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802.15. 51st Session of meetings of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks. November 11-16, 2007 Hyatt Regency 265 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303, USA Closing Report Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance, Chair. 802.15 Organization Chart.
802.15 51st Session of meetings of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks November 11-16, 2007 Hyatt Regency 265 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303, USA Closing Report Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance, Chair Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
802.15 Organization Chart To add your name to the WG/SG/TG reflectors please go to www.ieee802.org/15 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Objectives of the Atlanta Session November 11-16, 2007 TASK GROUP 3c –mmWave PHY for 15.3 • Presentaion of merged Proposal • Confirmation of merged Proposal • Organize drafting effort STUDY GROUP 4c Alternate PHY layer: • CWPAN Status/Update and Next Steps • Hear Proposals/Updates • Next Steps & Timeline Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Objectives of the Atlanta Session November 11-16, 2007 TASK GROUP 4D Alternate PHY layer: • Japanese Regulatory Status Update and presentation of draft regulations • Discussion and Comment on Draft • Prepare supplementary information for Call for Proposals TASK GROUP 5 –Mesh Networking: • Technical Presentations & Discussions • Finalizing Draft for WG letter ballot • Election of Editor • Discussion of project plan Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Objectives of the Atlanta Session November 11-16, 2007 STUDY GROUP-Body Area Networks • Gain EC approval on PAR and 5C documents • Work on Applications, Channel Model and TR documents • Refine Project Timeline STUDY GROUP-4e MAC Enhancements • Gain EC approval on PAR and 5C documents • Refine Project Timeline Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Objectives of the Atlanta Session November 11-16, 2007 INTEREST GROUP-RFID • Develop Objectives • Identify groups that should be contacted to participate NEW PROJECTS SUBCOMMITTEE • Report on sub-group progress • New presentations Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG3c 16th Meeting, Atlanta GAClosing Report 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
16:00Monday, November 12. Call to order. • TG3c Leadership: Chair: R. Fisher. vice Chair: A Mathew, S. Kato Secretary : H. Ikeda , T. Baykas, C.S. Sum • Technical Editor: J. Gilb • Sub Editors: A. Astrin, S. Skafidas, I. Lakkis, C. Ngo, T. Baykas, C.S. Sum, • A. Kasher, B. Gaffney • 3. Attendance • Approx. 100 attendees in each slot. • 4. Twelve 2-hour time slots are allocated、and eleven slots were used. • 5. 14:15November 15 Meeting adjourned Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Accomplishments Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Report of TG3c Proposal Confirmation Vote November 15th, 2007 TG-3c AM1 TG3c Proposal Roll Call Confirmation Vote managed by R. Alfvin For Joint Proposal of 07/934r1 + 07/942r2 Voting ResultsYes: 87 (87%) > 75% Threshold No: 13 (13%) Abstain: 10 Total vote: 110 Proposal was confirmed Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
List of Contributions and Proposals Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
05/311r17 Plan to Get to Baseline Document • November 2007: Two remaining Proposals in Hawaii were merged to one. Confirmation Roll Call vote was carried and confirmed. Future plan: • January 2008: Draft baseline text completed Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
05/311r17 Ballot plan • March 2008 – First letter ballot completed, start comment resolution • July 2008 – Resolution of comments completed, begin re-circulation ballot • September 2008 – re-circulation ballot completed, comment resolution, and Start Sponsor ballot • November 2008 – 802 Sponsor Ballot completed, comment resolution, start recirculation ballot • January 2009 – 802 Sponsor Ballot re-circulation completed and, submit to RevCom for final approval • May 2009 – Approval by RevCom Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Project timeline 05/311r17 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4c 15.4 Alt PHY for China Closing ReportAtlanta GAClint Powell, Freescale, Chair 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4c Purpose To draft an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4-2006 to include a sub-GHz PHY appropriatefor use in China. Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Objectives Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Achievements Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Achievements (cont’d.) Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4c Ballot Plan Timeline • May 2008 – First letter ballot completed, start comment resolution • July 2008 – Resolution of comments completed, and begin 1st re-circulation ballot • September 2008 – 1st re-circulation ballot completed, comment resolution, and begin 2nd re-circulation ballot • November 2008 – 2nd re-circulation ballot completed, comment resolution, and Start Sponsor ballot • Jan 2009 – Sponsor ballot completed, comment resolution, and Start Sponsor ballot recirculation • March 2009 – 802 Sponsor Ballot re-circulation completed and submit to RevCom for final approval Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Achievements (cont’d.) Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Future Plans Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Acknowledgements Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4d 15.4 Alt PHY for Japan Closing ReportAtlanta GAPhil Beecher, Integration, Chair 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4d Purpose To amend 802.15.4-2006 to include a sub-GHz PHY appropriate for use in Japan. Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Achievements Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4d Presentations and documents • Presentations • 15-07-0907-01-004d-underlying-considerations-behind-proposed-consultation-japanese-950mhz-usage-by-wpan.pdf • 15-07-0918-01-004d-technical-requirements-950mhz-low-power-active-radio-systems.ppt • 15-07-0837-01-004d-Report-of-japanese-committee.doc • 15-07-0914-00-004d-progress-japanese-committee.ppt • Other documents • 15-07-0860-02-004d-call-proposals.doc • 15-07-0959-00-004d-phy-system-parameters.doc • 15-07-0862-00-004d technical-requirements-proposals.doc Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Immediate objectives Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Objectives for January 2008 meeting Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Acknowledgements • Vice Chair / Secretary • Contributors • Participants • And particularly the translators of the MIC Draft for Public Comment Thank you all! Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
