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Coarse Indoor Localization using Activity History

Proposal to infer coarse indoor location based on user activities, utilizing smartphone accelerometer data and WiFi AP fingerprinting. The method is simple, practical, and independent of phone location, providing floor level information in real-time. Performance evaluated through experiments. Potential for future work on predicting floor level and developing a framework for localization. References to related works included.

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Coarse Indoor Localization using Activity History

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  1. Coarse Indoor Localization Based on Activity History Ken Le, Avinash Parnandi, Pradeep Vaghela, Aalaya Kolli, Karthik Dantu, Sameera Poduri, Prof. Gaurav Sukhatme

  2. Problem: GPS & Buildings ?

  3. Sensor Networks

  4. Fingerprinting with WiFi or GSM Location 1 Fingerprint A: Strong B: Moderate C: Weak WiFi AP WiFi AP WiFi AP

  5. Fingerprinting with WiFi or GSM Location 2 Fingerprint A: Moderate B: Strong C: Moderate WiFi AP WiFi AP WiFi AP

  6. Fingerprinting with WiFi or GSM Location 3 Fingerprint A: Weak B: Medium C: Strong WiFi AP WiFi AP WiFi AP

  7. IMU, Particle Filter, Detailed Map

  8. Previous Techniques Summary

  9. Indoor Localization with Activity History Floor Level Localization

  10. Floor Level Localization Accelerometer, no external infrastructure Building map not required Real-time Simple yet useful, beyond GPS Accelerometer Low Low Low Yes

  11. Activity List for Floor Level Localization 11

  12. Data Collection and Analysis Hardware HTC G1 Smartphone w/ Google Android OS (embedded Accelerometer) Software Accelerometer Data Logger

  13. Data Collection and Analysis Acceleration Y Samples

  14. Feature Based Classification Misclassification Rate

  15. Feature Based Classification walk

  16. Feature Based Classification stairs down stairs up

  17. Experimentation Unlabeled Activity Logger Feature Selector Feature Extractor

  18. Experimentation Activity Classification using Naive Bayes Classifier Training

  19. Dynamic Time Warping

  20. Experiment Results

  21. Elevator Detection Acceleration Y Samples

  22. Elevator Detection

  23. Implementation State Machine Runs ubiquitously in background Main Screen

  24. Implementation Activity Sequence

  25. Observations: Floor Localization - Walk-Stairs-Walk Sequences = One Floor Transition - (Elevator Ride Duration)/(Duration per floor) = # of Floor Transitions

  26. Observations: Floor Localization - Walk-Stairs-Walk Sequences = X Floor Transition - (Stairs Duration)/(Duration per Floor w/ Stairs) ≈ # of Floor Transitions

  27. Conclusion Propose different technique for indoor localization infer coarse location (floor level) based on user activities Simple yet useful information floor level Low equipment, installation, configuration practical for anyone

  28. Future Work Evaluate various methods of predicting floor level given the activity history Develop framework for floor level localization Phone location independence

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  31. Questions? www-scf.usc.edu/~hienle/fgl-gps-acc

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