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This presentation by Ganesh N provides a comprehensive understanding of self-motivation, with a focus on the role of sales force and the importance of motivation in the sales industry. The presentation covers topics such as career stages, personality types, tips to boost energy, and more.
Perspective on Self Motivation A Insight Presented By Ganesh N
Agenda • Self Introduction • Amazing Quotes • Sales Force • Why do we need to motivate • Role of the sales manager • Positive and Negative Motivators • Career Stages • Personality Types • Tips to Boost Energy • Q&A
Ganesh N Researcher & Director Entrepreneurship Development Cell With The Sathyabama UNIVERSITY, Chennai Co. Author of book’s 1 Industrial Dispute Act 1947- a companion 2 Handling successful interviews
Audience addressed • Article published in august issue of Indian management along with the article of Ratan Tata • Paper’s presented at international Conferences with Audience From 85 Countries at ISB (INDIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS) IIT(INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)
Every Responsibility Given Can Make A Person Better Or Bitter
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar, American Sales Trainer, Author, Motivational Speaker
If you do not wish a man to do a thing, you had better get him to talk about it; For the more men talk, the more likely they are to do nothing else.Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881, Scottish Philosopher, Author
The Role of the Sales Force Sales Force serves as critical link between company and its customers. • They represent the company to the customers • They represent the customers to the company • Goal = customer satisfaction + company profit
Introduction • Why do we need to motivate? • Sales people often face rejection and frustration • A good motivational program that taps the inner resources of sales people, can make the difference between getting the order and getting the brush-off • What is the sales manager’s job when it comes to motivation? • Keeping the sales person's morale up in the face of adversities • Helping salespeople motivate themselves to work at some level close to, if not FULL potential (Source: Hite and Johnston)
Introduction…contd • Motivating sales people is important • Field sales managers often have little formal training in motivation techniques (Source: Hite and Johnston)
Understanding Your Needs
Developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow as early as 1943 It is a classification scheme of needs satisfaction where higher level needs are dormant until lower level needs are satisfied Progress to higher-level once lower level needs are satisfied Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Needs Foods Water sleep Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Safety and Security Safety Security Stability Familiar surrounding Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Social Needs Desire for love Friendship Afflation Group acceptance Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Esteem Needs Status Superiority Self-respect prestige Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-Actualization Self-fulfillment To become all that one is capable of becoming Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety and Security Physiological Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Positive Motivators Incentive Recognition Acceptance Respect Trust Achievement Pride Negative Motivators Fear Intimidation Revenge Obligation Social Comparison (one-up) Motivators
Career stages • Exploration stage • Establishment stage • Maintenance stage • Disengagement stage
Effective Communication Skill comes from Understanding People (Yourself/Customer)
The Four Basic Personality Types (SOURCE : Delmae Bower)
RED • These are usually your ‘heavy hitters’. They come in to a ‘new market’ and set the place on fire. They are results orientated and very much in control and directive. • They will come in and ‘teach’ their people to do it ‘their way’. • You certainly want people like this in your business as they make things happen. • However not everyone can ‘do the business’ like they do.
What the Red desires: • Freedom, authority; variety of challenging assignments; opportunity for advancement. • Motivated by: Results: challenge, action, power, and credit for achievement
BLUE • These are the light hearted, fun loving, easy going people. Any parties happening around here? The Blues will be there. • Blues can be creative, inspirational optimistic and generally good communicators. They can also be impulsive and are definitely not detail orientated. (Too many other ‘important’ things to attend to other then detail!) • It is these very characteristics that can annoy the Red’s and Greens.
What the BLUE desires • Prestige, friendly relationships, opportunity to help and motivate others, opportunities to verbally share their ideas. • Motivated by: : Recognition, approval of others
GREEN • These are detail , Analytical and meticulous people. They will follow each and every step. You ask them a question on product ingredients or compensation plans they‘ll be able to explain ALL of it. • Sometimes they are so busy analyzing everything they forget to take action.
What the personality type color GREEN desires • Clearly defined tasks; stability; security; low risk; tasks that require precision and planning. • Motivated by: The desire to be right and maintain quality
YELLOW • These are your cuddly people. They just LOVE everyone. they are compassionate, caring and dependable. They are out to ‘save the world’ and love working in a ‘team'. Could call them “ mother hen”. • Because of these wonderful traits they are often walked on as over accommodating and may sacrifice results for the sake of harmony. They don’t like confrontation even when needed. • You definitely want them in your business as they will ‘nurture’ their people for the long haul.
