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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution. Shawn Roe. Question slide. What factor led to the Industrial Revolution?. Factor 1 Industrial Revolution. New Crops(from the New World): Corn and Potatoes New Farming Methods. Factor 2 The Domestic System/Cottage industry.

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Industrial Revolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Industrial Revolution Shawn Roe

  2. Question slide What factor led to the Industrial Revolution?

  3. Factor 1Industrial Revolution • New Crops(from the New World): Corn and Potatoes • New Farming Methods

  4. Factor 2The Domestic System/Cottage industry • Small Scale Industry (done in people’s homes) • Mostly involving the production of textiles (cloth) - mostly made of wool

  5. Factor 3New Economic Conditions • Increase of trade and demand for manufactured products • New Theory – Capitalism

  6. Question Slide • Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?

  7. Reason 1Abundant Natural Resources and Food • More food because of the Agricultural Revolution • Lots of coal and iron deposits • Waterways • Britain had colonies that supplied lots of additional raw materials such as India supplied cotton

  8. Reason 2Large Labor Supply • Big Growth in population! • Agricultural Revolution caused lots of people to move to the cities looking for jobs

  9. Reason 3Britain’s Favorable Government • Parliament passed laws to promote investment in businesses

  10. Reason 4Britain’s Prosperous Middle Class • Entrepreneurs begin to invest in business and open up factories and start corporations • Successful merchants - sell the products throughout Britain and the rest of the world

  11. Reason 5New Inventions • The Flying Shuttle (1733 - John Kay) • Spinning Jenny (1764 - James Hargreaves) • The Water Frame (1769 - Richard Arkwright) • The “Spinning Mule” (1779 - Samuel Crompton) • An Effective Steam Engine (1882 - James Watt) • Power Loom (1787 - Edmund Cartwright) • The Cotton Gin (1793 - Eli Whitney)

  12. Definition slides • Textiles- any cloth and goods produced by weaving, knitting, and felting • Industry-any general business activity; commercial enterprise • Manufacturing-to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale • Urban-living in a city • living in thecountry

  13. Definition slide • Capitalism-an economic system in which investment and ownership is made and maintained by private individuals or corporations. • Entrepeneur-an employer of productive labor • Labor-a job or task done or to be done

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