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ACTION PLAN For Sep.2011 . Intel® Getting Starting Course . MR. RAJA HASAN KHAN THE CITY SCHOOL GULSHAN BOYS CAMPUS SENIOR SECTION : BUSINESS STUDIES. Contents. Long Term Goal Short Term Goals Instructional strategies and tasks Sample Bloom Taxonomy Time line
Contents Long Term Goal Short Term Goals Instructional strategies and tasks Sample Bloom Taxonomy Time line Bloom Taxonomy application Solutions and anticipated challenges Resources Conclusion
LONG TERM GOALS Adopt 21st century necessary set of skills, methodologies and related teaching approaches to develop higher order thinking skills in students to meet the ever coming challenges in modern business environment.
SHORT TERM GOALS Develop interpersonal and collaborative skills by assigning activities in groups. Develop information and media literacy skills by engaging them in research projects and present data using excel .
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASKS (Explanation) The students will be asked to collect information and find situations and cases related to topics taught and analyze via world wide web to develop high order thinking. Students will be asked to solve activities in group and deliver presentations. More questions involving higher order thinking will be created and provided to students as assignments.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives 1950s- developed by Benjamin Bloom Means of expressing qualitatively different kinds of thinking Adapted for classroom use as a planning tool Continues to be one of the most universally applied models Provides a way to organize thinking skills into six levels, from the most basic to the higher order levels of thinking 1990s- Lorin Anderson (former student of Bloom) revisited the taxonomy As a result, a number of changes were made (Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, pp. 7-8)
BLOOM’S REVISED TAXONOMY • CreatingGenerating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing thingsDesigning, constructing, planning, producing, inventing.EvaluatingJustifying a decision or course of actionChecking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judgingAnalysingBreaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationshipsComparing, organising, deconstructing, interrogating, findingApplyingUsing information in another familiar situationImplementing, carrying out, using, executingUnderstandingExplaining ideas or conceptsInterpreting, summarising, paraphrasing, classifying, explainingRememberingRecalling informationRecognising, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding Higher-order thinking
Time Line I will provide students to enhance independent learning and critical thinking skills by facilitating and allowing them to solve review question answer of each chapter taught. . I will design group activities related to the topics taught to promote student centered learning. September week1 September week 2 September week 3 September week4 I will provide opportunities to students to promote higher-order thinking. I will asked students to collect information on topics taught and deliver presentation on required topics
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Topic Marketing Mix Learning objective Enabling the students to enhance their understanding on marketing essentials and develop presentation skills using multimedia productivity tools. Learning outcome By the end of this activity students will be able to explain concepts of marketing and present their understandings in form of multimedia presentation. Learning Values While working in groups students will learn to abide ethical responsibilities associated with marketing
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy:Teacher will show lectures on marketing from You Tube and students will be asked to search other related video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkBvzS_fJ2g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H678nYI-jQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8YUVBH65M&playnext=1&list=PL5AD26D3DA5841C70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knKesBIbzuQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkuGuW4ami4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzpGI9O9mVs&feature=grec_index
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy REMEMBERING Memorise And Recall Facts Word processing tools Activity: After explanation of different definition and concepts of marketing by teacher students will be asked to answer the given worksheet.
Application of Bloom’s TaxonomyQuestionnaire Q1. What is a marketing? (Knowledge) Q2. What is market segmentation? (Knowledge) Q3. What are functions of marketing? (comprehension) Q4. Recognize characters of a Market oriented business.(comprehension) Q5. Suggest marketing mixn for a new brand of chocolate.(application)
Application of Bloom’s TaxonomyQuestionnaire Q6. Analyze the need of market segmentation for an FMCG company. (analysis) Q6. Suggest packaging for an FMCG product. (synthesis) Q7. Compare the suggestions of students with each other and suggest whether they are feasible. (evaluation)
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding Interpret Meaning Internet Browsing Activity: Read marketing mix of FMCG from online sources for example (www.ufone.com) in pairs. Explain the essentials of marketing mix using company selected to the rest of the class.
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Application Apply the knowledge to a new situation Internet Browsing Activity: Search and suggest marketing mix for any one consumer good in groups
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Analyzing Examine the Information Activity: Present the marketing mix of selected product to the rest of the class and compare it for the effectiveness of presentation skills .
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluating Judge according to a set of criteria Teacher will provide students set of criteria to judge the effectiveness and compilation of marketing mix. Critique of Teacher and students will be provided for improvement. Marks will be given and recorded. Best three presentations will be chosen and awarded with certificates.
Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy Creating Combine elements into a new product Create a marketing plan and suggest packaging for the product chosen for marketing mix (in groups)
SOLUTIONS TO ANTICIPATED CHALLANGES CHALLENGES • Students may not have computers at home to work on presentations and assignments. • Some students may not be able to attempt high order thinking questions. • Some students may require multimedia literacy skills to deliver presentations. SOLUTIONS • Principal would be requested to allow students to practice in labs in their free periods. • Pair the weak students with the good ones to improve their learning skills and enhance collaborative working. • I will request the management to arrange additional IT awareness classes for students.
RESOURCES Intel Getting started Master Trainer course manual. Intel Senior Master Trainers Productivity tools (Word processing, multimedia and spreadsheet applications) Subject specialists and mentors (Commerce ) World Wide Web and internet IT Technology equipments
RESOURCES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkBvzS_fJ2g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H678nYI-jQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8YUVBH65M&playnext=1&list=PL5AD26D3DA5841C70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knKesBIbzuQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkuGuW4ami4 http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom's+Digital+Taxonomy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzpGI9O9mVs&feature=grec_index
Acknowledgement Special words of gratitude to my Intel Trainers and The City School Management for providing me an opportunity to augment my teaching skills.
CONCLUSION After the implementation of my newly acquired 21st century skills and approaches, the students will be empowered with new set of skills related to high order thinking and multimedia presentations which will enable them to utilize knowledge of computer science and technology in modern business environment more effectively.