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We welcome you in the 1. workshop of DESONE project, which project is implemented trough the IPA programme Hungarian-Croatian IPA Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 HUHR/1001/2.1.4./0006 10.11.2011. Introduction of the IPA programme.
We welcome you in the 1. workshop of DESONE project, which project is implemented trough the IPA programme Hungarian-Croatian IPA Cross Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 HUHR/1001/2.1.4./0006 10.11.2011.
Introduction of the IPA programme The Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme belongs to the “new generation” of cross- border co-operation programmes in the budgetary period 2007-2013. In this Programme the participating countries, Hungary and Croatia, have established their Programme management as “shared management system.
Various activities can be eligible for financing, such as a.) help the changes and infrastructure b.) cross border cooperation c.) regional development d.) human resources development e.) development the rural regions
The Neighbourhood Approach meant a significant development in co-operation along the external borders of the European Union, incorporating external (CARDS/PHARE for Croatia) and internal (ERDF) - EU financial sources in the same Programme. A major step forward for the Croatian partner organizations was that in this case the funds were opened to them as well, making them project participants in their own right (whereas the Pilot Small Projects Fund only allowed for co-operation-type projects with funding only on the Hungarian side).
micro- region of Barcs micro-region of Krizevci
Introduction of the project partners 1 hungarian partner – Lead Beneficiary 1 croatian partner – Project Partner 1
South Transdanubian Regional Development Ltd. (established1993.) – the owner is local authority of Pécs, main activities: management consulting, tender consulting, other financial consulting, investmentsThe aim of the South Transdanubian Area- and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd. (establsihed 2001.), that the company is conducive to the development of the South Transdanubian Region with these mentioned activities. Introduction of DDTG NKft.
The company deals with the development of competitivness of Small and Medium Enterprises, analyse of development possibilities of local governments and micro-regions. The South Transdanubian Area- and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd. endeavor to do to collect information, after we sistematize them and deliver/give them to wider level in the interest of being competitive companies. Introduction of DDTG NKft.
Our seat is in Pécs, but we try to cover the all region.We took/take part in more EU project, which connect the regions as a project partner (pl.: renewable energy international project) Introduction of DDTG NKft.
International references of South Transdanubian Area- and Economic Development Nonprofit Kft. Implemented projects:- Cityregio II. - INTERREG IIIB CADSES programme- ESF6CIA INTERREG IVC „demographic changes” projectDuring implementation projects:- VISNOVA project Central Europe Programme 2007-2013- 3 IPA project (1 own, 2 management)Before decision project:- WOMEN project Central Europe Program 2007-2013
Employees in the project: Gelencsér Gyula – project manager Jankovics Réka – financial manager Dr. Géró Blanka – project manager Hölbling Emőke – project manager
Introduction of City of Krizevci As a new project partner and a local government the City of Krizevci provides a suitable human, financial background according to the project implementation, organization. Further more City of Krizevci can conducive to have the study accepted by the decisionmakers.
International references of City of Krizevci Implemented projects:- IPA programme – cultural project as a Lead Beneficiary- IPA programme – making study as a Lead Beneficiary - INTERREG IIIA programme - BP Net project
Introduction of the project The contains of the project: measurement of the synergistic partners, appearance together in the market with aligned, constructive on facility in sector of economic. Creation of cross border cooperation programme, establishment of an collaboration system. The aim of the project: throught the SWOT of the micro-regions, we work out a new direction, which support a social and economic cooperation.
Introduction of the project The base of method: work out a plans, programmes, which conducive to join forces with another area in social way and do away with the poverty in the micro-region of Barcs. Determine a project package, which is complex, interactive and build on eachother. Work out substantive variant solutions in the interest of socail and economic integration of underprivileged communities. We put the non-government organization and minorities forward. This project is an achievement a long cooperation, which cooperation bases on the partners and the local governments.
1 common study db közös tanulmány elkészítése- 1 project opening meeting- 1 project opening conference with press conference- 1 Final conference with press conference Indicators in the project in both sides
9 roundtables in the micro-region of Barcs in the interest of making SWOT- 1 social and economic SWOT analyse about the micro-region of Barcs - 1 common study- 3 workshops in Barcs- project meetings - create a homepage- press releases, TV coverage, banner and brochures- final conference with press conference The activities of South Transdanubian Area- and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd. in the project
2 roundtables in the micro-region of Krizevci in the interest of SWOT- 1 social and economic SWOT analyse about the micro-region of Krizevci - 3 workshops in Krizevci- press releases, standing banner, logo, leaflets The activities of City of Krizevci in the project
creation a logo- opening conference in Krizevci at the date of 19.10.2011.- press conference in Krizevci at the date of 19.10.2011.- project opening meeting at the date of 19.10.2011. Activities were done: