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This directory provides a framework and methodology for the preparation of local action plans for the co-evolution of coastal human activities and Mediterranean natural systems to promote sustainable tourism and blue growth. It includes elements of participatory processes for stakeholder involvement and highlights the importance of integrated coastal zone management principles.
CO-EVOLVE4BG kick-off TECHNICAL DAY Co-evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural systems for sustainable tourism & Blue Growth in the Mediterranean • “Framework and methodology of Co-Evolve • and local Action Plans preparation” Directory General of Territory and Environment Care Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service Co-Evolve4BG Associated Partner CO-EVOLVE WP4 Leader/PA Coordinator Roberto Montanari Gammarth - Tunisia 19/09/2019
CONTENTS • The framework: BC initiative, MC4BG and CO-EVOLVE • Integrated approach motivations and conditions • Interrelations between WP3 and WP4 phases in Co-Evolve • Co-Evolve methodology and ICZM principles for Local Plans preparation • Elements of the participatory processes for stakeholders’ involvement • Final remarks and key messages
The Bologna Charter initiative Med maritime regions initiative aimed at the sustainable development, integrated management and protection of the coastal areas - involves today 29 coastal regions and the IMC-CPMR,www.bolognacharter.eu BC-JAP Strategic Themes Action lines Joint Action Plan 2015-2020 Policy Paper 2013 ST1 ST2 • following ICZM&MSP principles, it defines a Strategy and a Plan (JAP 2015-2020) for developing shared actions by maritime regions, • several cooperation projects started in the last years, among which recently: CO-EVOLVE (Interreg Med), MedCoast4BG (UfM labeled) Co-Evolve4BG (ENI-CBC-MED) focused on C&M sustainable tourism ST3 ST4
«MedCoast 4 Blue Growth» An “umbrella project initiative” inspired by CO-EVOLVE for promoting the development of Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean basin Med Coast for Blue Growth responds to the priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean: UfM Ministerial on Environment and Climate Change (2014) and UfM Ministerial on Blue Economy (2015), namely the use of maritime spatial planning as a governance tool, mobilizing efforts towards adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and referring to coastal and maritime tourism among the main traditional and emerging economic sectors for the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean Sea. CO-EVOLVE responds to the priorities of the Bologna Charterfor the protection and sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal areas, namely responding to the Joint Action Plan Strategic Theme 2 on Sustainable Use of Resources and Coastal Governance for the Blue Growth MC4BG” involves the whole CO-EVOLVE partnership and is directed to coastal areas of the South & East Med and the Balkan area MC4BG UfMlabelled led by CPMR-IMC “Co-Evolve4BG” involves partners of EU Med, and Pilot Areas and partners of Tunisia and Lebanon “CO-EVOLVE” involves partners of the EU Mediterranean area, from West to East 3 M€ 2018-2020 labelled 11th December 2017 ongoing Co-Evolve4BG ENI-CBC-MED submitted LP: INSTM Tunisia CO-EVOLVE Interreg MED financed LP: REMTH (GR) MUSES(H2020) & future complementary projects / funding (as IPA, TAIEX, PANORAMED) 3 M€ 2016-2019 ongoing 2,9 M€ (2019-22) ongoing “Multi-use of European seas”
«MedCoast for Blue Growth» (MC4BG) “Common approaches and planning tools to boost sustainable coastal and maritime tourism in the Mediterranean” • tourism-driven sustainable oriented action plans: • demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of a planning process on Pilot Areas following ICZM/MSP principles • showing the importance of local stakeholder’s engagement on key issues for sustainable coastal tourism development. • preparing for the implementation of concrete pilot actions, such as for examples recovery of beach dunes, sediment management and reuse for nourishment, differentiated and de-seasonal touristic offer, valorization of local traditions officially labelled by the 43 UfM Countries, Senior Officials Meeting held on the 11 December 2017 creating conditions for safety, protection, wellness and sustainability-oriented development of the Mediterranean coastal areas LED by CPMR-IMC Promoted by CPMR, RER, ISMAR participated by all CO-EVOLVE Partners http://ufmsecretariat.org/project/medcoast4bg-med-coasts-blue-growth/ 5