SG4e 15.4 MAC Enhancements Closing ReportAtlanta GAPat Kinney, Chair 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
SG4e Purpose Study group investigating 802.15.4-2006 MAC enhancements such as: • Support for Determinism • e.g. TDMA supporting from a few to 10,000s slots • Mixed service and power savings levels in one network (dynamic transmit power control) • Frequency diversity for retransmissions for improved reliability • Low duty cycle operation with beacons for power efficiency • Distributed management of time slots and frequency hopping patterns for fast recovery from regional failures • 2ms per hop latency including 1 retransmission • Direct communication between Reduced Functionality Devices in the network Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Meeting Goals Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG4e (amended)PAR Scope of Proposed Standard The intent of this amendment is to enhance and add functionality to the 802.15.4-2006 MAC to a) better support the industrial markets and b) permit compatibility with modifications being proposed within the Chinese WPAN.Specifically, the MAC enhancements are limited to:• TDMA: to provide a)determinism, b)enhanced utilization of bandwidth• Channel Hopping: to provide additional robustness in high interfering environments and enhance coexistence with other wireless networks• GTS: to increase its flexibility such as a) supporting peer to peer, b)the length of the slot, and c) number of slots• CSMA: to improve throughput and reduce energy consumption• Security: to add support for additional options such as asymmetrical keys• Low latency: to reduce end to end delivery time such as needed for control applications Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Purpose of Proposed Standard (amended) Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Call for Applications • SG4e drafted a call for applications (15-07-0936-00-004e) • Intent of this call is to solicit market requirements for the anticipated TG4e • Call requests submissions by the start of the Taipei meeting in January 2008 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Relevant Documents • 15-07-892-04-004e SG4e agenda • 15-07-928-00-004e opening report • 15-07-859-03-wng0 PAR • 15-07-861-00-wng0 5c • 15-07-936-00-004e Call for applications Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG5 Recommend Practice for Mesh Networking Closing ReportAtlanta GAMyung Lee, Samsung, Chair 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
TG5 WPAN MeshNovember 15, 2007, AtlantaClosing ReportMeeting Objectives Technical Presentation Editing Draft HR Editor Election Project plan Discussion Slide 40 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Editing the TG5 Draft Low Rate: Presentation on the synchronous power saving mode (Doc. 15-07-0927r0): Changsub Shin Comments on Portability were resolved. Flow chart for routing algorithm presented :Allan Resolutions were discussed for asynchronous power saving mode High Rate Presentation on HR drafting (Doc. 15-07-0920r0): Sangsung Choi Presentation on synchronization algorithm for HR (Doc. 15-07-0929r0): Seonghee Lee Comments were made and discussed Discussions on simplifying mesh algorithms were discussed. Combined draft The group decided to combine two documents into one file: LR part 1, HR part2 Slide 41 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
HR Editor Sangsung Choi was selected to be the HR editor Slide 42 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Project Plan The Group moved to forward TG5 Draft Standard to WG for the approval of the letter ballot (y6/n0/abs1) Teleconferences are scheduled: Date: Nov 28th, Dec 12th , Jan 9th Time: 6:00PM, EST (8AM Korea, 3PM PST, 7AM China) Slide 43 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Motion: To move Draft Standard P802.15.5-D0.01_WPAN_Mesh.doc to Letter Ballot Moved: Myung Lee Second: Vote: y/n/a Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
SG-BAN Body Area Networking Closing ReportAtlanta GAArt Astrin, Chair 15 November, 2007 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Body Area Network study items Applications characteristics and requirements Usage scenarios and applications Device classes, application specific devices and services BAN topology, technology, channel models and metrics BAN Scalability, bit rate / throughput, range, QoS, power consumption, power saving support BAN Security, safety requirements and models Regulatory compliance, spectrum allocation and coexistence Call for Use Cases Call for Technology Call for Regulatory compliance Call for Body Area Network Antenna Patterns Slide 46 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Arthur Astrin
Objectives for this session Presentations of responses to Call for Technology and Regulatory issues Presentations of responses to Call for presentations of Use Cases Presentations of responses to Call for Body Antenna Patterns Edit Application Matrix Technical Requirements Document BAN channel model Document BAN Regulatory Document Slide 47 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Arthur Astrin
Meeting Achievements Presentations of “Call for Technology”, “Call for Regulatory compliance”, “Call for Use Cases” and “Call for Body Area Network Antenna Patterns” responses. Reviewed the deliverables of the three subcommittees: BAN Applications, reviewed the Application Matrix BAN Regulatory BAN Channel Model Edited documents: Technical Requirements Document BAN channel model Document BAN Regulatory Document Reviewed the project timeline Scheduled next teleconference on Nov 29, 2007 Slide 48 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Arthur Astrin
Motions SG level): To approve editorial changes to the BAN PAR doc.# 0575-09 in response to comments. • Moved: Huan Bang Li • Second: Kamran Sayrafian • Approved: Unanimously To approve editorial changes to the BAN 5C doc.# 0488-08 in response to comments. • Moved: Tetsushi Ikegami • Second: Kamya Yazdandoost • Approved: Unanimously Slide 49 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Arthur Astrin
Motion(WG level) : To approve editorial changes to the BAN PAR doc.# 0575-09 and the BAN 5C doc.# 0488-08 in response to comments. • Moved: Arthur Astrin • Second: Rick Alfvin • Vote: 70, 0, 4 Slide 50 Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Arthur Astrin