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NuPECC: The founding fathers and their legacy. Muhsin N. Harakeh Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Symposium on Highlights and Perspectives of Subatomic Physics In Honor of Paul Kienle “Wie kommt man auf einfaches Neues?”.
NuPECC: The founding fathers and their legacy Muhsin N. Harakeh Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Symposium on Highlights and Perspectives of Subatomic Physics In Honor of Paul Kienle “Wie kommt man auf einfaches Neues?”
First attempt to establish a strong collaboration of nuclear physicists in Europe was initiated in November 1980; Nuclear Physicists with vision. They approached European Science Foundation (ESF); George Morrison wrote: “As a first step it was proposed to set up, under the aegis of the ESF, a committee whose aim would be to survey present and planned activities in nuclear physics in Europe and to explore the possibilities for and practicalities of closer collaboration within the nuclear physics community. It would further be the task of the committee to set up the terms of reference for a more permanent body that might serve further efforts in nuclear physics”
A working group was established on April 1981, with membersProfs. T. Mayer-Kuckuk (Chairman, Bonn), G.C. Morrison (Birmingham), G.R. Plattner (Basel), R.A. Ricci (Legnaro), H. Ryde (Lund), R.H. Siemssen (Groningen), A. Winther (Copenhagen), J. Yoccoz (Paris). • Terms of reference were drafted: • To investigate the possibilities for European collaboration in the field of nuclear physics; • To this end, to encourage the rational use of existing facilities and to explore future needs in the field, • To give due consideration to the setting up of adequate bodies, which could, on a European scale, pursue the above-mentioned aims. • They met 9 times and produced a report in October 1983
New leaders with vision; Initiating Group with more persistence and better chemistry! Establish a committee to promote collaboration between research groups and institutes and formulate policy for Nuclear Physics in Europe NuPECC : established in 1988-1989 Became an Associated Committee of ESF Now an Expert Committee of ESF Future an Expert Board of ESF
Completely new group of nuclear physicists. First meeting: discuss findings of Initiating Group, and define work-plan. Committee Structure Local Chairman and Secretary
Local Chairman and secretary Relation to others NuPECC News Organisation of bureau Network of European facilities
Agenda did not change much from last meeting. Meetings more serious. Apologies and minutes. Local Chairman BUT correspondence and report.
Interesting dualism Two chairs Two secretaries Sissy Körner * Scientific Secretary * Editor NPN Claude Detraz elected Chairman * Paul absent Paul succeeded Claude in 1993
The objective of NuPECC is to: Strengthen European Collaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics and its trans-disciplinary use and application in collaborative ventures between research groups within Europe and particularly those from countries linked to the ESF NuPECC is supported by its Subscribing Institutions, Member Organisations of the ESF involved in nuclear science research.
In pursuing this objective the Committee shall: • define a network of complementary facilities • within Europe and encourage optimisation of • their usage; • provide a forum for the discussion of the • provision of future facilities and • instrumentation; and • provide advice and make recommendations to • the ESF and to other bodies on the development, • organisation, and support of European nuclear • research and of particular projects. • New terms of reference
NuPECC has from the outset strived to establish a network of complementary facilities within Europe. It published the Handbook “International Access to Nuclear Physics Facilities in Europe” already in 5th edition (2004).
NuPECC published its first Long-Range Plan (LRP) in November 1991. “Nuclear Physics in Europe: Opportunities and Perspectives” Based on reports of 6 groups: Nuclear Structure Properties of Nuclear and Hadronic Matter The Quark-Gluon Plasma Strong Interaction Physics with Hadron Beams Nuclear Physics with Electrons The Nucleus as a Laboratory for Fundamental Interactions
In beginning of 2004 NuPECC published it 3rd LRP This was based on group reports representing all active fields of nuclear physic Preceded by Town Meeting at GSI, 30 January - 1 February 2003 to present the reports, discuss conclusions and formulate recommendations
Many doubted that NuPECC will ever be taken seriously by the national and European funding agencies. NuPECC’s strength is that it is a Grass roots movement Staying the course has helped. Thanks to thefounding fathers paved the way which we followed and now NuPECC is listened to and has influence that is beneficial for the community.
By having daring and unconventional ideas Professionalism all the way Photo taken in 1986 during a big fashion show “Sommerfest” at GSI.
Paul in a “Dirndl”, the typical Bavarian/Austrian costume. “Le moment suprême” Impact and success achieved
Paul in the GSI lecture hall at the celebration of his 60th birthday. 11 August 1991 Centre of Attention * NuPECC Success * GSI upgrade/New accelerator (SIS) & facilities (ESR) successful
Thank you Paul for all you have done to our community.