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Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns. Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out people or things that are nearby and farther away. A demonstrative adjective always comes before the noun and agrees with it in gender and number.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out people or things that are nearby and farther away. • A demonstrative adjective always comes before the noun and agrees with it in gender and number.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • J’aimebeaucouptravaillerdansce centre de recréation. • I reallyliketowork at thisrecreation center. • Qui a offertcettenouriture? • Whodonatedthatfood? • Je vais aidercesmalades. • I´mgoingtohelpthosepatients.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Demonstrativeadjectives can be usedto define whichnounwe are talkingabout. • Demonstrativepronouns are usedtoreplace a noun and a Demonstrativeadjectivetogether.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Ilm’estimpossible de travaillerpourcecandidat, maisil me plaît de travaillerpourcelui-là. • It´simpossiblefor me toworkforthiscandidate, but I wouldlovetoworkforthatone. • Vois-tu sessacs de main? S’il te plaît, lèveceux-ci, maisnelèvepasceux-là. • Do youseethose bags? Please pick up theseones, butdon´t pick up thoseonesoverthere.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns • Torefertoan idea, orsomethingthat has notbeenidentified, use thedemonstrativepronounscelui, orcelle OR ceux, celles.
ceciestinjuste. Celàme plairait. Lequelestlàbas? Thisisunfair. I wouldlovethat. Whatisthat (overthere)? Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
This and These (close to you) Adjectives Ce, cet-ci (this) ces-ci (these) Cette-ci (this) cettes-ci (these) Pronouns Celui-ci(thisone) ceux-ci (theseones) Celle-ci (thisone) celles-ci(theseones)
That and Those (closer to the person you are talking to) Adjectives Ce, cet-là (that) ces-là(those) Cette-là (that) cettes-là(those) Pronouns Celui-là(thatone) ceux-là(thoseones) Celle-là(thatone)celles-là(thoseones)