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Kristin Simpson Pritika Narang Computers 8

Nutrition. Kristin Simpson Pritika Narang Computers 8. Vitamins. Organic vital substance found in food Type Water soluble Vit B and vitamin C (citrus fruits) Facts Vit B helps functioning of body cells Vit C also protects against heart disease.

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Kristin Simpson Pritika Narang Computers 8

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  1. Nutrition Kristin SimpsonPritika NarangComputers 8

  2. Vitamins • Organic vital substance found in food Type Water soluble • Vit B and vitamin C (citrus fruits) Facts Vit B helps functioning of body cells VitC also protects against heart disease

  3. Vitamins cont’d Type Fat soluble • VitsA and D (vegetables and dairy) Functions • VitA is needed for new cell growth • Vit D uses calcium to build healthy bones • VitE protects red blood cells • VitK is for normal blood clotting • Vit C holds cells together for healthy teeth • Vit B12 builds proteins in the body

  4. More on vitamins Foods • Vit A: yellow fruits, broccoli spinach, dairy, etc… • Vit D: cheese, whole eggs, liver, salmon, etc… • Vit E: margarine, vegetable oil, leafy green vegetables, etc… • Vit K: lettuce, cauliflower, cereals, meats, etc…

  5. Minerals • Solid substance  natural Type Trace minerals • Minerals: manganese, iron, zinc, etc… (dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, etc…) Facts • Zinc helps heal wounds • Iron is needed for the formation hemoglobin • Magnesium is needed for healthy bones

  6. Minerals cont’d Type Macrominerals • Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc… (dairy products, fruits, vegetables, etc…) Functions • Calcium builds healthy teeth • Potassium keeps muscles + nervous systems working properly • Sodium maintains normal blood pressure

  7. More on minerals Foods • Calcium: crackers, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc… • Iron: beef, fish, eggs, beans, dried fruits, vegetables, grains, etc… • Zinc: beef, pork, lamb, vegetables, peanuts, etc… • Potassium: bananas, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, citrus fruits, etc…

  8. Water • Substance with 2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen atoms Functions • Helps fight off illness • Helps digest food + get rid of waste • Cells depend on water to function normally Facts • Any fluid you drink contains water • More than half of body weight • Dehydration causes body to be sick

  9. Carbohydrates • 2 types • Simple (sugar) • Complex (starches and fibre) • Facts • Contains carbon, oxygen and hydrogen • Slow-digestingnatural • Fast-digestingman-made

  10. Carbs cont’d • Functions: • Stores and gives energy • Builds cell membranes • Foods: • Simple: vegetables, grains, dairy, etc… • Complex: sweets, fruit, sugars, etc…

  11. Fats • 3 Types: • Saturated • Unsaturated • Trans • Facts: • 1g of fat gives 9 calories • Needed to absorb vits A, D, E and K • Stored in fat cells

  12. Fats cont’d • Functions: • Helps develop brain + nervous system • Builds nerve tissue • Fuels body • Foods: • Trans: biscuits, creams, desserts, puddings, etc… • Saturated: meat, dairy, vegetable oils, butter, etc… • Unsaturated: nuts, oils, etc…

  13. Proteins • 2 Types: • Animal • Plant • Facts: • 2nd most plentiful substance in body • Should be 10-20% of calories consumed per day

  14. Protein cont’d • Functions • Builds red blood cells • Maintains body + body tissue • Source of energy • Foods: • Animal: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc… • Plant: veggies, beans, grains, nuts, soya products

  15. Fibre • 2 Types: • Soluble (dissolves in water) • Insoluble (can’t dissolve) • Facts: • Should consume 30-35 g • 0.6 calories per gram • Meat + dairy= no fibre

  16. Fibre cont’d • Functions: • Lowers blood cholesterol • Gets rid of wastes + toxins • Keeps digestive system healthy • Foods: • Fruits + veggies, bread, lentils, soya products, grains, etc…

  17. Bibliography • http://www.iloveindia.com/nutrition/fiber/types-of-fiber.html • http://www.wahm.com/forum/reliv-164/69285-interesting-facts-n-fiber.html • http://www.helpwithcooking.com/nutrition-information/dietary-fibre.html • http://www.wageningenacademic.com/fibre07 • http://www.nutristrategy.com/nutrition/fiberdietary.htm • http://kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/food/protein.html • http://www.nutristrategy.com/nutrition/protein.htm • http://www.brighthub.com/science/medical/articles/6050.aspx • http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/focus/nutrition/facts/detoxification/dietaryprotein.htm • http://www.uaex.edu/depts/FCS/EFNEP/Lessons/Protein_Calcium_Iron/Protein_Facts.pdf • http://kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/food/fat.html • http://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Heart-Health/Facts-on-Fats • http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/fats.shtml • http://www.tfx.org.uk/page13.html • http://kidshealth.org/kid/nutrition/food/carb.html • http://www.kscience.co.uk/as/module1/carbohydrates.htm • http://www.flexonline.com/nutrition/eight-facts-about-carbohydrates • http://ezinearticles.com/?List-of-Simple-Carbohydrates-and-Complex-Carbohydrates-Foods&id=1107314

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