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24 th meeting of the TERENA General Assembly. Budapest, 21 October 2005. 1. Welcome and Apologies (1/2). Apologies have been received from: Jan Gruntor ád (CESNET) Leif Laaksonen and Klaus Lindberg (CSC) Dany Vandromme (Renater) Kees Neggers and Boudewijn Nederkoorn (SURFnet)
24th meeting of the TERENA General Assembly Budapest, 21 October 2005
1. Welcome and Apologies(1/2) Apologies have been received from: • Jan Gruntorád (CESNET) • Leif Laaksonen and Klaus Lindberg (CSC) • Dany Vandromme (Renater) • Kees Neggers and Boudewijn Nederkoorn (SURFnet) • Pedro Veiga (FCCN) • Brian Carpenter and David Martin (IBM) • Jean-Marc Uzé (Juniper) • Yves Poppe (Teleglobe)
1. Welcome and Apologies(2/2) Proxies: • René Buch represents SURFnet with proxy
2. Approval of Agenda3. Minutes and Action list • The GA is asked to approve the agenda • The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 23rd GA meeting (Poznań, 9-10 June 2005)
4a. Admission of new members • No applications for TERENA membership have been received
4b. Changes in membership • None
4c. Changes in representative • Panayiotis Tsanakas (representative of GRNET) • José Fernandes (substitute representative of FCCN) • Serkan Orcan (substitute representative of ULAKBIM) • René Buch (representative of NORDUnet)
4d. Outstanding membership fees (2/2) • The GA is asked to annul the remaining debt of MARNET to TERENA (4,488 euro)
6. TERENA Activity Plan 2006(1/4) Current challenges for research networking in Europe: • Substantial progress in many areas in the past few years • In many aspects, Europe now has a leading position worldwide • But even in the areas where Europe is ahead, there is more work to do and there are new challenges • “Where do we go from here?” is the question to be answered in the next two years
6. TERENA Activity Plan 2006(2/4) TERENA’s mission and status: • (strategic vision from previous Activity Plan:) TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative organisation • TERENA Secretariat in good shape • Balance to be found between TERENA Secretariat’s involvement in EU-funded projects and Secretariat support to collaborative TERENA activities • Financial status of TERENA satisfactory • But dependent on funding from GN2 project (ends in 2008) • GN2 funding for TERENA Compendium and for support to TERENA task forces will run out early 2007
6. TERENA Activity Plan 2006(3/4) Highlights for 2006: • Foresight Study funded by GN2 project (March 2006 – August 2007) • More practical support to development of research networking in “underserved” regions (thanks to GN2 / NA4) • 2006 edition of TERENA Compendium of NRENs (more analyses of differences and trends) • In Technical Programme, work devoted to new technical challenges (e.g. control-plane and middleware issues) • More workshops on specific topics (e.g. NREN-Grids, EuroCAMP, CSIRT training, connecting schools (?)) • Research networking community at the campus level to be a focus of TERENA activities
6. TERENA Activity Plan 2006(4/4) A few of the new things among the specific plans for 2006: • Foresight Study • Overhaul of TERENA website • PR Strategy Plan, increase of PR activities. • More concrete actions for “underserved” countries via GN2 / NA4 • Advanced EuroCAMP in addition to “base CAMP” • 2 CSIRT training courses (jointly with FIRST) • 2 NREN-Grids workshops • RTIR project • Updates to GNRT to be commissioned • Server Certificate Service to start early in 2006 • Organise IPv6 training workshop in South America (funded by 6DISS project)
7a. Contribution categories of National Members • The GA is asked to decide that ULAKBIM (Turkey) will be in category 6 from 1 January 2006 and, as a phase-in, shall pay 7 units as its membership fee in 2006.
