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إنّ من تصفح بعض أخبار النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ التي يخبر فيها على حصول الأجور العظيمة رأى من فضل الله وواسع رحمته ما يزيده حبًّا لفعل تلك الخيرات والمبادرة إليها طمعا في مرضاة الله تعالى والفوز بثوابه<br>وإليك يا باغي الخير نصوصًا قليلة من نصوص كثيرة فيها تحصيل لأجور كثيرة لمن خلصت نيته<br>و ينبغي للمرءِ ألا يزهَدَ في قليلٍ من الخيرِ أن يأتيَه، ولا في قليلٍ من الشرِّ أن يجتنِبَه؛ فإنه لا يعلَم الحسنةَ التي يرحمُه الله بها، ولا السيئةَ التي سخَطُ عليه بها
روجأ ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث www.rasoulallah.net ةميظع روجأو ةريسي لامعأ
What is the Reward of…? Reward روجأ Easy Good Deeds with Great Reward Proven in the Sunnah ؟رجأ وه ام )ةميظع روجأ و ةليلق لامعأ ( ؟ رجأ وه ام ةلسلسلا هذه للاخ نم اهيلع فرعت Easy Deeds with Great Rewards Know them in this series ةميظع روجأو ةريسي لامعأ ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث May Allah bless who edited and posted it with the best of reward!
Contents تايوتلمحا 8 ..................................................................................................................................................... ناذلأا دعب نذؤملا ةعباتم 9 ................................................................................................................................................................ءوضولا دعب ءاعدلا 10 ........................................................................................................................................................................ ءوضولا ناقتإ 11 ................................................................................................................................................... دجاسملا ىلإ اطخلا ةرثك 12 ............................................................................................................................................................. ةعمجلا موي لسغ 13 ....................................................................................................................................................................... ىحضلا ةلاص 14 .......................................................................................................................................... للها ركذي هلاصم يف سلج نم 15 ............................................................................................................................. ةعامج يف رجفلا و ءاشعلا ىلص نم 16 ........................................................................................................................................... بتاورلا ننسلا ىلع ظفاح نم 17 ........................................................................................................هقل ُ خ َن ُ سَح نمو حازملا يف بذكلا و ءارملا كرت نم 18 ...................................................................................................................... مارحلإا ةريبكت كردي اموي نيعبرأ ىلص نم 19 .......................................................................................................................................................... ةعامج ةضيرفلا ةلاص 20 ......................................................................................................................... نفدت ىتح اهعابتا مث ةزانجلا ىلع ةلاصلا 21 .................................................................................................................اًيبن دمحمب و انيد ملاسلإاب ابر للهاب تيضر لوق 22 ................................................................................................................................................... قدصب ةداهشلا لأس نم Saying this Du’a after Hearing the Adhan ......................................................................................................................................................................8 The Du’a after Wudu’ ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Perfecting the Wudu’ ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Taking many Steps to the Mosque .................................................................................................................................................................................11 Taking a Bath on Friday ......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 The Dhuha Prayer .................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 The One sitting in his Musalla Mentioning the Name of Allah ............................................................................................................................14 The One who Prays Isha and Fajr in Congregation ..................................................................................................................................................15 Maintaining the Regular Sunnah Prayers ....................................................................................................................................................................16 Abandoning Arguing and Lying while Joking and Committing to Good Manners .....................................................................................17 Praying Forty Days in Congregation Catching the First Takbir ............................................................................................................................18 Praying in Congregation ....................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Following the Funeral Procession and Offering the Funeral Prayer for it ........................................................................................................20 Saying: I am pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion and with Muhammad as Apostle .........................................................21 Supplicating to Allah Sincerely for Martyrdom .........................................................................................................................................................22
23 ....................................................................................................................................................................... محرلا ةلص 24 .................................................................................................................................................. ةضيرفلا ربد يسركلا ةيآ 25 ................................................................................................................................... هدمحب و ميظعلا للها ناحبس لوق 26 .................................................................................................................................. ةرم ةئام هدمحب و للها ناحبس لوق 27 .................................................................................................................................................. للها ليبس يف موي مايص 28 ...................................................................................................................................................... رهش لك نم مايأ ةثلاث 29 ............................................................................................................................................................ءاروشاع موي مايص 30................................................................................................................................................................. ةفرع موي مايص 31 .........................................................................................................................................................................