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Sustainable Lincoln Initiative - Leading the Way to a Greener Future

Discover how the Cleaner Greener Lincoln initiative is transforming the City into a sustainability leader. Learn about the vision, goals, and progress of Sustainable Lincoln. Explore the collaborative efforts and strategies to create a more environmentally friendly community. Join us in making Lincoln the green capital city of the Great Plains!

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Sustainable Lincoln Initiative - Leading the Way to a Greener Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 "The Cleaner Greener Lincoln initiative will make the City of Lincoln an active leader in the area of sustainability, building upon Lincoln's extraordinary community commitment to its quality of life, investing stimulus and other resources, facilitating energy savings at the city, neighborhood, and business levels, fostering new ideas and partnerships, making it easy and affordable to be sustainable in Lincoln, and putting Lincoln in the fore as the green capital city of the Great Plains." Mayor Chris Beutler, June 4, 2009

  2. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Why a “Sustainable Lincoln”? What matters is what’s measured Vision of LPlan 2040

  3. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Definition of Sustainability • Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs… …Without lowering our present quality of life or our economic opportunities.

  4. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Follow Up from March 2012 Meeting: • Technical Memos • Website

  5. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Recommendation Process: • Target(s) Agree Agree IF Disagree Other • Final Set of Recommendations

  6. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Air Water Land Waste Energy Transportation Community

  7. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Use of EcoSteps Five Domains Assessment Tool

  8. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012 Technical Presentations: • Wastewater Recycling • LPlan 2040 Dwelling Unit Projections

  9. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  10. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  11. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  12. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  13. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  14. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  15. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  16. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  17. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  18. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  19. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

  20. Second MeetingApril 24, 2012

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