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Bellringer. NO SOL Challenge today Come and get tape from me to hang up your poster! BJOTD : Who ruled France until he exploded?. The InterWar Years . Background. WWI left everyone bankrupt ONLY Japan and U.S. in good shape Germany run by a government called the Weimar Republic

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  1. Bellringer • NO SOL Challenge today • Come and get tape from me to hang up your poster! • BJOTD: Who ruled France until he exploded?

  2. The InterWar Years

  3. Background • WWI left everyone bankrupt • ONLY Japan and U.S. in good shape • Germany run by a government called the Weimar Republic • Blamed for the Treaty of Versailles, defeat, humiliation • To pay reparations, Germany decided to simply print more money, which caused inflation • Germany seeks help by taking out loans and are doing better by 1929….UNTIL…

  4. The Great Depression • The world relied on the U.S. for loans and economic opportunities. • BUT: • There was a large gap between rich and poor • Many people took out loans they couldn’t pay back, bankrupting the banks • The Stock Market Crash of 1929 • People were buying stocks on margin: they paid only a small percentage and borrowed the rest! • Everyone decided to sell in one day causing stocks to be worthless

  5. Effects of the Great Depression • Unemployment rises • By 1933: 25% of Americans had no job • Businesses fail • Banks closed

  6. The Depression in Europe • Because of the Depression in the USA, America pulls their money out of Europe • Countries put high tariffs (taxes) on items that are imported to raise money at home • People lose money, Germany cannot pay back its American loan • Unemployment, failures, collapse of credit, and inflation rise. • Weak governments were blamed for the troubles • Countries begin looking for new leaders.

  7. Communism vs. Fascism • Belief in: • Located in the USSR during the Inter-War Years • Belief in: • Loyalty to the state (extreme nationalism) • Obedience to a charismatic leader • Totalitarian: government controlled all aspects of life • Promised to revive the economy and punish those responsible for the hard times. • Located in Germany and Italy during the Inter-War years Communism Fascism

  8. Italy and Benito Mussolini • Fascists rose to power due to resentment over the Treaty of Versailles, rising inflation and unemployment, and dissatisfaction with the government • Mussolini led the Fascists. His goal: to restore the glory of Rome to Italy! • Tried to take complete control by getting rid of all other political parties, but never had as much control as the Nazis in Germany.

  9. Germany and Adolph Hitler • The National Socialist Party (Nazis) came to power due to a weak democratic government that could not control the rising inflation and unemployment. • Adolph Hitler was named the Fuhrer of the Nazi Party, and he explained his philosophy in his book Mein Kampf(My Struggle) • Aryans as master race • Subhuman categories (gypsies, Jews, homosexuals…) • Treaty of Versailles • Lebensraum (living room) needed for Germans • Eastern Europe and Russia • Jews are to blame for the Depression and economic woes

  10. People ignored Hitler at first, but turned to him when the Depression became really bad. • By 1932: Nazis get control of the Reichstag • By 1933: Hitler is Chancellor=absolute power

  11. Once in Power: • Banned all other parties • Rise of the SS • Secret police force kept people in line • Hitler put people back to work: • People’s confidence in Nazism began to rise • Totalitarianism put in place • Press, schools, literature all controlled • Anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) laws were passed, depriving them of their rights

  12. ‘A plane on take off carries 12 bombs, each weighing ten kilos. The aircraft makes for Warsaw , the centre of international Jewry. It bombs the town. On take off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 1500 kilos of fuel the aircraft weighed 8 tonnes. When it returned from the crusade, there were still 230 tonnes of fuel left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty?’

  13. Kristallnacht November 9, 1938

  14. Japan, Emperor Hirohito, and Hideki Tojo • 1920’s: Japan moved towards democracy • Kellogg-Briand Pact: renouncement of war • Military answers to the Emperor only • 1930: Depression blamed on the government • People look for a new leader • Military takes control • Emperor was a symbol of power, the generals (like Tojo) ruled

  15. Tojo’s Goal for Japan • Solve economic problems by expanding • The new empire would give them the materials needed to continue industrializing • Japan takes over • Manchuria (1931) for its iron and coal • And invades • Korea • China • What does the League of Nation do? • Condemns their actions!

  16. USSR and Joseph Stalin • Communism! • Totalitarian state • Controlled by the secret police • Example: Great Purge • Five-year plans and collectivization of farms leads to an increase in industry and the food supply

  17. Inter War Comic Strip Directions: Working individually, you will be responsible for creating an 8-panel comic strip that show the events of the years of 1918-1939. The following events and their effects should be considered in your comic strip: • Panel 1: The Treaty of Versailles (what happened there that led to future events?) • Panel 2: Reconstruction: How did the world start to rebuild after WWI? • Panel 3: The Great Depression in the USA • Panel 4: The Depression in Europe • Panel 5-6: The rise of fascist governments in Italy and Germany • Panel 7: The rise of militarism and imperialism in Japan • Panel 8: A prediction: What happens next?

  18. Comic Strip • This will be graded on: • Accuracy of information • Depiction of how one event can lead to another—what are the connections here? • Color, neatness, attractiveness

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