قل ُ خلا نسُح 32 .............................................................................................................................................................. مونلا لبق ركذلا 33 ..................................................................................................................................ًءاسم و اًحابص رافغتسلاا ديس لوق 34 ........................................................................................................................... ماعطلا دنعو تيبلا لوخد دنع للها ركذ 35 ................................................................................................................................................. للهاب لاإ ةوق لاو لوح لا لوق 36 .......................................................................................................................فهكلا ةروس نم تايآ رشع لوأ ظفح نم 37 ........................................................................................................................................... ةرم ةئام للها ناحبس لاق نم 38 ............................................................................................................................................................ عامجلا لبق ءاعدلا Upholding the Ties of Kinship...............................................................................................................................................................................................23 Reciting Ayat al-Kursiy after each Prescribed Prayer ....................................................................................................................................................24 Saying ‘Subhan Allah il-azeem wa bi hamdihi’ ................................................................................................................................................................25 Saying ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi’ .................................................................................................................................................................................26 Fasting a Day for Almighty Allah .........................................................................................................................................................................................27 Fasting Three Days a Month ..................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Fasting the Day of ‘Ashoura ...................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Fasting the Day of ‘Arafah .......................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Good Behavior ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................31 Mentioning Allah’s Name before Sleeping.......................................................................................................................................................................32 Saying the Supplication for Seeking Forgiveness (Syed-ul- Istighfar) in the Morning and Night ................................................................33 Mentioning Allah upon Entering the House and Eating .............................................................................................................................................34 Saying: “La Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” ...................................................................................................................................................................35 Memorizing the First Ten Verses from Surat al-Kahf .....................................................................................................................................................36 Saying ‘Subhan Allah’ a Hundred Times ............................................................................................................................................................................37 Supplication before Sleeping with the Wife ....................................................................................................................................................................38
39 ................................................................................................................................................................اًظيغ مظك نم 40 .............................................................................................................................................. ناسللا و جرفلا ىلع ظافحلا 41 ...........................................................................................................................................................ءاقللا دنع ةحفاصملا 42 ................................................................................................................................................ لاوش نم مايأ ةتس مايص 43 .............................................................................................................هيلع ر َّ سي وأ هنع س َّ فن وأ ملسم ىلع رتس نم 44 ................................................................................................................................... نآرقلا ةولاتل دجسملا يف عامتجلاا 45 .................................................................................................................................. اًملع هيف سمتلي اًقيرط كلس نم 46 ................................................................................................................................................................ سلجملا ةرافك 47 ..................................................................................................................................................................... ملاسلاب ءدبلا 48 ................................................................................................................................................................... ضيرملا ةدايع 49 ................................................................................................................. ميظعلا للها ناحبس هدمحبو للها ناحبس لوق 50 ............................................................................................................................................... مهب ةقفشلا و قلخلا ةمحر 51 ................................................................................................................................................................................ نذؤملا 52 ................................................................................................................................................... ليللا نم راعت اذإ اعد نم 53 ...........................................................................................................................................