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Presentation Terms of Use – Please Read NOTE TO PRESENTERS: In an effort to provide a slide deck that would be of most use to a broad base of Exercise is Medicine supporters, it was necessary to include a larger number of slides in this deck than would normally be used in a typical presentation. Please delete (and add your own) slides to customize this deck according to the needs of your presentation and the demographics of the audience that you will be presenting to. This presentation was updated on 10/16/09. Visit www.exerciseismedicine.org for the most up-to-date version of this presentation and updated Exercise is Medicine resources. Questions? Please contact ACSM at eim@acsm.org or 317-352-3818.
What if there was one prescription that could prevent and treat dozens of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity? -Robert E. Sallis, M.D., M.P.H., FACSM, Exercise is Medicine™ Task Force Chairman
American College of Sports Medicine • The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world. More than 35,000 international, national, and regional members and certified professionals are dedicated to advancing and integrating scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine. • ACSM is leading the way in physical activity guideline-setting. • ACSM facilitated and led the 2006 roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C., that resulted in the creation of the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Exercise is Medicine™ Vision To make physical activity and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention and treatment medical paradigm in the United States. Background • Launched in November 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Medical Association (AMA). • Developed to encourage primary care physicians to include exercise when designing treatment plans for patients. Calls on doctors to prescribe exercise to their patients. • Committed to the belief that exercise and physical activity are integral in the prevention and treatment of diseases, and should be assessed as part of medical care and integrated into every primary care office visit.
Exercise is Medicine™ and California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State of California Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H Acting Surgeon General of the United States Robert E. Sallis, M.D. Past President, American College of Sports Medicine (Click here to access video)
Actual Causes of Death Leading Causes of Death, US 1. Tobacco, 18.1% 2. Poor diet and Physical inactivity, 16.6% 3. Alcohol, 3.5% JAMA March 10, 2004 Deaths per Year in U.S. (1,000s)
The Solution: Physical Activity • “If we had a pill that gave all those benefits and was readily available, we would find a way to make sure every patient took it.”-Robert E. Sallis, M.D. • Why isn’t this happening with exercise? • Lack of media advocacy. • No tangible success measures. • Physicians are lacking the time to effectively counsel patients. • Physicians may lack the proper training to effectively counsel patients about exercise. • No national reimbursement policy for referrals. • Minimal side effects: • Overuse injuries – start low and go slow. • Sudden death – very rare.
Exercise As Medicine • Tremendous health benefits are seen with even low levels of exercise. • Amount of exercise needed to benefit health is much lower than amount needed for fitness. Regular physical activity at the correct intensity: • Reduces the risk of heart disease by 40%. • Lowers the risk of stroke by 27%. • Reduces the incidence of diabetes by almost 50%. • Reduces the incidence of high blood pressure, by almost 50%. • Can reduce mortality and the risk of recurrent breast cancer by almost 50%. • Can lower the risk of colon cancer by over 60%. • Can reduce the risk of developing of Alzheimer’s disease by one-third. • Can decrease depression as effectively as Prozac or behavioral therapy.
U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines • 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity • Choose your own schedule • For example: 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, five days per week OR three 10-minute sessions per day, • five days per week From the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans For more information on these guidelines, visit www.acsm.org/physicalactivity.
Summary • Evidence is now overwhelming on the health burden of physical inactivity. • The benefits of exercise in the treatment and prevention of chronic disease cannot be denied. • We cannot continue to ignore this evidence when formulating treatment plans for our patients. • No patient should leave a doctor’s office without an assessment of his/her physical activity and proper prescription of an exercise program, or a referral to a qualified fitness professional..
Call to Action • Initiate a dialogue between every physician and every American. • Promote Exercise is Medicine™ in organizations, workplaces and communities. • Ensure that exercise is front and center in the national discussion on disease prevention, health and wellness. • Large scale exercise initiative led by health care provders: • Every patient; Every visit; Every treatment plan. • Physical activity should be recorded as a vital sign. • Message should be the same from every provider, regardless of specialty.
Program Goals • For physical activity to become a Vital Sign, with the Physician routinely discussing it with each of their patients. • For the Physician to either prescribe appropriate physical activity to each patient or to refer the patient to a qualified health and fitness professional to get a physical activity prescription. • For the Public to begin to ask for and expect Physicians to discuss physical activity during each office visit. • Exercise Is Medicine™ is a sustainable initiative to: • Influence national policy to obtain reimbursement for exercise counseling. • Influence medical health record companies to include exercise as a HEDIS • measure and health care systems to make exercise a vital sign. • Effect policy changes that support physical activity counseling and patient • referrals (to health fitness professionals) in clinical settings. • Produce an expectation among the public that health care providers should • and will ask about and prescribe exercise. • Encourage physicians and other health care providers to be physically active • themselves.
