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How do we define the personality traits of a hero?.
How do we define the personality traits of a hero? Today we define a hero as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal, and/or a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: "Hero - definition of Hero by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.." "Dictionary."
How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? The Setting of a Hero can influence people to become heroes. Especially location and time periods. Weather a country is going through war and trying to find peace. When the hero grows up through difficult times it inspires him or her to do what he or she believes in. Many other reasons also contribute to the hero being inspired to make changes that people believe in. ( Raman, Neel )(Allison, Scott T, and George R. Goethals) Raman, Neel. "What Does It Mean To Be A Hero?." Allison, Scott T., and George R. Goethals. "Our Definition of "Hero"
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? A hero can reflect his/her particular society by either sticking up for there culture or society during hard or troublesome times. A hero that dies for what they believe in makes there culture and society stronger. For example the Kamikaze pilots who destroyed Pearl Harbor's USA ships were heroes to the Japanese. They gave their life for their country in the view of Japan. That showed they valued sacrifice of the individual for country even if it is skewed to the evil side by our country. (Krieger, David ) "Kamikaze Images - Japanese Views." Krieger, David. "NAPF Programs: Youth Outreach: Peace Heroes: Why a Page on Peace Heroes?."
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? A hero represents his time period by contributing to his or her culture during a major turning point or time period in that cultures time period. Such that of Kamikaze pilots who destroyed Pearl Harbor's USA ships. These guys were heroes to the Japanese during there time period because it was a time of war when the whole world was at war with one another (Krieger, David) "Kamikaze Images - Japanese Views." Krieger, David. "NAPF Programs: Youth Outreach: Peace Heroes: Why a Page on Peace Heroes?."
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Various cultures recognize their heroes in many different ways, the world recognizes important heroes by giving them the noble peace prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is an award presented to either an individual or an organization in accordance with Alfred Nobel’s living will. He disposed the Nobel Peace Prize in his will to be awarded to “the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses "What Is the Nobel Peace Prize?." "Nobelprize.org."
Why do you think he doesn't consider him self a hero even though everyone else thinks he is a hero? He does not consider him self as a hero because he believes that he was just doing his job. He believes that if anyone had been in his position that they would have been able to do the something. He was just fallowing procedures, procedures that they train for if they ever come into that situation (Katie, Couric., Larry, King ) Katie, Couric. "Pilot Chesley Sullenberger And Survivors Discuss Crash In The Hudson River." Larry, King. "Miracle On The Hudson."
As a young child what were your dreams you wished to accomplish? His life long dream had always been to fly airplanes. He became very passionate about flying, he started building models of planes and ships when he was younger. Living near an Air Force base, and watching the fighter jets pass by would get him motivated to be like them. He graduated top of his class and joined the air force to then become fighter pilot Larry, King. "Miracle On The Hudson." Katie, Couric. "Pilot Chesley Sullenberger And Survivors Discuss Crash In The Hudson River."
What Advice would you give to other people trying to accomplish the impossible? He is a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, he tells them what ever the believe in and what ever there goals are never to give up, he was always doubted about becoming a pilot especially in the air force because it was very hard, the air force only took the best of the best and the chance were very minimal. He always encourages students to stick up for what they stand up for Katie, Couric. "Pilot Chesley Sullenberger And Survivors Discuss Crash In The Hudson River." Larry, King. "Miracle On The Hudson."
What/who inspired you to accomplish your dreams? According to his sister, Sullenberger built model planes and aircraft carriers during his childhood, and says he became interested in flying after seeing military jets from a nearby Air Force base from his house. He went to school in Denison, and was consistently in the 99th percentile in every academic category, he inspired himself with his dream of flying and always wanting to be like those fighter pilot that always passed by his house Larry, King. "Miracle On The Hudson." Katie, Couric. "Pilot Chesley Sullenberger And Survivors Discuss Crash In The Hudson River."
If you could change one thing that you have done, what would you change or make better? He wouldn’t change anything that had happened to him, he succeed very well in life, working very hard in life by become the top percent tiles in his school, joining the air force to become a top and prestigious fighter pilot. He has accomplished all his goals that he had set forward to this point in his life and carrier. He knows plans on writing a new book Katie, Couric. "Pilot Chesley Sullenberger And Survivors Discuss Crash In The Hudson River." Larry, King. "Miracle On The Hudson."