • A private conversation with Quranic reciting, words of remembrance and supplications • Thus establishing a relationship and connection with the servant and his Lord • Rising above the materialistic world, rescuing one before being drowned in the throngs of life and its attractions • Keeping one from evil • Realizing there is something greater in life
Focused, organised • Avenue for forgiveness • Purify heart, • De stress • Unity in worship • Fulfilment of needs • Equality before God • Increase imaan • Good exercise • Tahra • Closer to God • Reminds you of Allah/love/fear
WuduAblutions Wudu is the act of using “purifying” water to wash the four extremities and head in a manner prescribed by the Sharia.
Virtues of Wudu • Pre-requisite for prayer • Ghurr muhajjileen • Dropping away of sins with every drop of water • If one makes full ablution and follows it with the testimony of faith the eight gates of paradise will be opened and will be able to enter by anyone of them. (Muslim)
Obligatory acts of Wudu • washing the face, including mouth and nose • washing the arms from the hands to the elbows • wiping the head including the ears • washing the feet • it should be done in order
O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands to the elbows; rub your heads; and wash your feet to the ankles” Al Maaidah 6
Recommened acts of Wudu • begin by mentioning name of Allah • using the miswaak • washing hands first • rinsing one’s mouth and nose • running fingers through fingers and toes • putting water through a thick beard once • starting with the right side • washing three times • using new water for ears • supplication after • praying two rakat after
Disliked acts during Wudu • making wudu in a place where there are impurities • washing more than three times…”whoever adds to that has done evil, transgressed and done wrong. “An Nisaai • being wasteful with water. The Prophet used what could be held between two hands • leaving the recommended acts
Things that nullify Wudu • anything that comes out of the body via the private parts • a sound sleep (whilst lying down) • losing consciousness • touching sexual organ with desire • eating camel meat
Ghuslcomplete washing “And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes from relieving himself, or you have touched women, and you do not find water, the go to high clean soil and rub your face and hands. Certainly Allah is Benign, Forgiving.” An Nisaa 43 • ejaculation • “when the two circumcised parts meet” • death, except for a shaheed • conversion to Islam • menstruation • post-natal bleeding
prerequisites of the Ghusl • the factor obligating the ghusl must have stopped • intention • being Muslim • being sane • being of the age of discernment • permissible purifying water • having the water reach the skin
Obligatory acts of Ghusl • mentioning the name of Allah • water should reach all parts of the body including mouth and nose
Recommended acts of Ghusl • washing hands before entering them into container • washing sexual organ • making ablution first • begin with right side of body • rewash feet in separate place
whilst in state of ghusl it is forbidden to… • pray • make tawaaf • touch or carry Quran except in its container • sit in the mosque
sometimes you can make tayammum when…. • there is no water available, or it is too far away • one has an injury or disease and there is fear water will cause more harm • there is only extremely cold water and no means to heat it • the only water available is needed for drink and there is a fear of dying of thirst • surah Nisa 43
how to make tayammum • use pure soil (sand, stone, gypsum etc..) • intention • say ‘bismillah’ • strike soil with hands • blow into hands • wipe face and hands (up to elbows)
As Salah The Prayer • “Verily, the prayers are enjoined on the believers at stated times.” An Nisa 103 • “And they have been not been commanded except that they should worship Allah being sincere in the religion of true monotheism, and that they should establish regular prayer, and pay the zakat and that is the right religion. al Bayyina 5 • “Between a man and al shirk and alkufr is the abandoning of prayer.” (Muslim)
prerequisites (shuroot) of Al Salah • Intention • being Muslim • being sane • age of discernment • the time for prayer has begun • being in a state of purity • facing qibla • covering awrah • freedom from impurities
times of the five prayers… • Al FAJR from dawa until sunrise • Al DHUR from just after the sun passing its zenith until the shadow of an object is the same as the length of the object • AL ASR from when the shadow of an object is the same as the length of the object until the shadow of an object is twice the length of the object. If necessary until sunset • AL MAGHRIB from after the sun has set until start appear numerous in cluster, or until end of twilight • AL ISHA from end of twilight until the middle of the night
Arkaan- us -Salahessential components of the prayer(failing to do these is as if the action is not done at all) • standing • opening takbeer • reciting surah al faatihah • bowing • rising from bowing and standing straight • prostration on the seven bodily parts • coming from prostration and sitting straight • second prostration • having calmness and stillness • the final tashahud • prayers upon the Prophet saws • final greeting • maintaining the correct order
Waajibaatobligatory acts of the prayer(intentionally leaving it nullifies the prayer but not due to forgetfulness or ignorance) • the takbeers other than the opening takbeer • while bowing saying “subhanna rabbiyal adheem” • coming from bowing saying “sami-Allahu liman hamidah” • then saying while standing “rabbana wa lakal hamd” • while prostrating saying “sudhana rabbiyal-ala” • sitting for the first tashahud • saying the first tashahud