aim and approach shared by “MC4BG” and “Co-Evolve4BG” Med Coasts for Blue Growth intends to extend CO-EVOLVE’s conceptual and methodological model to the Southern & Eastern Mediterranean countries aimed at analyzing and promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems processes in touristic coastal areas, allowing sustainable development of touristic activities based on ICZM/MSP principles • conditions for an integrated approach • Unitary vision of the coastal systems and integrated knowledge of the environmental, economic and social aspects; • Multidisciplinary in knowledge development, analysis of phenomena and local assets, definition of possible solutions and local sustainable development models
why an Integrated Approach • The coastal zone is extremely important to most coastal countries under different and interconnected aspects of: • environment & biodiversity • cultural & historical heritage • economy & development • wellness & recreation multiple functions & uses multiple interests & possible conflicts
CO-EVOLVE 5+5 T&E factors • Threats: • Climate Change and Morphological instability • Littoralization and urbanization • Touristic fluxes and carrying capacity • Pollution and ecosystems • Conflicts in land-sea uses and interaction • Enabling Factors: • Coastal protection measures • Ecosystems protection • Water supply and depuration • Transport and accessibility • Governance (Legal, Administrative, Financial) A methodology to analyze and shape a sustainable development strategy in specific destinations • Threats & Enabling factors, analysis at local level, identifying main issues to be tackled, defining objectives and possible actions, mapping local stakeholders; • Participation: competent Authorities in coastal-maritime management and tourism development set-up with local stakeholders, a participatory process to co-design the future of the area and of the touristic offer, involving the wider “local system” (committees, associations, communities, operators, enterprises, etc.); • Strategic Plan/policies and Local Plans to be implemented by the Competent Authorities and by the local actors involved (possibly ruled by agreements, MoU, Coast Contracts, etc.) also creating participatory consultative tables (local task force, coordination boards, etc. with “local system” representatives) for activities of monitoring, updating and upgrading of the Local and strategic Plans.
Co-evolve WP3 <–> WP4 interrelations Studying <–> Testing Threats analysis WP3 T&Efanalysis WP3 • Description of the Area • Main features • Specific issues to be tackled • Vision, objectives to achieve • Main actors to involve • Stakeholders mapping Enabling factors analysis Pilot Area analysis Implementation of Pilot Actions WP3 WP3 Strategic planning Sustainability analysis Adopted conceptual framework, key features and priorities, data availability, etc. • Participatory seminars with stakeholders and local communities • Development of Action Plans for sustainable tourism • Small Scale Investments (if needed) WP4 WP4 Training Training directed to Partners resp. P.A. Training/seminars at local level P.A.
WP4 Co-Evolve methodology Acquiring references from WP3 analyses Preparation work on Pilot Areas • Communication to and involvement of Municipalities and local main Actors; • Getting vision and priorities (local Coordination Boards); • Identify further stakeholders and local communities' representatives; • Co-designing and setting the basis for the participatory processes; • Analyses on Threats & Enabling Factors at the Med scale and Pilot Areas scale; • Evaluation of tourism sustainability in the Pilot Areas; • Tourism-driven strategic planning on Pilot Areas; Definition technical requirements/procedures for procurements to acquire expertise, external, if needed WP4 <-> WP3 WP4 • to support the participatory processes design, co-design and implementation; • to support the preparation of local Action Plans or other tools and instruments; • implementation of Small Scale Investments, if needed to solve issues or to give impulse for start-up; WP4
Co-Evolve methodology and ICZM principles Local Action Plans and other tools preparation Training courses directed to Partners / local actors • based on the guiding document prepared in WP3 • 1st round (prior to the WP4 start) introduction to ICZM & MSP principles and process, tourism-driven strategic planning, involvement of stakeholders; • 2nd round training (during WP4) oriented to the expressed needs of the Pilot Areas, consult on specific needs within 1st round • starting from a “Preliminary document”, vision/objectives of municipalities and main local actors; • to be further developed and finalized through the participatory processes; • defining actions, possible resources/financing, roles and commitments for implementation. Small Scale Investments implementation WP4 WP4 • Including an adequate monitoring period to evaluate its performance • Evaluating its transferability potential at local or regional scale WP4
