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EMOTION AND MOTIVATION. PAGES 297-357. Emotion vs. Reasoning. How do you describe emotions? How do you describe reasoning? Are the two mutually exclusive?. Emotion and Reasoning. Stating that emotion is the opposite of reason is a huge misconception.
Emotion vs. Reasoning • How do you describe emotions? • How do you describe reasoning? • Are the two mutually exclusive?
Emotion and Reasoning • Stating that emotion is the opposite of reason is a huge misconception. • Emotion is a VITAL ingredient in making effective personal decisions. • Emotion allows us to value one course of action over another.
What is emotion? • Emotion is a four part process-all of which interact, rather than occurring in a linear sequence. Emotions help organisms deal with important events. • Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations to convey our intentions to others. • Emotion is a 4 part process consisting of physiological arousal cognitive interpretation subjective feelings behavioral expressions
Psychological Arousal • Increased heart rate, blushing, becoming pale, sweating, rapid breathing • Ex: Being in a car when it spins out of control on an icy road • Almost instantly upon the car spinning off track, you experience an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, your pupils dilate, etc. • This occurs, at some level, with all emotions
Cognitive Interpretation • The private experience of one’s internal affective state Emotional range: pleasantness-unpleasantness & weak-strong • Ex: your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you, you experience some type of emotion, like sadness. • Then, you experience this emotion along the pleasantness and strength dimensions - if you loved this person, you may experience sadness that is very unpleasant and intense (strength).
Subjective feeling • Attaching meaning to the emotional experience by drawing on memory and perceptual responses such as blaming someone or perceiving a threat • Ex: You may think you are being cheated on due to your past experience with infidelity
Behavioral expressions • Expressing emotions through gestures, facial expressions, or other actions such as smiling, crying, screaming for help • Ex: These expressions allow others to know what we are feeling and, potentially, how to treat us
How Motivation and Emotion Are Linked • Emotion and motivation are complementary processes • Emotion emphasizes arousal (both physical and mental) • Motivation emphasizes how this arousal becomes an action
Cultures and Emotions • Emotional expressions may vary from culture to culture • Ex: Emotional responses in children in US versus Asian cultures • The 7 Universal Emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, happiness, and surprise
Emotional Differences between men and women • Depends on culture and biology • Biology: Menshow more signs of physiological arousal during interpersonal conflicts than women Womenare more likely to suffer from panic disorders and depression than men
US Culture • Menare encouraged for their emotional displays of dominance, anger, and aggressive behavior and are punished for emotional displays such as crying, depression, and sadness. • Womenreceive encouragement for emotions that show vulnerability and are punished for displaying emotions that show dominance
Display rules • Are the permissible ways of displaying emotions within a society. • Research has proven that neither sex is more or less emotionally expressive overall and that culture differs emotional expression much more. • In all, men and women do have different emotional experiences, but one sex does not have more emotional intensity than the other
SURVEY • Write 1 to 13 on a sheet of paper and answer the following questions, writing down A or B for your answer
Limbic System • The area of the brain that regulates emotion and memory • Directly connects the lower and higher brain functions • Effect on emotional responses: Influences emotional responses, fight-or-flight responses, unconscious and conscious emotion processing pathways
Reticular Formation: A group of nerve fibers located inside the brainstem Functions: Arousal Attention Cardiac Reflexes Motor Functions Regulates Awareness Relays Nerve Signals to the Cerebral Cortex Sleep • Effects on emotional responses: Monitors incoming information; acts as an alarm system
Cerebral Cortex • The cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness • Effects on emotional responses: Interprets events and associates them with memories and feelings
Autonomic Nervous System Effect on emotional responses: • Sympathetic- dominates unpleasant emotions • Parasympathetic- dominates pleasant emotions
Example: car speeding directly at you • Brain alerts body of danger along pathways of SNS. • Some messages direct adrenal glands to release stress hormones. Others make the heart race and blood pressure rise. • At the same time, the SNS directs certain blood vessels to constrict, diverting voluntary energy to the voluntary muscles and away from the stomach and intestines (knot in your stomach) • When the emergency has passed, the PNS takes over, carrying instruction to counteract the emergency orders of a few moments earlier • You may experience arousal for a few moments after due to hormones continuing to circulate in your bloodstream
Hormones Effect on emotional responses: • Serotonin- associated with feelings of depression • Epinephrine- hormone produced in fear • Norepinephrine- most abundant in anger
5 Theories of emotion • The definition of emotion refers to a feeling state involving thoughts, physiological changes, and an outward expression or behavior. But what comes first? The thought? The physiological arousal? The behavior? Or does emotion exist in a vacuum, whether or not these other components are present? • There are five theories which attempt to understand why we experience emotion
Theories of Emotion • There is a lot of debate within the world of Psychology regarding the process of emotional arousal. • We will look at the five main theories of emotion, which attempt to explain why and how we experience emotion.
