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This research study aims to examine the influence of science teacher preparation programs on teachers' beliefs, classroom instruction, and student learning outcomes over time. It addresses the need for a longitudinal study to understand the effectiveness of preservice programs in shaping effective teaching practices.
The IMPPACT Project: A Study of the Influence of Preservice Programs Over Time John W. Tillotson & Monica Young Department of Science Teaching Syracuse University
Introduction • While the debate over how to improve our nation’s schools rages on, there is clear consensus that teachers must play a paramount role in the reform process. • Feiman-Nemser (2001) contends, “Policy makers and educators are coming to see that what students learn is directly related to what and how teachers teach; and what and how teachers teach depends on the knowledge, skills and commitments they bring to their teaching and the opportunities they have to continue learning in and from their practice.”
Introduction • The recent passing of the No Child Left Behind Act requires that every classroom in America be taught by a highly qualified teacher. • The National Science Teachers Association (2004) surveyed 600 science teachers nationwide: • 70% indicated their school district was experiencing difficulty in finding and hiring qualified science teachers • 48% said the problem is increasing
Introduction National Commission on Mathematics & Science Teaching for the 21st Century (2000) established three overarching goals for the US education system: • Establish an ongoing system to improve the quality of mathematics and science teaching in grades K-12; • Increase significantly the number of mathematics and science teachers and improve the quality of their preparation; and • Improve the working environment and make the teaching profession more attractive for K-12 mathematics and science teachers.
Research in Science Teacher Education • Even with the long history of science teacher preparation programs in the United States, research on the specifics of these programs is neither accessible nor diverse. • Past research has produced little information about how individuals become science teachers, focused too narrowly on the problems of science teacher preparation, and offered few, if any, useful solutions (Anderson & Mitchener, 1994) • An urgent need exists to better understand how these programs and practices ultimately influence science teachers’ beliefs, classroom performances, and K-12 student learning outcomes (Adams & Tillotson, 1995; Luft, et al, 2003; Schalock, 2004)
Research in Science Teacher Education • There is a growing body of research that suggests preservice programs are often a series of disjointed experiences that lack meaningful coherence and fail to recognize that learning to teach is a continuum of development (Feiman-Nemser, 2001; Garet, et al, 2001) • Only a handful of recent studies (e,g. Adams & Krockover, 1997; Salish I Research Project, 1997; Simmons, et al, 1999; Tillotson, 1996) have specifically examined the links between science teacher preparation experiences and new teacher performance in the classroom. These studies were largely exploratory, focused only on beginning teachers, and made only modest attempts to examine 7-12 grade student learning outcomes.
The IMPPACT Project The IMPPACT Project represents a multi-university, collaborative research study funded by the National Science Foundation ($2.5 million) aimed at examining the linkages between science teacher preparation, classroom instruction and pupil learning. • Partner Institutions: Syracuse University University of Iowa North Carolina State University • Interdisciplinary Research Teams: Science Education Faculty, Science Faculty and Doctoral Associates at each institution along with a Panel of Experts
The IMPPACT Project The objectives of the IMPPACT study are: • To better understand secondary science teachers’ learning of content and pedagogy over time as a result of key interventions within each preservice program; • To assess the subsequent impact of this learning on their classroom teaching and 7-12 grade student outcomes; • To determine what factors significantly influence secondary science teachers’ beliefs and practices during the preservice program and following graduation. • An emphasis will be placed upon examining how formal and informal learning experiences– in both pedagogy and content courses– impact teachers’ beliefs and practices.
The IMPPACT Project- Theoretical Framework Salish I Research Project (Yager & Apple, 1993): • Collaborative effort on the part of nine universities from 1993-1996 to investigate the influence of preservice programs on NTs in their first 1-3 years of teaching. RESULTS: • A clear disconnect between the student-centered beliefs held by the subjects and the teacher-centered classroom practices they exhibited. • A longitudinal study of the impact of preservice science teacher education programs is needed that follows teachers beyond the difficult early induction years.
The IMPPACT Project- Theoretical Framework • Several studies have shown the strong influence that teachers' beliefs play in shaping their knowledge, understandings and practices (Haney, et al, 1996; Pajares, 1992; Richardson, 1994, 1996; Roehrig & Luft, 2003; Wilson, Floden & Ferrini-Mundy, 2002). RESULTS: • The area in greatest need for further research involves studies that combine descriptions of teachers’ beliefs about effective teaching with observations of the teachers’ performance in the classroom and their impact on students’ conceptual understanding (Richardson, 1994, 1996; Wilson, Floden & Ferrini-Mundy, 2002).