What the personality type color YELLOW desires: • Quality relationships, security, and consistent known environment; be it their own area or specialty , a relaxed and friendly environment and freedom to work at their own pace. • Motivated by; Desire for good relationship and appreciation of others
One of these personality types tend to be dominant • Obviously these categories are not black and white because we all are multi faceted. However once you start looking, you will see a general trend where you can pick these dominant characteristics. • Once you understand these personality types you can then reflect that style back to the person you are communicating with – in other words learn to become a chameleon.
Chameleon • Understand that each of these types of people will want to ‘do the business’ to FIT their personality. Makes senses doesn’t it. Why force people to become someone they aren’t. • Doesn’t it make more sense to work ‘with their personality’ and show them how they can be successful regardless of their personality type?
10 Ways To Boost Energy Source : OPTIMAL HEALTH OF HARLEY STREET
Breathe Deeply • Oxygen is a great source of energy. Try the yoga system of breathing through alternate nostrils to energize and strengthen the body. Start the day with this exercise to give the brain and muscles an immediate boost • Close your right nostril and breathe in slowly through the left until your chest is expanded to its full capacity • Close both nostrils and hold your breath while you count slowly to 16 • Release the right nostril, keeping the left closed, and breathe out slowly until your lungs are empty. Breathe in slowly through the right nostril and continue as before but in reverse.Repeat up to ten times.
Try Acupressure • No needles, just finger pressure. Try these exercises: • Rub your ear lobes between your thumb and forefinger • Pull the toe adjacent to the big toe on each foot and then rub it vigorously.
Drink Water • Dehydration is a common energy drainer. Drink a glass of water in the morning and at any other time that you need a pick-me-up. Aim to drink eight glasses every day.
Supplement Your Diet • If you think your diet may be deficient in key nutrients, consider taking supplements. Choose those that supply 100% of the recommended daily amounts of important vitamins and minerals - these will be stated on the product packaging.
Eat a Starchy Snack • Try a carbohydrate snack such as bagel, some toast or a banana - an easy and sustainable source of energy.
Towel Rub • To start the day, soak a cotton hand towel in hot water and wring it out. Scrub your skin with short, vigorous movements starting with your feet and working up to your head. When the towel cools, put it back into hot water.
Take a Shower • Spend a minute or two under the shower to invigorate your face and head under warm water. Then start to alternate the water between warm and cool - but avoid wetting your head during these temperature changes as they can make you feel dizzy. This stimulates your circulation and encourages your blood to penetrate deeper into the tissues carrying energy giving oxygen and glucose with it. This technique is not advisable for anyone with high blood pressure or heart disorder.
Get Physical • Walking briskly, stretching exercises or jogging on the spot gets the blood flowing and carries oxygen to the tissues to help revitalise you.
Stand Tall • Proponents of the Alexander technique believe good posture helps to enhance the flow of energy in the body. Imagine yourself being lifted up by a string attached to the top of your head. Raise your head up, stand tall and pull your shoulders back. Keep your back straight and your abdomen in and walk forwards in this posture. Feel the difference!
Take a Siesta (nap) • The afternoon siesta has been a tradition in Latin countries for many centuries. Energy output tends to decline at this time and concentration falls, partly because some of your blood leaves the brain to aid the digestive system after eating lunch. A twenty minute rest or even a snooze will revitalise both mind and body.
How to Maximize Your Brain Power and Fast Track Your Career (Source: Frank Felberbaum, Rachel Kranz)
Step 1. Concentrate and experience an event fully (pay attention). • Walk into every important event with your eyes open and your brain on alert. You'll learn to notice key people, facts, and concepts—and noticing is the first step in remembering. • Your mind can operate with all the power of a laser—but you have to focus your brain and bring your mental energy to bear. If you pay attention to the people you meet, the facts you learn, and the words you read, you'll be astounded at how rapidly your concentration grows.
Step 2. Convert the experience to a form that can be stored (visualize). • Our mind's eye is more powerful than we imagine, but if you want to take advantage of that power, you have to use it. Once you convert an item into a visual memory, you're far more likely to retain the memory.
Step 3. Connect the experience to other information (associate). • We remember information that means something to us—and forget information that doesn't. Connecting new data to facts, feelings, and ideas to which we already feel connected is the key to remembering what we learn.
MANTRA MEDITATION • Mantra Meditation is the technique of using SOUND to open the heart and mind. This is the Meditation Technique of Devotion, a deeply spiritual and sacred practice for many mediators, but you do not need to be "a religious" person to experience the gifts Mantra Meditation has to offer. • Mantras (sounds) can be whatever you choose - they do not need to be Sanskrit Mantras. A Mantra is a sound repeated over and over until it integrates into your consciousness - frees the mind from its constant DOING, and elevates you to an altered state of awareness. In this state, you can connect with your soul at its most profound level, achieving a state of universal consciousness.