7c. Budget 2006 and membership fees 2006 (2/2) The GA is asked • to set the membership fee unit for 2006 at 4,870 euro • to adopt the budget for the year 2006 as in document GA(05)019
8. GN2 Foresight Study PreparationsGN2 contract text (1/5) • The Foresight Study will provide inputs for initiatives that could help to keep the evolution of European research networking at the forefront of worldwide developments, and enhance the competitiveness of the ERA. It will prepare the ground for the planning of the development of research and education networking infrastructure and services after the completion of GN2, at the local, national, European and intercontinental level. (…) • (…) a study into the strategic aspects of the most advanced development of networks and services. The Foresight Study will start in March 2006 and will run for 18 months. It will look into the technical, organisational and financial aspects, the user requirements, the market conditions and the policy environment. It will also provide evidence of the impact on research in various disciplines of the development of research and education networking infrastructure and services in recent years.
8. GN2 Foresight Study PreparationsGN2 contract text (2/5) • The study will need the active involvement of all stakeholders: national government authorities and the EC, other funding bodies, NRENs, management of universities, research institutes and educational institutions, equipment vendors and telecom providers, and last but not least the users of research and education networking facilities and services. The collaboration with industry, building on the successful contacts established during the SERENATE project, will be particularly important. • The organisation of the Foresight Study will build on the experiences gained in the SERENATE project. The work will be led by a Foresight Study Panel composed of senior representatives of each of the organisations that have a major role in the execution of the study. They will act as a quality control panel for the final report on the Foresight Study and the preliminary reports on specific aspects. • (…..)
8. GN2 Foresight Study PreparationsGN2 contract text (3/5) Milestones: • April 2006: Initial Workshop of the Foresight Study • ……… Deliverables: • June 2006: Workplan for the Foresight Study Based on the results of the Initial Workshop and other consultations, this deliverable will describe the sub-studies, workshops and other actions to be undertaken within the Foresight Study, the main actors to be involved in each of them, the planned sub-reports and the overall time schedule • December 2006, March 2007: Sub-reports on specific aspects These deliverables will contain the preliminary results of the sub-studies and other sub-activities within the Foresight Study to investigate specific aspects of the expected future development of research and education networking in Europe, such as, e.g., technological developments, developments in user needs, policy developments etc. • ….......
8. GN2 Foresight Study PreparationsGN2 contract text (4/5) Participants: The work on the Foresight Study will be led by TERENA. DANTE will make large contributions to the work, bringing in particularly its financial and technical expertise and knowledge of market conditions. Besides the general involvement that is expected from all NRENs, several GN2 participants will make specific contributions to the Foresight Study by making available their experts in specific areas. Which GN2 participants this will be and which contributions they will make, will be sketched in the Workplan for the Foresight Study (June 2006). This will depend on the issues that will be identified in this Workplan as being in the focus of interest, and on the expertise available. In addition, other organisations are expected to contribute to the various sub-activities of the Foresight Study, as GN2 project participants, subcontractors or third parties, e.g., one or more organisations representative of the user community.
8. GN2 Foresight Study PreparationsGN2 contract text (5/5) Budget: • TERENA manpower 470 kEUR • Manpower of NRENs 135 kEUR • Other direct costs for TERENA (workshops etc.)170 kEUR • Costs of other organisations (see previous slide) 275 kEUR • Travel costs 40 kEUR total 1090 kEUR (Total budget of SERENATE project was 960 kEUR)
8. GN2 Foresight Study Preparations The GA is asked to discuss which topics the Foresight Study should focus on, and which organisations could be invited to participate in the Study. Topics mentioned earlier: • The technical challenges of “dark fibre” networks (control plane etc.) • Needs of network users in the European research community • Extension of the user group of research networks to schools and other public-sector institutions • The “Digital Divide” • Authentication and authorisation • Cross-border connections between NRENs • Campus issues • Wireless networks • Applications driving the network • Relations with industry • ……… • ……...
9. GN2 project – NA4(a) Key findings from the Compendium 2006(b) Assistance to research and education networking in less-advanced regions
13. Next meetings GA 25, Catania, 18-19 May 2006 GA 26, 20 October 2006 • University of Malta has offered to host the meeting • Preceded by NREN PC meeting on 19 October 2006 at same location