ىلاعت للها ىلع ماتلا لكوتلا 54 ...................................................................................................................... ملسو هيلع للها ىلص بيبحلا ىلع ةلاصلا Suppressing Anger ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Safeguarding the Private Parts and the Tongue.............................................................................................................................................................40 Shaking Hands When Meeting .............................................................................................................................................................................................41 Fasting Six Days of the Month of Shawwal ......................................................................................................................................................................42 Relieving a Muslim from one of the Hardships, Making it Easy for Him or Concealing his Faults ...............................................................43 Gathering in the Mosque to Recite the Qur’an ..............................................................................................................................................................44 Treading a Path in Search of knowledge ..........................................................................................................................................................................45 The Supplication of Kafarat-ul-Masjid ...............................................................................................................................................................................46 Greeting each other with “Assalamu Alaykom…” ..........................................................................................................................................................47 Visiting the Sick ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................48 Saying: Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, subhaan Allaah il-’Azeem ..........................................................................................................................49 Being Merciful and Compassionate to People ................................................................................................................................................................50 Al-Mu’dhin (Caller to Prayer) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Getting up at Night and Supplicating to Allah ...............................................................................................................................................................52 Complete Reliance upon the Almighty Allah ..................................................................................................................................................................53 Sending Blessings on the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) ...........................................................................................................................................54
55 ................................................................................................................................................ ءوضولا دعب نيتعكر ةلاص 56 ........................................................................................................................................................رصبلا دقف ىلع ربصلا 57 ........................................................................................................................................................... دوجسلا نم راثكلإا 58 ........................................................................................................................................................ديحوتلا ةداهش : لوق 59 ........................................................................................................................................................ ةغيصلا هذهب حيبستلا 60 ....................................................................................................................................................................... لداعلا ماملإا 61 ......................................................................................................................................................للها ةدابع يف أشن باش 62 .............................................................................................................................................................. دجاسملاب قلعتلا 63 ..................................................................................................................................................................... للها يف بحلا 64 .........................................................................................................................................................للها ةيشخ نم ءاكبلا 65 ................................................................................................................................................... هيلع ةردقلا عم انزلا كرت 66 .........................................................................................................................................................................رسلا ةقدص 67 ....................................................................................................................................... ةكئلاملا نيمأت هنيمأت قفاو نم 68 ......................................................................................................................................................... ريخلا ىلع ةموادملا 69 ...........................................................................................................................................................اًدجسم لله ىنب نم 70 .................................................................................................................................................. رجفلا لبق ةلفانلا يتعكر Praying Two Rak’ahs after Wudu’ ......................................................................................................................................................................................55 Remaining Patient when Tested with Blindness .........................................................................................................................................................56 Frequent Prostration .............................................................................................................................................................................................................57 Uttering: The Testimony of Faith .......................................................................................................................................................................................58 Glorifying Allah with these Words ....................................................................................................................................................................................59 The Just Imam .