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Fundamentals of Purity and Prayer. Lecture 11 April 6, 2014. Mandatory Actions of Prayer. Mandatory Actions of Prayer. If one mistakenly omits or delays a mandatory ( wajib ) act of prayer Must perform sajdah sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) to compensate
Fundamentals of Purity and Prayer Lecture 11 April 6, 2014
Mandatory Actions of Prayer • If one mistakenly omits or delays a mandatory (wajib) act of prayer • Must perform sajdahsahw (prostration of forgetfulness) to compensate • Otherwise wajib to repeat prayer within its time • If one intentionally omits or delays a wajib act of prayer • Wajib to repeat the prayer within its time • Sajdahsahw will not compensate
Mandatory Actions of Prayer The mandatory actions of prayer are: • Specifically saying the words “Allahuakbar” to begin every prayer • Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, then a surah or three short verses after it, in first two rak’ats of every fard prayer • In every rak’at of wajib, sunnah and nafl prayers • Being still for at least a moment in every integral of the prayer • “A moment” meaning enough to time to say “SubhanAllah” once, with body parts at rest • Includes during ruku, sujud, standing when returning from ruku, sitting between sujud
Mandatory Actions of Prayer • Perform sujud with most of the forehead and hard part of nose touching ground • Performing the 2 sujud successively in each rak’at • The first sitting (after first 2 rak’ats of 3- or 4-rak’at prayer) • For length of the tashahhud • Reciting the entire tashahhud in first and final sittings • Top of pg. 191 in textbook • Rising from the first sitting after reciting tashahhud, without delay
Mandatory Actions of Prayer • Saying the word “as-salamu” twice at the end of prayer • Adding “alaykumwarahmat-ullah” and turning head to right and left are sunnah • To perform every fard and wajib act in its prescribed order • To perform every fard and wajib act without delay • Recitation of qunut in witr prayer • Reciting six extra takbirs in the two ‘Id prayers
Mandatory Actions of Prayer • For imam to recite Qur’an out loud in first two rak’ats of Fajr, Maghrib and Isha • Also in all rak’ats of Jumu’ah, ‘Id, Tarawih & Witr in Ramadan • One praying alone has option to recite loudly or softly • Women should always recite softly • For imam to recite Qur’an softly in all rak’ats of Dhuhr and Asr • And in all fardrak’ats following first two of Maghrib and Isha • Following the imam as closely as possible
Due to some questions from last week regarding the difference of position in prayer between men and women: • “The separating factor between the laws of salah of males and females is that of concealment. A woman is commanded to do all those actions which are more concealing for her.” Imam Bayhaqi • All differences discussed in this regard are based on authentic narrations and the practice of the Sahabah and Tabi’un • Yazidibn Abi Habib states that Rasulullahﷺpassed by two women who were performing their salah; he ﷺsaid to them, “When you prostrate, then make the parts of your body touch the ground because a woman is unlike a man in these aspects.” (Abu Dawud) • Abdullah Ibn Umar reports that Rasulullahﷺsaid, "When a woman sits during salah, she should place her one thigh over the other and when she prostrates, she must attach the stomach to her thighs so that is more concealing for her. Indeed, Allah looks at her and tells the angels, “O My angels! Bear witness that I have forgiven her.” (Bayhaqi)
Sunnah of Prayer The sunnah acts of prayer are: • Spreading feet about four-fingers apart (men) • Keeping feet close together when standing (women) • Standing up straight then lifting hands for TakbirTahrimah • To ears with fingers spaced normally (men) • To chest with fingers together (women) • Facing palms toward Qiblah
Sunnah of Prayer • For men, to place right hand over left hand underneath navel while standing • For women, to do so on chest • Tie hands immediately after TakbirTahrimah, without letting arms fall to one’s side • Same position during qunut of Witrand Janazah prayer • When standing between ruku and sujud, arms will be at one’s side • Reciting thana’ softly after tying the hands
Sunnah of Prayer • Reciting ta’awwudh softly in the beginning of the 1strak’at • Except for follower behind imam, will remain silent • Reciting basmalah softly before Al-Fatihah • Except for follower behind imam, will remain silent • Saying “amin” softly after Al-Fatihah • Reciting takbirs for going into ruku, going into both sujud, and coming up from both sujud • Recite softly, except for imam who will recite out loud
Sunnah of Prayer • When in ruku, men should bend at 90-degree angle, such that head is level with hips, hands gripping knees with fingers spread apart, elbows away from body • For women, bend only slightly with knees slightly bent, place palms on knees without gripping them, fingers close together, and keep elbows close to body • Reciting “subhanarabbiya ‘l-azhim” softly in ruku thrice • If imam rises before you complete tasbih, follow imam • Reciting “sami’Allahuli’manhamidah” when rising from ruku • Imam will recite out loud, one praying alone will recite softly, follower behind imam will not recite • Reciting “rabbanalaka ‘l-hamd” afterward softly
Sunnah of Prayer • When going into sujud, recommended for first the knees, then hands, then nose, then forehead to touch ground • When rising, order reversed • Fingers should be together, facing Qibla; face between both hands • For men: arms held apart from sides of body and raised off ground, with hips raised (so stomach away from thighs) • For women: body contracted in (arms drawn in, thighs touching stomach), with forearms resting on ground
Sunnah of Prayer • Reciting “subhanarabbiya ‘l-a’la” softly in each sajdah thrice • If imam rises before you complete tasbih, follow imam • Putting the hands on the thighs when sitting • Whether between sujud, first sitting, or final sitting • For men: sunnah to put left foot down flat on its side and sit upon it, while keeping right foot upright with toes facing Qibla; hands placed upon thighs, not past the knees; fingers pointing toward Qibla, spread normally (iftirash) • For women: sit on left hip, taking both feet out to the right, with right lower-leg resting upon left foot; feet lay flat on ground; hands rest on thighs with fingers close together (tawarruk)
Sunnah of Prayer • When reaching “la ilahailla ‘Llah” of tashahhud, indicating with right index finger • While creating ring with thumb and middle-finger • Reciting Al-Fatihah in 3rd and 4thrak’ats of fard prayers • Sending salawat on the Prophet ﷺafter reciting tashahhud in the final sitting • Middle of pg. 191 in textbook • Make du’a after salawat • Words cannot resemble normal human speech
Sunnah of Prayer • Turning one’s face to right then left when making closing salams • “as-salamualaykumwarahmatullah” • Intending to greet the imam, congregation, angels and jinn during the closing salams • If one missed earlier rak’ats, wait until imam gives second salam before rising to complete remaining rak’ats
Mustahabb of Prayer The mustahabb acts of prayer are: • For men, taking hands out from under sleeves/garments if covered for the TakbirTahrimah • Keeping gaze focused on: • Place of prostration when standing • The top of one’s feet while bowing • The tip of one’s nose during prostration • One’s lap while sitting • Each shoulder when making salam • Controlling one’s coughing, yawning, burping, etc.