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The SST Process and Behavior Management. Angela Brown Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.dcsig.org. Our goals for this session are:. To provide a basic review of the research on human misbehavior and its implication in the classroom
The SST Process and Behavior Management Angela Brown Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.dcsig.org
Our goals for this session are: • To provide a basic review of the research on human misbehavior and its implication in the classroom • To gain an understanding of the impact of societal and familial influences which impact on students’ performance in school • To review the SST process as it relates to team decision making about student behaviors.
Real World Classroom Management was easy when The Beaver was in school. But…kids today are different
What factors areimpacting on schools? • Schools are under pressure to create safe, orderly and effective learning environments where students acquire social as well as academic skills that will allow them to succeed in school and beyond. This pressure has emerged from real disciplinary challenges combined with wariness of school violence sensationalized in the media (Lewis & Sugai, 1999; Sugai et al., 2000; Walker, Nishioka, Zeller, Bullis, & Sprague, 2001; Walker & Shinn, 2002).
Attention Spans • Television Commercials appear every 11-13 minutes or less. • The attention span of most children matches this schedule. • When we were younger the commercials came every 15-18 minutes. • Attention spans are getting shorter.
Mark Greenberg, a violence expert from Penn State University, said several factors contribute to school violence:Among them are a dramatic decrease in family stability; parents who are indifferent; less contact between kids and parents; unsafe and inadequate housing; and the increasing impact of media on attitudes and behavior.
Some people hear the phrase “addressing barriers to learning” and think it is about student deficits. It’s much more about environmental deficit conditions. And, it is always concerned about >strengths and protective buffers (e.g., assets, resiliency) >promoting healthy development
There are four basic goals/functions of misbehavior • Attention getting • Power Seeking • Revenge • Withdrawal/Inadequacy We want to get something or get away from something
Which button are they pushing • “gittin” • Attention from you through • Lectures • Redirects • Sent to office • Attention from peers • Access to reinforcers • “gittin out of” • Escape from • Work through time-out • People through time-out • Counselor • Office • Security • Suspension
INTERVENTION CONSIDERATIONS • Interventions should be evidence-based at national and school-based level • Interventions should be tiered: • Universal • Primary • Secondary • Tertiary
Hard Facts • Behavior is learned and serves a specific purpose. • Behavior is related to the context in which it occurs. • For every year a behavior is in place it takes at least one month for that behavior to have a significant change. • Children comply with the rules 80% of the time. However they are complimented for their behavior less than….. 2% of the time
Conceptual Principles for Addressing Student Behavior Through SST. • Behavior is learned and can be taught.
What is the role of the SST in addressing student behaviors?
Understanding the relation between physiological factors and environmental variables is a critical feature when supporting children with behavioral, social, emotional, and mental health issues.
Data collection and use for active decision making are important for continuous intervention, program, and system improvement.
When discussing a student’s behaviors, consider the following • Does the students have demonstrate these behaviors in all settings? • Does the students have a history of these behaviors? • How do we select an intervention for the students being discussed? Complete SST discussion form
What does the teacher need to implement the intervention? • How does teacher skill and knowledge impact the child’s success? • How can the SST support the child during the course of the behavioral intervention? • What are some of the ways that the SST determine the effectiveness of the intervention?
Teachers are sometimes the victim of a violent act at school, but usually it's because they are trying to break up a fight, Goldstein added. "Almost every teacher has had to break up a fight at some time in his or her career," he said. "But only one-fourth of teachers have ever had any training on how to break up fights. The result is that teachers can get hurt."
CAUTION • It is very easy to turn your choices into threats: • Choose my way or the highway. • Knock that off or I’m going to send you to the back of the room. • Consider if your boss said: • Would you rather do your report today or get fired? Okay- don’t answer Complete “What you Say?”
What works with tough kids? What works with tough kids? • Systematic screening and referral • Social and life skills instruction and support • De-escalation • Adults prevent • Student learns self-control • Adult mentoring and case management • Specialized classroom supports • Academic • Function-based behavior support • Alternative discipline • Parent collaboration • Service coordination with community agencies • Work or service learning
Students experiencing behavioral difficulties in school benefit from: • Examples and being taught strategies for conflict management, coping skills and goal setting • Experiences in gaining self regulatory skills (i.e. self-reflective techniques, impulse control/management skills, self management, social competencies,etc.) • Exposure to a model adult behavior and an opportunity to develop a long term “trusting” relationship (i.e. mentor, Big Brother/Big Sister etc.)
Misrules A student will need lots of practice before they will acquire or own a skill Brandon and the shoes
Encourage the use of appropriate consequences to match the chronological and developmental needs of students • To have the present action stopped • To have the student’s behavior changed • To stop the infraction from occurring again • To show the student that I am displeased • To teach the student a more appropriate or replacement behavior
We need to teach behavior the same way we teach reading, math, science, etc. Teach Model Practice Praise