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................60 A Youth who Grows up Worshipping Allah ...................................................................................................................................................................61 Being Attached to the Mosque .........................................................................................................................................................................................62 Love for the Sake of Allah ....................................................................................................................................................................................................63 Tearing for Fear of Allah .......................................................................................................................................................................................................64 Refusing to Commit Fornication .......................................................................................................................................................................................65 Giving Charity in Secret ........................................................................................................................................................................................................66 Saying Amin in Coincidence with the Angel’s Amin .................................................................................................................................................67 Being Consistent in Doing Goodness .............................................................................................................................................................................68 Building a Mosque for Allah ...............................................................................................................................................................................................69 Praying Two Rak’ah before Fajr..........................................................................................................................................................................................70
71.............................................................................................................................................................. دئاوف نودب ضرقلا 72 ............................................................................................................................................... ةبوتكملا ةلاصلا ربد ركذلا 73 ....................................................................................................................................................... راغص دلاوأ هل تام نم 74 ................................................................................................................................................. ماعطلا دعب للها دمح نم 75 ........................................................................................................................................................... تانبلا ىلإ ناسحلإا 76 .....................................................................................................................................................................ميتيلا ةلافك 77 ...........................................................................................................................................................اهجوزل ةجوزلا ءاضرا 78 ..............................................................................................................................................................................عضاوتلا 79 .............................................................................................................................................................. ريخلا ىلع ةللادلا 80 ......................................................................................................................................................... اهتيب يف ةأرملا ةلاص 81.............................................................................................................................................. مهتسلاجم و نيحلاصلا بح 82 .................................................................................................................................................بيغلا رهظب هيخلإ اعد نم 83 .................................................................................................................................................................ةنسحب َّ مه نم 84 ............................................................................................................................................ اهلمعي ملف ةئيسب َّ مه نم 85 ............................................................................................................................................لكوتلا قح للها ىلع لكوتلا 86 ........................................................................................................................................................................... ىذلأا ةلازإ Giving a Loan without Interests ..........................................................................................................................................................................................71 Dhikr after the Obligatory Prayer .......................................................................................................................................................................................72 The One who Loses Three Young Children .....................................................................................................................................................................73 Praising Allah after Eating Food ..........................................................................................................................................................................................74 Kindness to Three Daughters or Sisters ............................................................................................................................................................................75 Supporting the Orphan .........................................................................................................................................................................................................76 The Wife whose Husband is Pleased with .......................................................................................................................................................................77 Humbleness to Allah ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................78 Guiding to Do Goodness .......................................................................................................................................................................................................79 Women praying in their Houses .........................................................................................................................................................................................80 Loving the Righteous and Sitting with them .................................................................................................................................................................81 The Supplication of Muslim for his (Muslim) Brother in his Absence ....................................................................................................................82 He who Intends to Do Good.................................................................................................................................................................................................83 He who Intends to Commit Evil ..........................................................................................................................................................................................84 Sincere Reliance on Allah ......................................................................................................................................................................................................85 Removing Harm ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................86