WP4 Co-Evolve methodology, matching with the ICZM process Main elements of the local Action Plan Preliminary Document Action Plan The scope of the Preliminary document is to bring concrete inputs to feed the Participatory Process at the beginning (to avoid starting “from a scratch”): sharing objectives, stimulating reactions, then building on it the Local Plan together with stakeholders and local communities involved. The ICZM Process http://www.coastalwiki.org/wiki/ICZM_Process_diagram
elements of the Participatory processes Elements driving the design of Participatory Process • Why?/ motivations (really needed? enough time? plans/policies?) • What?/contents (main problems to be tackled?) • Where? / location (territory concerned? where host meetings?) • Who?Who bears the challenge and Who to involve (local communities, local stakeholders, associations, citizens), a list of participants to invite in the local participatory meetings, • participatory method, technique, tools to be used • arguments to start with (elements Preliminary Document) • objectives (short, medium term) • expected output (local Action Plan, indications of Actions, Objectives, who do what, roles in implementation, management, financing sources, monitoring, etc.) Municipalities involved …example on Cattolicaharbour participatory process Local COORDINATION BOARD • Main stakeholders (i.e.) • category associations, • environmental bodies, • port authorities, • local communities, etc. Institutional bodies Co-design of the participatory process Co-design of the local Action Plan within the participatory process
elements of the Participatory processes main participatory Methods and techniques
elements of the Participatory processes main participatory Methods and techniques Participatory processes should be co-designed and implemented with the support of skilled facilitators, choosing the most effective methods by the specific cases and the opportune tools to be used along the process
elements of the Participatory processes main Tools for stakeholders involvement: work in presence
elements of the Participatory processes main Tools for stakeholders involvement: work online
elements of the Participatory processes main Tools for stakeholders involvement The different tools can be used in a integrated way in the framework of an overall design of the participatory process and on the basis of specific objectives/steps identified
Final remarks and some key messages • Involvement of stakeholders is strongly suggested from the very beginning of a planning process or policy formulation process, and to be supported by skilled facilitators (that can be internal or external experts); • State-of-artanalysis, with sustainability analysis, definition of objectives and priorities, are the main steps to follow in the preparation and co-design of a participatory process with stakeholders; • Strategic planning should be accompanied by the analysis on sustainability of what is planned to be implemented and by the definition of a monitoring system during its implementation; • Local Action Plans together with objectives, actions, resources, should identify clearly subjects, roles, resources and mechanisms for implementation; • Coordination mechanism is necessary at local level (i.e. Coordination Board at Pilot Area level), as well as with central level whenever could be relevant (vertical integration), both in the preparation and the implementation and monitoring of local Action Plans.
Final remarks and some key messages • The development of tourism, and in particular of Coastal & Maritime tourism, is accompanied by significant challenges: i.e. Coastal systems over exploitation / Biodiversity loss risk / Energy consumption and Greenhouse gas emission / Waste management / Resources consumption, water, territory etc. / Cultural heritage management / Social impacts etc., so the attention to sustainability is “a must”; • Investing in development of a sustainable tourism has high potential in creating new jobs and new opportunities for local communities economy (demand of “greening” tourism is definitely increasing); • The P.A. and the private sector, local stakeholders and communities, can -and must be mobilized to- support together the definition and implementation of a sustainable development Strategy; • The vision and the lead role of competent Authorities is fundamental and pre-condition to make possible the development of a Strategy and of a diversified, inclusive and sustainable C&M tourism in local destinations.
…thanks for your attention! Roberto Montanari roberto.montanari@regione.emilia-romagna.it https://co-evolve.interreg-med.eu/ Eu coastal Regions initiative for the protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean coastal areas