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This presentation outlines the vision and mission of enhancing accessibility and mobility in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area through the implementation of a safe, reliable, and affordable public transport system. It covers the status quo and benefits of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), governance strategies, operational plans, technical aims, business initiatives, short to medium-term transformations, and considerations for affected stakeholders in the transport industry. The focus is on a comprehensive approach to improving public transportation infrastructure and services to meet the evolving needs of the growing urban population.

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  2. Vision A safe, realiable, affordable and seamless public transport system Mission To transform the quality of life through delivery of an integrated and sustainable Public transport system within the Nairobi Metropolitan Area

  3. Thika Rd: Status quo Freedom from congestion

  4. What is BRT? Enclosed and secure stations Dedicated bus lanes Rapid boarding Pre-board payment with smart cards Pedestrian and cycle access New, clean, high-capacity buses

  5. Transformation - Governance (Regulation) • Establish a coherent licensing strategy based on route capacity • Digitize the public transport services using intelligent Transport System (ITS) - Priority systems - Control centers,onboard devices etc. - Signalization information etc. • Operation agreements, Infrastructure service agreements, Value Chain Opportunities administration. • Traffic Management, enforcement, monitoring the service quality and reporting.

  6. Transformation - Governance (Operations) • Operate a trunk network gazzeted as the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) Corridor • Allocate current buses and matatus routes on the feeder network in accordance with the route plans,integrated to the Trunk • Provide last mile connectivity, through boda boda, cycle paths and walkways

  7. Transformation Technical; AIM - Preparing an integrated Transport plan; • Calibrating a Travel Demand Model for the NMA • Formulating the Urban Mobility Plan • Establishing the route network • Deriving an integrated service plan • Developing the Master Implementation Plan • Having an Investment Plan • Implementation

  8. Transformation – Business • Preparing a business plan, derived from the integrated service plan - SPV(s) invests in operations • Preparing an Infrastructure Plan - Agencies engaged through Service Level Agreements (SLA) for Development & Maintenance • Bankable Projects Prepared - Resources mobilized

  9. Traffic along Haile Sellasie Avenue

  10. Transformation – (Short Term) • Decongesting the Urban inner core (diamond border of Ngara, Muthurwa, Haile Selasie Avenue, and Museum Hill) • Provide a circular service as a last mile solution • Transform the Central Station(NCS), to provide transfer function between modes • Reconfigure traffic flow patterns in the Central Business District (CBD) • Provide peripheral Termini Capacity, boarding and alighting points to inbound public Transport Vehicles • Use sports, and institutions’ facilities for park and ride

  11. Transformation – Implementation (Medium Term) • Develop stations along BRT Line 2 (Thika Rd), line 5 (Outering Rd), Line 3 (Ngong Rd) • Utilise Commuter Rail Stations (Embakasi, Syokimau, Kimbo,Ruiru) as an integrated system to the Bus and Airport sevice • Commence BRT on line 2, 3 and 5 • Establish No Transit days and local distributors within urban core • Reroute traffic to enhance mobility and access • Continue with public participation and implement a comprehensive communication strategy

  12. Transformation – Affected (Medium Term) • All affected in the Short Term • Operators along BRT and CR network under medium term implementation • Motorists • Businesses along the corridors • Employees in affiliated commercial ventures (note positive effects are expected and negative effects will be mitigated)

  13. BRT Std Buses Viz Regular Metro BUS NOTE: BRT is a system of mass movement of people (not the Rolling Stock only). 1. BRT Bus has 2 doors on the right hand side since we shall be using stations in the median. 2. BRT bus also has a door on the left hand side for use at Kerb side on-boarding and in mix use traffic 3. Size of the BRT bus door is 1,100mm while metro bus is normally 600mm 4. Driver controlled doors (safety) 5. The size of the gangway differs significantly. This allows for more passengers to stand, and for passengers to embark and disembark. 6. At level boarding. BRT bus has no steps (auto Ramps or Driver Controlled)

  14. BRT Std Buses Viz Regular Metro BUS 7. Universal access. Allows for wheel chairs to be used to board the bus. It also has a wheel chair dedicated seat. It also has sitting priority seating for elderly, sick and pregnant mothers. 8. Is fitted with APTMS and UTS systems. UTS is key to allow for buses to have priorities at signalized junctions in case they are running late. I APTMS is useful for passengers as it communicates with them inside the bus and at stations. APTMS also allows for driver to communicate with the command center. 9. Fuel efficient. Our specs are Euro 4 diesel minimum standards. The future is to go hydrogen and electric 10. Engine performance for a BRT bus is often high. This allows for the bus to hit peak speed faster

  15. 11. The body is designed using stainless steel frame. This is because it’s light, it doesn’t rust and absorbs weight in the event of an accident impact. It also lasts longer giving the bus a life of 20-25 years. The BRT bus has a rollover cage structure, which protects passengers in case of an accident. The rollover cage ensures that the bus structure does not collapse. The BRT bus’s body is designed with a view that majority of passengers will be standing. BRT Std Buses Viz Regular Metro BUS

  16. BRT Std Buses Viz Regular Metro BUS Contd' 12. Runs on a dedicated corridor 13. It is designed to run a scheduled service 14. Easier Boarding and alighting. 15. Either low floor low entry bus or high floor bus. High floor requires a platform low floor doesn't 16. BRT buses are designed to last up to 25 years. The body should last for at least 12-15 years. 17. Most right had BRT bus chassis are made in Brazil but are normally locally assembled. 

  17. NOTE • BRT systems typically feature significant investment in enclosed stations which may incorporate attractive sliding glass doors, staffed ticket booths, information booths, and other more standard features listed above. • They will often include level boarding, using either Low-Floor Buses or higher boarding platforms level, and multiple doors to speed passenger boarding and enhance accessibility to disabled passengers.

  18. Moi Ave: Existing

  19. Moi Ave: Proposed


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