8 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ناذلأا دعب نذؤلما ةعباتم ءادنلا عمسي نيح لاق نم " : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق اماقم هثعبا و ةليضفلا و ةليسولا اًدمحم تآ ةمئاقلا ةلاصلا و ةماتلا ةوعدلا هذه بر مهللا ( ) هتدع و يذلا اًدومحم . ةمايقلا موي ةعافشلا هل تلح حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying this Du’a after Hearing the Adhan Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: ‘Whoever says, when he hears the call to prayer: “Alla- humma rabba hathee-ada’wat it-tammah was-salat il-qaimah, ati Muahmmadan al-wasilah wal-fadilah, wab’athu maqaman mahmudan alladhi wa’adtahu (O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and the prayer to be offered, grant Muhammad the privilege (of interceding) and also the eminence, and resurrect him to the praised position that you have promised), will be granted my intercession on the Day of Resur- rection.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ءوضولا دعب ءاعدلا غبسيف أضوتي دحأ نم مكنم ام " : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هءوضو نم غرفي نيح لوقي مث ءوضولا )هلوسرو هدبع اًدمحم نأو للها لاإ هلإ لا نأ دهشأ ( ." ءاش اهيأ نم لخدي ةينامثلا ةنجلا باوبأ هل تحتف لاإ حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? The Du’a after Wudu’ Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever of you performs wudu’ (ablution) carefully and then affirms: ‘Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallahu Wahdahu la sharika Lahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu [I testify that there so no deity worthy of worship except Allah Alone, Who has no part- ners and that Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is His slave and Messenger],’ the eight gates of Paradise are opened for him. He may enter through whichever of these gates he desires (to enter).” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 9 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
10 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ءوضولا ناقتإ : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق نم جرخت ىتح هدسج نم هاياطخ تجرخ ءوضولا نسحأف أضوت نم هرافظأ تحت حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Perfecting the Wudu’ Allah’ Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “He who performs the Wudu’ perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام دجاسلما لىإ اطلخا ةرثك : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هل بتكت ةوطخ و ةئيس وحمت ةوطخف ةعامجلا دجسم ىلإ حار نم ّاعجارو اًبهاذ ةنسح حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Taking many Steps to the Mosque Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever goes to the mosque for the congregational prayer, one step towards the mosque wipes out a sin and another rises his status, all through his way to the mosque and back.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 11 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
12 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ةعملجا موي لسغ : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق نم اندو بكري ملو ىشمو ركتبا و رـَّكب مث لستغا و ةعمجلا موي لـ َّ سغ نم اهمايص رجأ ةنس لمع ةوطخ لكب هل ناك غلي ملو عمتساف ماملإا اهمايق و حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Taking a Bath on Friday Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: ‘Whoever takes a bath on Friday, and bathes completely, and goes early, arriving early, and walks and does not ride (to the mosque), and sits close to the Imam and listens to him, and does not engage in idle talk; for every step he takes he will have the reward of one year, the reward of a year’s fasting and praying (at night).” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ىحضلا ةلاص : ملس و هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق لك و ةقدص ٍِ ةحيبست لكف ةقدص مكدحأ نم يملاس لك ىلع حبصي نع يهن و ةقدص فورعملاب رمأ و ةقدص ٍ ةريبكت لك و ةقدص ٍ ةليلهت ىحضلا نم امهعكرت ناتعكر كلذ نم يزجي و ةقدص ركنملا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? The Dhuha Prayer Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Every morning charity is due from every joint bone of the body of every one of you. Every utterance of Allah’s Glorification (i.e., Subhan-Allah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of praise of Him (i.e., Al-hamdu lillah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of pro- fession of Faith (i.e., La ilaha illallah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of His Greatness (i.e., Allahu Akbar) is an act of charity; and enjoining good is an act of charity and forbidding what is disreputable is an act of charity; and two rak’ah prayer which one offers in the forenoon (Ad- Duha) will suffice for all this.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 13 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
14 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام للها ركذي هلاصم في سلج نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هل رفغا مهللا مقي وأ ثدحي ملام هيف ىلص يذلا ةلاصم يف ماد ام مكدحأ ىلع ىلصت ةكئلاملا ةلاصلا لاإ هلهأ ىلإ بلقني نأ هعنمي لا ةسبحت ةلاصلا تناك ام ةلاص يف مكدحأ لازي لا همحرا مهللا حيحص ثيح What is the Reward of…? The One sitting in his Musalla Mentioning the Name of Allah Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “The angels keep on asking for Allah’s Blessing and For- giveness for anyone of you as long as he is at his Musalla (praying place) and does not do Hadath (pass- es wind, i.e. keeps his wudu’). The angels say, ‘O Allah! Forgive him and be Merciful to him.’ Each one of you is in the prayer as long as he is waiting for the prayer and nothing but the prayer detains him from going to his family.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ةعاجم في رجفلا و ءاشعلا ىلص نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق حبصلا ىلص نمو ليللا فصن ماق امنأكف ةعامج يف ءاشعلا ىلص نم هلك ليللا ىلص امنأكف ةعامج يف حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? The One who Prays Isha and Fajr in Congregation Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever prays Isha in congregation, it is as if he spent half the night in prayer, and whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he spent the whole night in prayer.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 15 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
16 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام بتاورلا ننسلا ىلع ظفاح نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق اعبرأ ةنجلا يف اتيب هل يِنٌب ةعكر ةرشع يتنث موي يف ىلص نم نيتعكر و برغملا دعب نيتعكر و اهدعب نيتعكر و رهظلا لبق رجفلا لبق نيتعكرو ءاشعلا دعب حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Maintaining the Regular Sunnah Prayers Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever prays twelve rak’ah in a day and night, a house will be built from him in Paradise: Four rak’ah before Zuhr, two rak’ah after it, two rak’ah after Maghrib, two rak’ah after Isha, and two rak’ah before Fajr in the morning Salat.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام نمو حازلما في بذكلا و ءارلما كرت نم هقلُخ َ نُ سَ ح : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق يف تيبب و اقحم ناك نإو ءارملا كرت نمل ةنجلا ضبر يف تيبب ميعز انأ نمل ةنجلا ىلعأ يف تيبب و احزام ناك نإ و بذكلا كرت نمل ةنجلا طسو هقلُخ َن ُ س َ ح حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Abandoning Arguing and Lying while Joking and Committing to Good Manners Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “I guarantee a house in Paradise for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Paradise for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Paradise for one who has good manners.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 17 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
