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Capacity Building for Integrative Supervision at the Education and Teacher Training Agency EC Phare 2005 in a nutshell. Dr. Éva Gefferth Team Leader. Overall Objective of the Project :.
Capacity Building for Integrative Supervision at the Education and Teacher Training AgencyEC Phare 2005 in a nutshell Dr. Éva Gefferth Team Leader
Overall Objective of the Project: • To further quality assurance and higher standards in the educational system in line with the strategic goals set in the Education Sector Development Plan (2005-2010). SpecificObjective of the Project: • To introduce EU standards of supervision with the • aim of implementing external evaluation and self • evaluation into the educational system.
“raise the bar and close the gap” → ‘Education for All’ – on very large scale → large number of change agents needed → self evaluation of schoolstaff →reflective teachers / principals → big change – huge challenge
Change of school culture • Collaborative • Outward looking – parents / community • With professional authority but not controlling • Life Long Learning for All • De-privatisation of classrooms
Supervision is enabling activity “It’s a process in which we, by using self-evaluation and reflections about our thoughts and actions, come to revelations which are sometimes painful, often exciting, and always useful for personal and professional growth and development”. “Supporting people, expanding self-perception, developing communication skills, seeing perspective of other people, solving conflicts, improvement in dealing with stress at work.”
Target Groups: • Main and direct beneficiary - ETTA • 15 senior advisers: 8 from the central office • 7 from the regional offices • Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Zadar • (subject diversity) • Final beneficiaries - students in the Croatian • pre-school, primary and secondary schools
The main activities carried out by the TA: Project duration: 4/2007-4/2009 • Providing a training programme in integrative • supervision for 15 ETTA senior advisors • Support to preparing a protocol for the introduction of integrativesupervision into the Croatian education system • Support to preparing a publication on integrative supervision in education • Running dissemination events for major stakeholders
EC-Delegation in Croatia (Phare Programme Monitoring Unit) Ministry of Science, Education,and Sports MoSES - SPO CFCA Ministry of Finance Beneficiary: ETTA Implementation Unit (PIU) ETTA Regional Centres CBIS - TAT Technical Assistance Team Agriconsulting Europe SA + consortium partners Project Organisation Structure Renata Ozorlić Dominić PIU head (training) Target group of 15 senior advisors
Technical Assistance Team Dr. Éva Gefferth: Team Leader Overall Management; + Liasee with EC and ETTA + Trainer Zdravko Bokulić, prof. Trainer Jasenka Pregrad, prof. Trainer Prof. dr. sc. Ljiljana IIgrić Trainer
Renata Ozorlić Dominić SabinaMarunčić MirelaSkelac Marina Ništ Srećko Listeš Alka PožnjakMalobabić Project Group Dubravka Kovačević Ružica Ambruš-Kiš Vesna Milić Mirjana Kazija TijanaVidović BiljanaPetljakJakunić RobertCimperman MajdaFajdetić LorandaMiletić
TheCurriculum • Objectives: • trainees qualified to implement supervisory approaches in the area of education • trainees have the skills to provide supervision that leads to positive professional outcomes and stimulation for further work of the supervisee • trainees will be aware of ethics of supervision • trainees will have developed professional supervisory identity and a need for his/her own continuous professional development in supervision
TheCurriculum • Keycompetencies of thesupervisorpersonal: e.g. emotional consciousness social: e.g. attentiveness, ability to support others professional: e.g.ability to facilitate the process of self-reflection of supervisees • Certificationcriteria: 80% presence + tasks + competencies developed + LLL attitude
Contents of the training • Communication and rapport skills • Group interaction • Supervision as process of self-reflection in a professional and methodical way • Evaluation in supervision • Learning theories (learning of adults, life-long learning)
The Key Principles of the TA’s approach • Transfer of skills and know-how; • Participatory training techniques; • Quality approach to project management (commitment, transparency, sharing tasks and responsibilities); • Taking process monitoring (related to activities and outputs) seriously; • Transparency in partnership with stakeholders.
At the end of the 22 months’ implementation outputs fully or nearly fully achieved: • 330 hours’ education completed • 14 senior advisors certified for integrative supervision in education; • A team of educated supervisors set up at ETTA; • Pilot supervision groups of teachers throughout Croatia in 2008; • Protocol for the introduction of integrative supervision into Croatian education system • Publication on integrative supervision in education
Final evaluation of the training Training objectives: “Distinctly formulated, measurable and achieved” Overall style of delivery of the workshops: “We’ve got quality role-models.” “I learned a lot about leading by the way leaders did it.” The structure of the training: “Empiric and reflexive style of learning was dominant”
Final evaluation of the training Impact on changes in your regular work : “Quality embedding of new skills” Impact on professional relationships with teachers and principals: “I am peaceful, more secure and with many ideas how to solve problems.“ “I integrate the approach wherever I can in my work and it has large effect.”
and in the end we all hope that …… Thank you for your attention ……the final beneficiaries will experience the merits!