The IMPPACT Project- Research Questions The IMPPACT Project seeks answers to these research questions: • How do specific interventions within preservice science teacher preparation programs impact the development of secondary science teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge? • What impact do these specific interventions have on secondary science teachers’ beliefs about effective instruction as they progress through the stages of the teacher professional continuum? • To what extent do secondary science teachers demonstrate classroom practices that are consistent with their beliefs about effective instruction as they advance through the preservice preparation program and into full-time teaching?
The IMPPACT Project- Research Questions continued… • How closely do the knowledge, beliefs and practices of secondary science teacher graduates of these preservice programs correlate with the science achievement gains of their 7-12 grade students? • What changes occur in secondary science teachers’ beliefs and practices when they are confronted with external factors during the early stages of their careers, and how do these factors influence ongoing professional development needs and retention rates?
The IMPPACT Project- Research Design • This longitudinal study will employ a concurrent, mixed-methods approach (Creswell, 2003) which allows for triangulation of broad, numeric trends form the quantitative data with the rich, in-depth detail provided by the qualitative component of the study. • The multi-level statistical technique of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) will be used to effectively measure the impact of key variables on the subjects participating in the study (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992). • Qualitative data will be analyzed using analytic induction and comparative analysis using a grounded theory approach (Bogdan & Biklen, 1998; Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
The IMPPACT Project- Sample The project investigators will randomly sample cohorts of ten preservice and inservice science teachers at each university across key stages of the teacher continuum and study them for four years. Cohorts (10 subjects per cohort at each university): 1) entry into science teacher education; 2) the candidacy stage of science teacher education programs including associated field experiences; 3) the early induction period as a new science teacher (years 1-4); and 4) the post-induction period of science teaching (years 5+) • 40 teachers per university x 3 universities= 120 Total
The IMPPACT Project- Sample • The post-induction stage teachers (years 5+) at the University of Iowa will be selected from the pool of teachers who were participants in the original Salish I Research Project from 1993-1996 longitudinal comparisons with their baseline data • The study will also sample faculty in the natural sciences, general education and science teacher education on each campus, along with host teachers, 7-12 grade students and administrators in the school districts where the preservice and inservice subjects are located.
The IMPPACT Project- Data Collection Quantitative Instruments/Data: • National Survey of Teacher Education Program Graduates (NSTEPG), (Loadman, et al, 1999) • Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (Taylor, et al, 1997) • Reformed Teaching Observational Protocol (Piburn, eta al, 2000) • Views on the Nature of Science- Version C (Lederman, et al, 2002) • 7-12 grade student achievement exam data • Transcript data for participating teachers • Teacher certification exam data
The IMPPACT Project- Data Collection Qualitative Instruments/Data: • Interview Maps (Luft, et al, 2003) • Salish Preservice Program Interview (Salish I Research Project, 1997) • Teachers’ Pedagogical Philosophy Interview (Richardson & Simmons, 1994). • Classroom observations and field notes • Program documents and artifacts • Lesson and unit plans
Current Research Projects at Syracuse • Key Preliminary Findings: • The increased emphasis on the NYS standards and assessments has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on the beliefs and classroom practices of practicing science teachers in terms of both what and how they teach. • There is a direct relationship between the time out of the preservice program and the correlation between science teachers’ beliefs and practices and their original rationale. • The development and defense of the research-based rationale for teaching science was viewed by all subjects as one of the most valuable aspects of the SU-STEP Program.
Current Research Projects at Syracuse • Teaching for Understanding Via Action Research (Uludag, N. & Tillotson, J.W., Future Conference Paper for ASTE 2006) • A study of preservice science teachers (n=9) in the SU-STEP Program investigating: 1) What type of beliefs about teaching for understanding do preservice science teachers have prior to student teaching? ; 2) What are the classroom performances of preservice science teachers regarding teaching for understanding?; and 3) How do preservice science teachers use action research to monitor student understanding? • Data collection: 15-day unit plan, reflective journals, 2 videotaped lessons, action research paper and poster
Current Research Projects at Syracuse • An Examination of Preservice Science Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Concerning Reform-Oriented Instruction (Tillotson, J.W., Young, M.J., Fidler, C.G., & Diana, T.J., 2005 AETS Conference Paper) • An 18-month study of an entire cohort of preservice science teachers (n=9) in the SU-STEP Program from August 2003 through December 2004. The purpose was to examine the relationship between secondary science teachers’ beliefs and practices about reform-oriented teaching as they progressed through the key interventions within the program. • Feiman-Nemser’s (2001) Central Tasks of Learning to Teach served as the theoretical framework for the study.