18 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام مارحلإا ةيربكت كردي اموي ينعبرأ ىلص نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق و رانلا نم ةءارب ناتءارب هل َ بِتُك ىلولأا ةريبكتلا كردي ةعامج يف اموي نيعبرأ لله ىلص نم قافنلا نم ةءارب حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Praying Forty Days in Congregation Catching the First Takbir Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever performs prayers for Allah for forty days in congregation, catching the first Takbir, two absolutions are written for him: absolution from the Hellfire, and absolution from hypocrisy.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ةعاجم ةضيرفلا ةلاص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةجرد نيرشع و ٍ عبسب ذفلا ةلاص لضفت ةعامجلا ةلاص حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Praying in Congregation Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Prayer in congregation is better than the prayer of a man by himself by twenty-seven degrees.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 19 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
20 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام نفدت ىتح اهعابتا مث ةزانلجا ىلع ةلاصلا : ملس و هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ناطاريق هلف نفدت ىتح اهدهش نمو طاريق هلف اهيلع ىلصي ىتح ةزانجلا دهش نم نيميظعلا نيلبجلا لثم لاق ؟ ناطاريقلا امو : ليق حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Following the Funeral Procession and Offering the Funer- al Prayer for it Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever follows the funeral procession and offers the funeral prayer for it, will get a reward equal to one Qirat, and whoever attends it till burial, will get a reward equal to two Qirat.’’ It was asked, “What are two Qirat?’’ He (Peace Be upon Him) replied, “Equal to two huge mountains.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام انيد ملاسلإاب ابر للهاب تيضر لوق ًايبن دمحبم و : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنجلا هل تبجو ًَايبن دمحمبو انيد ملاسلإاب و ابر للهاب تيضر لاق نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying: I am pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion and with Muhammad as Apostle Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: (If anyone says “I am pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion and with Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) as Apostle” Paradise will be his due.) (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 21 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
22 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام قدصب ةداهشلا لأس نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هشارف ىلع تام نإ و ءادهشلا لزانم للها هغَّلب قدصب ةداهشلا للها لأس نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Supplicating to Allah Sincerely for Martyrdom Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “He who supplicates Allah sincerely for martyrdom, Allah will elevate him to the station of the martyrs, even if he dies on his bed.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام محرلا ةلص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق همحر لصيلف هرثأ يف أسنُي و هقزر يف هل طسبُي نأ هرس نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Upholding the Ties of Kinship Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Anyone who is pleased that his sustenance is expanded and his age extended should do kindness to his near relatives. (i.e. upholding the ties of Kinship)” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 23 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
24 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ةضيرفلا ربد يسركلا ةيآ : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق تومي نأ لاإ ةنجلا لوخد نم هعنمي مل ةبوتكم ةلاص لك ربد يسركلا ةيآ أرق نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Reciting Ayat al-Kursiy after each Prescribed Prayer Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever recites Aayat al-Kursiy immediately after each obligatory prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام هدمبح و ميظعلا للها ناحبس لوق : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنجلا يف ةلخن اهب هل ْ ت َ سِرُغ هدمحب و ميظعلا للها ناحبس لاق نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying ‘Subhan Allah il-azeem wa bi hamdihi’ Allah’s Messenger said: “Whoever says Subhan Allah il-azeem wa bi hamdihi (Glory and praise be to Allah, the Almighty), a palm tree will be planted for him in Paradise.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 25 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
26 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ةرم ةئام هدمبح و للها ناحبس لوق : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق تناك ولو هبونذ هل ْ تَر ِ فُغ ةرم ةئام هدمحب و للها ناحبس لاق نم رحبلا دبز لثم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi’ Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: He who utters: ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise’ one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the ocean.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام للها ليبس في موي مايص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق اًفيرخ نيعبس رانلا نع ههجو للها دعب للها ليبس يف اًموي ماص نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Fasting a Day for Almighty Allah Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “He who observes fast for a day in the cause of Allah, Allah will keep his face from the Hellfire at a distance equivalent to seventy years.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 27 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
28 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام رهش لك نم مايأ ةثلاث : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنسح لكب كل نإف مايأ ةثلاث رهش لك نم موصت نأ كبسحب نإ و هلك رهدلا مايص كلذ نإف اهلاثمأ رشع حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Fasting Three Days a Month Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “And it is sufficient for you to fast three days in a month, as the reward of a good deed is multiplied ten times, so it will be like fasting throughout the year.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ءاروشاع موي مايص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هلبق يتلا ةنسلا رفكُي نأ للها ىلع بستحأ ينإ ءاروشاع موي مايص حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Fasting the Day of ‘Ashoura Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “I seek from Allah that fasting on the Day of ‘Ashoura shall expiate for the sins of the year before.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 29 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
