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The Cold War

The Cold War. The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle. Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”]. US & the Western Democracies. GOAL  “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. GOAL  spread world-wide Communism. METHODOLOGIES:

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The Cold War

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  1. The Cold War

  2. The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations[“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. GOAL spread world-wide Communism • METHODOLOGIES: • Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] • Arms Race [nuclear escalation] • Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. Democratic govt. & capitalist economy] “proxy wars” • Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

  3. T h e C o l d W a r The COLD WAR was a period of strained relations between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. After World War II, Allied leaders divided Germany into four sectors, with each of the major Allied powers occupying a sector (area). The city of Berlin itself was similarly divided into four zones. The Soviet zone of Germany eventually became EAST Germany – a communist country – while the BRITISH, FRENCH, AND USA zones became noncommunist WEST Germany. The establishment of communist governments in EAST Germany and other nations in EASTERN Europe reinforced the belief of most Americans that the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism around the world. It also set the stage for the USA-Soviet power struggle that dominated world politics for several decades.

  4. Divided Berlin

  5. THE UNITED NATIONS PROVIDES HOPE • Hopes for world peace were high at the end of the war. • Formed in June of 1945. • Unfortunately, the U.N. soon became a forum for competing superpowers to spread their influence over others

  6. NATO vs. WARSAW PACT North Atlantic Treaty Organization: defense alliance among U.S. and Europe against the Soviet Union. Still exists. (Created in 1949.) Warsaw Pact: Defense alliance among Soviet Union and its satellite governments in Eastern Europe. (Created in 1955)

  7. THE TRUMAN DOCTRINE • President Truman had been horrified at the pre-war Allied policy of appeasement and was determined to stand up to any Soviet intimidation & stop the growth of Communism. • The Truman Doctrine in March 1947 promised that the USA “would support free peoples who are resisting overthrow by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. • It signalled the end of “isolationist” policies of the United States.

  8. THE MARSHALL PLAN • Secretary of State George Marshall introduced the Marshall Plan which reflected the strength of the US economy and offered huge sums of money to enable the war shattered economies of Europe to rebuild and, by generating prosperity, toreject the appeal of Communism. • The Marshall Plan helped the countries of Western Europe recover economically from the war. It also discouraged the further spread of communism in Europe (Domino Affect).

  9. The Arms Race • This title was given to the activity of one’s country trying to build more weapons than any other country. This started with the invention of the Atomic Bomb.Both the United States and Russia believed that having the most and strongest weapons would keep them safe.People began to build underground shelters to protect themselves.

  10. MCCARTHY LAUNCHES “WITCH HUNT” McCARTHYISM • The most famous anti-Communist activistof the 1950’s was Senator Joseph McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin • McCarthy took advantage of people’s concern about Communism by making unsupported claims that 205 state department members were Communists

  11. MCCARTHY’S DOWNFALL • Finally, in 1954 McCarthy went too far………………. • He accused high ranking Army officers of being Communists • In the televised proceedings McCarthy’s bullying of witnesses alienated the national audience • Three years later he died of alcoholism at age 49 McCarthy’s attacking style and utter lack of evidence led to his downfall

  12. THE KOREAN CONFLICT North Korea and South Koreawere divided along the 38th parallel following WWII. The War began with North Korea invading South Korea. North Korea and its leader Kim Il Sung were communist and supported by the Soviet Union, and China. South Korea and its leader Syngman Rhee were supported by the United States. The UN authorized sending troops into the region under the command of U.S. general Douglas MacArthur. “Domino Theory”

  13. CHINA JOINS THE FIGHT • Just as it looked like the Americans were going to score a victory in the North, then 1 million Chinese soldiers joined the war on the side of the North Koreans • The fight between North and South Korea had turned into a war in which the main opponents were Chinese Communists supported by the Soviet Union vs. America

  14. Stalemate The "BLUE" is the USA led forces during the Korean War War ends in a Stalemate along the 38th Parallel the war ends in a tie, nobody wins

  15. To Summarize stalemate=nobody wins 2ND The “Red Scare”, launched by Senator Joe McCarthy, dominated US politics for several years 1948-53 and helped pressure Truman into the Korean War, a costly and ultimately stalemated conflict. Given the suddenness of the fall of China, the development of the Soviet bomb, and the shocking performance of the Western secret services, the level of panic was understandable.

  16. Sputnik I (1957) The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge!

  17. On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik a communications satellite, the first man-made object ever sent into space. This would kick off the space race accelerate America’s push to the MOON and elevate Cold War tensions

  18. Berlin Wall • During the 1950’s a steady outflow of refugees (immigrants) from East Germany( Soviet controlled) moved into West Germany( Allies controlled), primarily working age individuals. • * In November 1958, Soviet Premier Khrushchev issued an ultimatum giving the Western powers six months to agree to withdraw from Berlin and make it a free, demilitarized city. • The sides could not reach an agreement, so in the spring and early summer months of 1961 the East German regime stockpiled building materials for the creation of the Berlin Wall.

  19. 1961 - Berlin Wall • On August 15, communist authorities begin construction on the Berlin Wall to stop East Germans from trying to flee to West Berlin.

  20. On the November 9, 1989, the Border separating Western from Eastern Germany was effectively opened. In the days that followed large groups of individuals with their hands and with machinery, started physically tearing down the wall. The Fall of the Berlin Wall AFTER STANDING FOR ALMOST 30 YEARS, will always be used as a symbol for the end of the Cold War.

  21. Fall of the BERLIN WALL

  22. Postwar Western Europe faced economic ruin and starving people. SECRETARY OF STATE GEORGE C. MARSHALL proposed the EUROPEAN RECOVERY PROGRAM called the MARSHALL PLAN. The plan would give European nations American aid (money) to rebuild. The plan was an effort to fight hunger, poverty, & chaos. The Soviet Union & its SATELLITE nations in Eastern Europe rejected the offer & developed their own economic program. The MARSHALL PLAN gave billions of dollars worth of supplies, machinery, & food to WESTERN Europe, lessening the appeal of COMMUNISM & opening new trade markets. To REVIEW

  23. The END

  24. The following is a synopsis of the Cold War. • Cold War – divided Berlin • Truman Doctrine –contain communism – insure democracy to those who want democracy • Marshall Plan - $$ to rebuild Europe – stop the spread of communism • McCarthyism – unsupported claims of communists in the USA • Arms RACE – start of Korean War- STALMATE, no clear winner • Sputnik – Soviet Union 1st in Space, NASA created, emphasis on Math & Science in USA schools to catch up • Berlin Wall – rise & fall, end of the Cold War – America wins – Symbolic Victory – Democracy over Communism

  25. Who was the first man on the MOON? Politics, Cold War, and Science Fiction Space Exploration “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Neil Armstrong 1969

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