The Cannon-Bard Theory Schachter-Singer Theory The James-Lange Theory Lazarus Theory Facial Feedback Theory
Directions • Write 1 to 13 on a sheet of paper and answer the following questions, writing down A or B for your answer
The James-Lange theory of emotion • Argues that an event causes physiological arousal first and then we interpret this arousal. Only after our interpretation of the arousal can we experience emotion. If the arousal is not noticed or is not given any thought, then we will not experience any emotion based on this event. • EX: You are walking down a dark alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and you begin to tremble, your heart beats faster, and your breathing deepens. You notice these physiological changes and interpret them as your body's preparation for a fearful situation. You then experience fear.
The Cannon-Bard theory • Argues that we experience physiological arousal and emotional at the same time, but gives no attention to the role of thoughts or outward behavior. • EXAMPLE: You are walking down a dark alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and you begin to tremble, your heart beats faster, and your breathing deepens. At the same time as these physiological changes occur you also experience the emotion of fear.
Schachter-Singer Theory • According to this theory, an event causes physiological arousal first. You must then identify a reason for this arousal and then you are able to experience and label the emotion. • EXAMPLE: You are walking down a dark alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and you begin to tremble, your heart beats faster, and your breathing deepens. Upon noticing this arousal you realize that is comes from the fact that you are walking down a dark alley by yourself. This behavior is dangerous and therefore you feel the emotion of fear.
Lazarus Theory • States that a thought must come before any emotion or physiological arousal. In other words, you must first think about your situation before you can experience an emotion. • EXAMPLE: You are walking down a dark alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and you think it may be a mugger so you begin to tremble, your heart beats faster, and your breathing deepens and at the same time experience fear.
Facial Feedback Theory • Emotion is the experience of changes in our facial muscles. In other words, when we smile, we then experience pleasure, or happiness. When we frown, we then experience sadness. It is the changes in our facial muscles that cue our brains and provide the basis of our emotions. Just as there are an unlimited number of muscle configurations in our face, so to are there a seemingly unlimited number of emotions. • EXAMPLE: You are walking down a dark alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and your eyes widen, your teeth clench and your brain interprets these facial changes as the expression of fear. Therefore you experience the emotion of fear
4 components of emotional intelligence The ability to: • accurately identify emotions • use emotions to help you think • understand what causes emotions • manage to stay open to these emotions in order to capture the wisdom of our feelings
1. Accurately identify emotions • The ability to perceive and identify emotions in faces, tone of voice, body language • The capacity for self-awareness: being aware of your own feelings as they are occurring • Being able to label specific feelings in yourself and others; being able to discuss emotions and communicate clearly and directly.
2. Using emotions to help you think • The ability to incorporate feelings into analysis, reasoning, problem solving and decision making • The potential of your feelings to guide you to what is important to think about
3. Understanding what causes emotions • The ability to solve emotional problems • The ability to identify and understand the inter-relationships between emotions, thoughts and behavior. Ex: to see cause and effect relationships such as how thoughts can affect emotions or how emotions can affect thoughts, and how your emotions can lead to the behavior in yourself and others.
4. Managing to stay open to these emotions in order to capture the wisdom of our feelings • The ability to take responsibility for one's own emotions and happiness • The ability to turn negative emotions into positive learning and growing opportunities • The ability to help others identify and benefit from their emotions
Emotional Intelligence • The ability to understand and control emotional responses.
The marshmallow test • 4 year olds • Wait for errands +2 marshmallows • Refuse to wait+ 1 marshmallow now • Results: Those who waited- more self reliant, better relationships, better students, better at handling conflict and stress Those who did not wait- low opinions of themselves, high levels of mistrust, easily provoked by frustrations * The results also correlated with SAT scores (210 pt difference)
What does this tell us? • EI is not a perfect predictor for success, and it should not be a replacement for traditional IQ tests. • EI is important to understanding emotional stability and success, but is merely one factor that helps us refine our understanding of our behaviors.
Deception detection • What are some clues or cues you believe help determine is someone is lying to you?
What the research shows • Most of us are actually pretty bad at detecting deception • The key to effective deception detection lies in perceiving patterns of a person’s behavior over time • Without the chance of repeated observations, you are much less likely to be able to accurately judge a person’s honesty.
1. Lies involving false information Look for • Dilated pupils, (a result of heightened attention) • Longer pauses in speech (a result of attempting to choose words carefully) • More constrained movements and gestures (an attempt to not give away the truth) Ex: The car salesperson trying to sell you a lemon
2. Lies involving hiding one’s true feelings Look for • Shifts in speech, speech errors, and nervous gestures (touching or stroking hair or face) • Shrugging (as if to dismiss the lie) Ex: A poker player who has a good hand
Other indicators of deception • Rhythmic or calculated body movements ( often happen when the deceitful individual is concentrating too hard on controlling their facial expressions) • Trying to look happy or amused by smiling (the eyes tell all) • “Not looking you straight in the eye” only an indicator for occasional liars. A seasoned liar can look anyone in the eye while lying.