Public Action Guide The Public Action Guide provides you with a simple, fast and effective tool for using exercise as a ‘medicine’ to help prevent or manage many of the most common chronic health conditions. It will also help you approach your health care provider to discuss physical activity as a part of a disease prevention and management strategy. • Guide Highlights • Meeting the Guidelines and Starting an Exercise Program • My Exercise Plan • Questions and Answers • Exercise is Medicine™ Month • Note to Health Care Providers
Meeting the Guidelines and Starting an Exercise Program Follow these guidelines to meet the basic physical activity recommendations after consulting your health care professional. From the 2008 Federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. For more information on these guidelines, visit www.acsm.org/physicalactivity.
My Exercise Plan • The first step in meeting any recommendation for how much exercise to do is to simply get started with an activity that will work for you. These tools will help you in assessing your health, figuring out your barriers to exercise and working through some of the challenges to sticking with a program. • Pre-Exercise Health Assessment • Barriers to Exercise Assessment • Exercise Time Finder • Cost/Benefit Analyzer • … and more!
Note to Health Care Providers Share this resource with your health care provider during your next annual checkup or scheduled visit.
Health Care Providers’ Action Guide The Health Care Providers’ Action Guide provides physicians and other health care providers with a simple, fast, and effective tool for using physical activity, in the right “dosage”, as a highly effective prescription for the prevention, treatment, and management of more than 40 of the most common chronic health conditions encountered in primary practice. • Guide Highlights • Exercise Prescription and Referral Process document • Exercise Readiness and Prescription form • Starting an Exercise Program patient handout • Your Prescription for Health series • Physician office flier
Exercise Readiness & Prescription • Determine patient’s current level of activity and willingness to exercise. • Determine if patient is fit to exercise independently and what type of fitness professional would be best for referral. • Depending on patient’s stage of change, take appropriate action by referring patient to educational material, writing exercise prescription, and/or referring patient to fitness professional. • Refer patient to www.ExerciseIsMedicine.org for videos, fliers and resources.
Health and Fitness Professionals’ Action Guide • The Health and Fitness Professionals’ Action Guide provides health and fitness professionals with a guide for how to work effectively with physicians and other health care providers to use exercise and physical activity, in the correct “dosage”, as a highly effective patient care “prescription.” • Guide Highlights • How to work with health care providers document • Introductory letter to health care provider • Health and Medical Questionnaire • Fitness Assessment • Informed Consent • Cancellation Policy • Starting an Exercise Program handout • Your Prescription for Health series
“Your Prescription for Health” series • Provides information and advice on exercising safely with health conditions. • Physicians and fitness professionals can recommend these to their patients/clients during visits. • Available for download online. Exercising Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Exercising Following a Heart Attack Exercising Following a Stroke Exercising while Losing Weight Exercising with Alzheimer's Exercising with Anxiety and Depression Exercising with Atrial Fibrillation Exercising with Cancer Exercising with Low Back Pain Exercising with Peripheral Arterial Disease Exercising with Visual Impairment http://www.exerciseismedicine.org/YourPrescription.htm
Public Service Announcements The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has partnered with the United States' Office of the Surgeon General to create public service announcements (PSAs) promoting Exercise is Medicine™. The PSAs feature the acting surgeon general, Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H., and a message encouraging physical activity. http://www.exerciseismedicine.org/PSA.htm
Future Goals of Exercise is Medicine™ • Physicians & health care providers • Partnership with a company that has a tool to aid physicians in diagnosing lack of activity as primary cause of patient being overweight. • Development of a software tool that ‘writes’ exercise prescriptions and provides database of local fitness /sports professionals for referring patients to. • Establish partnerships with all major primary care physician and allied healthcare professional associations. • Sign up as many healthcare providers as possible as part of Exercise is Medicine™. • Fitness professionals • Development of a software tool that facilitates fitness professional working with local physicians and allied healthcare providers. • Sign up as many fitness professionals as possible as part of Exercise is Medicine™. • Introduce health club accreditation. • Sign up as many health clubs as possible
Future Goals of Exercise is Medicine • Public • Increase public awareness of Exercise is Medicine™ to the level at which the public is expecting to talk to their primary healthcare provider about exercise. • Sign up as many companies as possible to promote Exercise is Medicine™ to their employees. • Sign up as many schools as possible to promote Exercise is Medicine™ to their students. • Support • Obtain enough supporting organizations to (i) achieve legislative & policygoals and (ii) achieve public (awareness) goals. • Recruit major sports organizations to sign on as a referring organization for healthcare provider/fitness professionals. • Seek corporate, federal, philanthropic partners for sustainability for Exercise is Medicine™.
Become Involved with Exercise is Medicine™ 1. Log on to www.ExerciseIsMedicine.org. 2. Click “Join Us.” 3. Click “Physicians,” “Health & Fitness Professionals” or “Public” to download a toolkit. 4. Start today!
Exercise is Medicine™ Month Help Exercise is Medicine™ celebrate physical activity during May for Exercise is Medicine™ Month! A comprehensive Actions and Promotions toolkit with resources and information is available for download.To promote Exercise is Medicine™ Month and the wide array of benefits physical activity has to offer, contact your local officials. Tell them about the importance of getting the public active, and encourage them to sign a mayoral proclamation or governor’s proclamation for Exercise is Medicine™ Month. Visit Exercise is Medicine™ Month online at www.exerciseismedicinemonth.org!