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Readiness to be involved in international activities through

Republic of Croatia Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration EMERGING DONORS INITIATIVE REVISITED – STOCK TAKING AND NEXT STEPS UNDP Regional Workshop hosted by the Hungarian MFA and HUNIDA Budapest, 5-6 M arch 2007. Readiness to be involved in international activities through.

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Readiness to be involved in international activities through

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  1. Republic of CroatiaMinistry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration EMERGING DONORS INITIATIVE REVISITED – STOCK TAKING AND NEXT STEPSUNDP Regional Workshophosted by the Hungarian MFA and HUNIDABudapest, 5-6 March 2007

  2. Readiness to be involved in international activities through • The implementation of the MDGs • Membership and activitieswithin the UN system • A systematic increase of voluntary contributions for UN programs and activities • Obligations stemming from Croatia’s preparations for the membership in the EU

  3. Situation prior to establishing of the Intersectoral Working Group (IWG) • Croatia has already conducted numerous projects which acc. to OECD/DAC criteria could be seen as development aid • Lack of a central coordination and data collection • The Government recognized the need for formulating a systematic development assistance policy

  4. Institutional set-up • 12/2005: MFAEI designated to take necessary actions • 04/2006 establishing of an Internal Working Group within the MFAEI • 09/2006 establishing of an Intersectoral Working Group(line ministries, relevant governmental offices, chamber of economy, private sector, non-governmental sector); presided by the MFAEI state-secretary • Department for Development Aid in the MFAEI is in the process of structuring (situation in March 2007)

  5. Institutional set-up (II) • Department for Development Aid in the in the Directorate for International Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration is to have a central coordinative role

  6. Main tasks of the IWG • Analize existing and possible new forms of development aid • Set up methods to calculate the value of assistance • Introduce a mechanism to consolidate data • Define areas of thematic and territorial priorities • Prepare implementation laws • Create a medium-term development policy strategy (2009-2014) • Create one-year policies based on the medium-term strategy

  7. Comparative advantages of Croatia • Transfer of experience related to political and economic transition • Experiences that come from specific post-war circumstances • Educational assistance • Health-care • Cooperation in certain industrial branches

  8. Prospects • The Republic of Croatia will make efforts to approximate the allocation of its budgetary funds to that of the new EU Member States 0,17% of GDP by 2010 and 0,33% of GDP by 2015 • Effective cooperation with the UN programs and agencies and EU Member States, their responsible institutions or specialized agencies would be most valuable in the upcoming period.

  9. Thank you for your attention!

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