30 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ةفرع موي مايص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق هدعب يتلا و هلبق يتلا ةنسلا رفكُي نأ للها ىلع بستحأ ينإ ةفرع موي مايص حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Fasting the Day of ‘Arafah Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “I seek from Allah that fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah shall expiate for the sins of the year before and the year after.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام قلُلخا نسُ ح : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق مئاقلا مئاصلا ةجرد هقلُخ نس ُ حب كردُيل نمؤملا نإ حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Good Behavior Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “A believer will attain by his good behavior the rank of one who prays during the night and observes fasting during the day.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 31 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
32 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام مونلا لبق ركذلا : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق نيثلاث و اًعبرا اربك و نيثلاث و اًثلاث ادمحا و نيثلاث و اًثلاث احبسف امكعجاضم امتذخأ اذإ مداخ نم امكل ريخ وهف حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Mentioning Allah’s Name before Sleeping Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “When you go to bed say ‘Subhan Allah’ thirty-three times, ‘Al hamduli l-lah’ thirty three times, and ‘Allahu Akbar’ thirty four times, for that is better for you than a servant.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ًءاسم و ًاحابص رافغتسلاا ديس لوق : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق لوقت نأ رافغتسلاا ديس ام كدعو و كدهع ىلع انأ و كدبع انأ و ينتقلخ تنأ لاإ هلإ لا يبر تنأ مهللا ( يبنذب كل ءوبأ و يلع كتمعنب كل ءوبأ تعنص ام رش نم كب ذوعأ تعطتسا ) تنا لاإ بونذلا رفغي لا هنإف ىل رفغاف ةنجلا لهأ نم وهف يسمي نأ لبق هموي نم تامف اهب اًنقوم راهنلا نم اهلاق نم " ةنجلا لهأ نم وهف حبصي نأ لبق تامف اهب نقوم وه و ليللا نم اهلاق نم و حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying the Supplication for Seeking Forgiveness (Syed-ul- Istighfar) in the Morning and Night Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “The Supplication for Seeking Forgiveness (Syed-ul- Istighfar) is to say: ‘Allahumma Anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta, khalaqtani wa ana ‘abduka, wa ana ‘ala ‘ahdika wa wa’dika mastata’tu, a’udhu bika min sharri ma sana’tu, abu’u laka bini’matika ‘alayya, wa abu’u bidhanbi faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa Anta. (O Allah! You are my Rubb. There is no deity worthy of worship except You. You have created me, and I am Your slave, and I hold to Your Covenant as far as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge the favors that You have bestowed upon me, and I confess my sins. Pardon me, for none but You has the power to pardon).’ He who supplicates in these terms during the day with firm belief in it and dies on the same day (before the evening), he will be one of the dwellers of Paradise; and if anyone supplicates in these terms during the night with firm belief in it and dies before the morning, he will be one of the dwellers of Paradise.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 33 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
34 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ماعطلا دنعو تيبلا لوخد دنع للها ركذ : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق لاو مكل تيبم لا ناطيشلا لاق هماعط دنع و هلوخد دنع للها ركذف هتيب لجرلا لخد اذإ ءاشعلا و تيبملا متكردأ ناطيشلا لاق هلوخد دنع للها ركذي ملف لخد اذإ و و ءاشع حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Mentioning Allah upon Entering the House and Eating Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “If a person mentions the Name of Allah upon entering his house or eating, Satan says, addressing his followers: ‘You will find nowhere to spend the night and no dinner.’ But if he enters without mentioning the Name of Allah, Satan says (to his followers); ‘You have found (a place) to spend the night in, and if he does not mention the Name of Allah at the time of eat- ing, Satan says: ‘You have found (a place) to spend the night in as well as food.”’ (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام للهاب لاإ ةوق لاو لوح لا لوق : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنجلا زونك نم زنك اهنإف للهاب لاإ ةوق لاو لوح لا لوق نم رثكا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying: “La Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Be frequent in saying: ‘La ḥawla wa la quwwata illa billah’ (There is no might nor power except by Allah). For verily, it is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 35 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
36 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام فهكلا ةروس نم تايآ رشع لوأ ظفح نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق لاجدلا ةنتف نم َ م ِ صُع فهكلا ةروس لوأ نم تايآ رشع ظفح نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Memorizing the First Ten Verses from Surat al-Kahf Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever memorizes the first ten Ayat of the Surat Al-Kahf, will be protected from (the trial of) Ad-Dajjal (Antichrist).” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ةرم ةئام للها ناحبس لاق نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةحيبست ةئام للها حبسي ةنسح فلأ موي لك بسكي نأ مكدحأ زجعيأ ةئيطخ فلأ اهب هنع طحي و ةنسح فلأ اهب هل للها بتكيف حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying ‘Subhan Allah’ a Hundred Times Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Is anyone of you unable to earn a thousand good deeds?” One of those present asked: “How can one earn thousand good deeds in a day?” He (Peace Be upon Him) replied, “By saying: Subhan Allah a hundred times, then one thousand good deeds will be recorded for him or one thousand sins will be blotted out from his record.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 37 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
38 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام عاملجا لبق ءاعدلا : لاق هلهأ يتأي نأ دارأ اذإ مكدحأ نأ ول نأ ردق مث انتقزر ام ناطيشلا بنج و ناطيشلا انبنج مهللا للها مسب ً ادبأ ناطيش هرضي مل كلذ يف دلو امهنيب نوكي حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Supplication before Sleeping with the Wife Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “If anyone of you, when intending to have a sexual relation (sleep) with his wife, says: Bismillah, Allahumma jannibna ash-Shaitan, wa Jannib ash-Shaitana ma razaqtana (In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep us away from the devil and keep the devil away from what You hast provided us), Satan would never harm that child, should it be ordained that they will have one.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ًاظيغ مظك نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق سوؤر ىلع لجو زع للها هاعد هذفني نأ ىلع رداق وهو اًظيغ مظك نم ءاش ام نيعلا روحلا نم للها هريخُي ىتح ةمايقلا موي قئلاخلا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Suppressing Anger Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “The one who suppresses anger and has the power to give effect to it, will be called out by Allah, the Exalted, to the forefront of the creatures on the Day of Resurrection and he will be asked to choose any of the Hur (bright large-eyed maidens in Paradise) of his liking”. (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 39 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