Current Research Projects at Syracuse • These “Central Tasks” recognize the fact that the beliefs that preservice teachers bring to their teacher preparation program influence what they are able to learn from those professional development experiences. • They are also developmental in nature and reflect the changing emphases as one progresses through the teacher professional continuum.
Research Questions • How do preservice science teachers’ beliefs about reform-oriented science instruction change over time as a result of specific learning experiences within the SU-STEP Program? 2) How closely do the beliefs held by these preservice science teachers coincide with their classroom practices exhibited during full-time student teaching at the conclusion of the SU-STEP Program?
The Study • Sample—Nine preservice science teachers in a MS teacher certification program at Syracuse University. • Timeframe—These subjects were followed for a period of 18 months throughout their entire 40-semester hour certification program from August 2003 through December 2004.
Research Design • The study is using a mixed-methods design involving the collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data (Creswell, 2003). • The numerical data gathered from this study are being analyzed using descriptive and statistics, while the qualitative sources of information are being subjected to a rigorous analytic induction process (Glasser & Strauss, 1967; Yin, 2000). • Multiple sources of data are being gathered in an effort to triangulate the findings (Bogdan & Biklen, 1998).
Data Sources • Research-Based Rationale for Teaching Science • Science Teacher Beliefs Questionnaire (Shymansky, Yore, Anderson & Hand, 2001) • Student Teaching Videotapes and Supervisor Evaluations • Lesson/Unit Plans • In-Depth Interviews
Study Progress • Assessment of research-based rationale and the Science Teacher Beliefs Questionnaire is complete. • Based on Feiman-Nemser’s (2001) central tasks of learning to teach in the preservice category, a number of themes have emerged from the rationale statements concerning these preservice teachers’ beliefs about effective science instruction. • The interviews are being transcribed, and the analysis of the lesson plans, videotapes and supervisor evaluations is underway.
Preliminary Results • Examining beliefs critically in relation to one’s vision of good teaching: • The teacher must create a safe, comfortable learning environment. • Learning science should be preparation for life and students should learn the applications of science. • The teacher should play the role of a facilitator of learning. • National and state science education standards should govern a science teachers’ work with the goal being to create a learning environment based in the principles of inquiry.
Preliminary Results • Developing subject matter knowledge for teaching: • The nature of science is essential for students to learn as it pertains to the history of the field and how the discipline of science operates. • Teachers should know about the interrelationships between science, technology and society as a means of increasing student motivation and interest in learning science.
Preliminary Results • Developing a beginning repertoire: • Cooperative learning and group work are effective teaching tools. • The Learning Cycle approach is an effective strategy for promoting inquiry. • Students should be taught using a variety of reform-oriented instructional methods (e.g. inquiry-based labs, field trips, hands-on investigations, designing their own experiments, Think-Pair-Share exercises, student journaling, etc.) • Authentic assessment strategies should be used both formatively and summatively. • Teachers must ask open-ended, higher-order questions and use appropriate wait-time. • A classroom code of conduct with associated consequences for misbehavior should be developed with student input. • Classes should frequently be discussion-based and involve activities such as student role-plays, presentations, and debates. • Science should be made relevant to the students through the use of local issues and events as well as an analysis of science in the media.
Preliminary Results • Developing knowledge of learners and learning: - All individuals learn in their own unique way according to their preferred learning style. - Teachers must adapt their curriculum to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. - When students perceive science to be relevant to their lives, their motivation to learn increases. - Students’ prior knowledge and experiences are the keys to the construction of new knowledge in school science.
Preliminary Results • Developing the skills to study teaching: • Teachers should solicit feedback from students through anonymous surveys and evaluation forms. • The use of reflective journaling is an effective tool for teachers to examine their practices. • Peer teacher evaluations provide important feedback on ways to improve practice. • Teachers should actively participate in continuing professional development experiences such as hosting a student teacher, attending workshops, and conducting action research.
Preliminary Results Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Perceptions Table 2: Individual Preservice Teacher Scores on the Four Subscales
Early Trends • Strong emphasis on the importance of using children’s ideas expressed in the rationale papers, but the surveys show a mean of 47 out of a maximum 70 on the survey. • Extremely small range of scores (5), on the survey sub-scale promoting purposeful inquiry which is consistent with the importance placed on teaching through inquiry described in the rationale papers. • Rationale papers all address constructivism, student-centered instruction, and the value of conceptual change teaching, yet surveys show a low mean score (25.667 out of max. 40) on the promoting conceptual change sub-scale.
Future Research • Conduct longitudinal studies of the subjects in these three key studies to track trends over time. • Conduct parallel studies of preservice program outcomes at other institutions to compare and contrast how different types of preservice science teacher education program experiences influence science teachers’ beliefs and practices over time.