40 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ناسللا و جرفلا ىلع ظافلحا : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنجلا هل نمضأ هيلجر نيب ام و هييحل نيب ام يل نمضي نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Safeguarding the Private Parts and the Tongue Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whosoever gives me a guarantee to safeguard what is between his jaws and what is between his legs, I shall guarantee him Paradise.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ءاقللا دنع ةحفاصلما : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق اقرفتي نأ لبق امهل َر ِ فُغ لاإ ناحفاصتيف نايقتلي نيملسم نم ام حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Shaking Hands When Meeting Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Two Muslims will not meet and shake hands without having their sins forgiven (by Allah ) before they depart.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 41 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
42 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام لاوش نم مايأ ةتس مايص : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق رهدلا مايصك ناك لاوش نم اًتس هعبتأ مث ناضمر ماص نم حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Fasting Six Days of the Month of Shawwal Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal will be (rewarded) as if he had fasted the entire year.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام هيلع رَّ سي وأ هنع سَّفن وأ ملسم ىلع ترس نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق برُك نم ةبرُك هنع للها سَّفن ايندلا برُك نم ةبرُك نمؤم نع سَّفن نم ةرخلآا و ايندلا يف هيلع للها ر َّ سي رسعم ىلع ر َّ سي نم و ةمايقلا موي ةرخلآا و ايندلا يف للها هرتس اًملسم رتس نمو حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Relieving a Muslim from one of the Hardships, Making it Easy for Him or Concealing his Faults Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone makes it easy for the one who is indebted to him (while finding it difficult to repay), Allah will make it easy for him in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the Hereafter.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 43 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
44 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام نآرقلا ةولاتل دجسلما في عامتجلاا : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق مهيلع تلزن لاإ مهنيب هنوسرادتي و للها باتك نولتي للها تويب نم تيب يف موق عمتجا امو هدنع نميف للها مهركذ و ةكئلاملا مهتفح و ةمحرلا مهتيشغ و ةنيكسلا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Gathering in the Mosque to Recite the Qur’an Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Any group of people that assemble in one of the Houses of Allah to recite the Book of Allah, learning and teaching it, tranquility will descend upon them, mercy will engulf them, angels will surround them and Allah will make mention of them to those (the angels) in His proximity.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ًاملع هيف سمتلي ًاقيرط كلس نم : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ةنجلا ىلإ اًقيرط هل للها لهس اًملع هيف سمتلي اًقيرط كلس نمو حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Treading a Path in Search of knowledge Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Allah makes the way to Paradise easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 45 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
46 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام سللمجا ةرافك : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق كلذ هسلجم نم موقي نأ لبق لاقف هطغل هيف رثكف سلجم يف سلج نم )كلذ هسلجم يف ناك ام هل َر ِ فُغ كيلإ بوتأ و كرفغتسا تنأ لاإ هلإ لا نأ دهشأ كدمحبو مهللا كناحبس( حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? The Supplication of Kafarat-ul-Masjid Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever sits in a gathering and indulges in useless talk and before getting up supplicates: ‘Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika (O Allah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is no true god except You; I ask Your Pardon and turn to You in repentance),’ he will be forgiven for (the sins he may have committed) in that assembly.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ملاسلاب ءدبلا : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ملاسلا لاق نمو تانسح رشع هل ْ تَبِتُك مكيلع ملاسلا لاق نم مكيلع ملاسلا لاق نمو ةنسح نورشع هل ْ تَبِتُك للها ةمحرو مكيلع ةنسح نوثلاث هل ْ تَبِتُك هتاكربو لله ةمحرو حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Greeting each other with “Assalamu Alaykom…” Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Whoever says assalamu alaykom (peace be upon you), ten good deeds will be written for him (in his register of deeds), whoever says assalamu alaykom wa rahmatu Allah, twenty good deeds will be written for him and whoever says assalamu alaykom wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatu, thirty good deeds will be written for him.” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 47 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
48 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام ضيرلما ةدايع : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق نإ و يسمي ىتح كلم فلأ نوعبس هيلع ىلص لاإ ةودغ املسم دوعي ملسم نم ام ةنجلا يف فيرخ هل ناكو حبصي ىتح كلم فلأ نوعبس هيلع ىلص ةيشع ةداع حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Visiting the Sick Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “When a Muslim visits a sick Muslim at dawn, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till dusk. If he visits him in the evening, seventy thousand angels keep on praying for him till the morning; and he will have (his share of) reaped fruits in Paradise.” (Hadith Sahih)
؟ رجأ وه ام ميظعلا للها ناحبس هدمبحو للها ناحبس لوق : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق ىلإ ناتبيبح نازيملا يف ناتليقث ناسللا ىلع ناتفيفخ ناتملك ميظعلا للها ناحبس هدمحبو للها ناحبس نمحرلا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Saying: Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, subhaan Allaah il-’Azeem Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “Two words which are light on the tongue but which are dear to the Most Merciful and will weigh heavily in the balance: Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, subhaan Allaah il-’Azeem (Glory and praise be to Allah; Glory be to Allah the Almighty)” (Hadith Sahih) روجأ 49 www.rasoulallah.net ةحيحصلا ةيوبنلا ةنسلاب هتباث روجأ
50 Reward Proven in the Sunnah www.rasoulallah.net ؟ رجأ وه ام مهب ةقفشلا و قللخا ةحمر : ملسو هيلع للها ىلص للها لوسر لاق يف نم مكمحري ضرلأا يف نم اومحرا نمحرلا مهمحري نومحارلا ءامسلا حيحص ثيدح What is the Reward of…? Being Merciful and Compassionate to People Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be upon Him) said: “The Compassionate One has mercy on those who are merciful. If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He Who is in the heaven will show mercy to you.” (Hadith Sahih)