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Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Control Tata Steel Ltd

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Control Tata Steel Ltd. Presentation By: K P Sarkhel Gas Safety and Disaster Management, Tata Steel Ltd. Date: 21 st Nov' 2015.

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Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Control Tata Steel Ltd

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  1. Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Control Tata Steel Ltd Presentation By: K P Sarkhel Gas Safety and Disaster Management, Tata Steel Ltd Date: 21st Nov' 2015

  2. Established in 1907 at Jamshedpur, India and one of Asia's first integrated private sector steel companies, the Tata Steel group is among the top-ten global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of over 28 million tones per annum (mtpa).

  3. Tata Steel Limited “We aspire to be a global steel industry benchmark for value creation and corporate citizenship.” TATA STEEL “WHERE VALUE IS STRONGER THAN STEEL”

  4. Tata Steel Global Presence

  5. Tata Steel India

  6. Tata Steel India : Material Flow Raw Materials Iron Making Steel Making Rolling Marketing & Sales Steel Steel Products Fines Merchant Mill Ore Mines & Quarries Division Sinter Plant Long Product Marketing & Sales Customers LD-1&3 New Bar Mill Hot Metal Wire Rod Mill Lumps Blast Furnaces West Bokaro Division Long Products Division Long Products Division Steel Products Hot Strip Mill Coke Plant LD-2 Flat Product Marketing & Sales Steel Customers Jharia Division Coal Cold Rolling Mills Purchased Materials Raw Materials Division Flat Products Division Coke, Sinter & Iron Division Shared Services (Provides Maintenance Services and Operates Utilities) Corporate Functions

  7. Integrated Steel plants involve high hazard operations • Flammable/Toxic • gases • Liquid fuel • Hot metal. • Other explosive and toxic materials Potential consequences may be very serious and can pose threat to business in particular and society in general.

  8. Gas line adjacent to Works Boundary (Sakchi to Bistupur) Newly laid DN3000 BFG Line from IBF to PH3 Road Outside Works boundary Existing DN2400 BFG line Gas line adjacent to Works Boundary (Bistupur to Jugsalai) • The marked areas have following concerns • Impact from outside • Release of gas

  9. Identification of major disasters. • Preparation of action plan to handle disasters and to contain damage. • Rapid control and containment of the hazardous situation. • Minimization of risk and impact of event/ accident. • Effective rehabilitation of the affected persons and prevention of damage to the property. objectives of emergency Management Plan :

  10. Major fire • Release of toxic gases • Release of toxic chemicals • Spillage of hot metals • Explosion • Total or partial power failure Possible emergency condition in Tata Steel.

  11. QRA is a tool to assess the consequence of risk in terms of time, distance and loss Benefit to Tata Steel: QRA helped to locate the affected zone and the intensity of worst case scenario –On & Off site emergency plan , updated Risk is assessed mathematically by using a software tools called PHAST Gas holder Tata Steel

  12. Bow Tie methodology : Understanding barriers Ruud Vellinga 2014

  13. A typical Bow Tie might have 8-10 threat causes and 3-5 outcome consequences. Each arm might have 3-5 barriers, but more are possible.

  14. GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Emergency Control Center CIC Chief HRM- JSR Chief Corporate Communication WIC (VP/COMs) Emergency officer Chief Safety Chief Security Liaisoning Officer Chief Environment Head Mechanical Head IEM Head Operation ERT trained group FMD Representative Head Fire Brigade Head Security Medical Services Safety Professional HR Representative Incident Controller (Chief Of Department)

  15. Single Emergency Number ( 47777 )

  16. CENTRAL Control ROOM

  17. Emergency Control CENTER

  18. Fire Brigade • Security. • West Plant First Aid Station. • East Plant first aid Station. • Tata Main Hospital (TMH) Enquiry. • Load Dispatch Center (LDC). • Energy Management Center. • Gas Safety station. communication system through group sms.

  19. Precautionary measures: In case of emergency: Public Address System: Twelve points one-way public address system is provided with Energy Management Center (EMC) to inform and to give necessary directives to major units of the company in case of any emergency in the plant.

  20. Siren:Tata Steel has steam buzzer system to intimate plant wide any failure or any Emergency. The buzzer system is situated in the Power House . A long buzzer is used for calling off emergency.

  21. Road Map: A road guide map for all departments of the Steel Works has been prepared & displayed at various locations of the Plant. This guides the “Emergency Services to reach at the right place of occurrences in the shortest possible time which is very essential for any disaster management system.

  22. Gas Safety Station: Gas Safety & Disaster management is under Safety and Ergonomics dept. Contact No. : Telephone No. : 43606, The Gas safety appliances available in Gas Safety Station are in ready condition.

  23. First Aid Services: The Occupational Health Services run two well-equipped First-Aid Stations inside the Works to provide round the clock emergency medical services. Two First-Aid Stations namely West Plant First-Aid and East Plant First-Aid are located approximately 2 km, apart, so all the departments are close to either of the two First-Aid Stations.

  24. Ambulance Services:First-Aid Stations are provided with Ambulances in 24 hours exclusively for bringing patient from shop floor to First-Aid Stations to Tata Main Hospital as and when required. In emergencies, the ambulances are available at the Tata Main Hospital and can also be placed into service. Ambulances have Oxygen Cylinders and wireless sets. First Aid stations are also connected with Wireless System.Well equipped ambulances are available (Critical cares on wheels).

  25. A Critical Care Unit on wheels, all medical apparatus are available in this ambulance including ECG and equipments for the cardiac support. Victim gets treatment at the site of occurrence . Three nos. of different designed stretchers and modified wheel chair along with artificial breathing system are also available.

  26. Fire Management: There are two fire stations equipped with all modern fire fighting facilities available round the clock to use in case of fire in the Works as well as in the Township. The Fire Brigade personnel are well trained and skilled fire fighters capable to tackle any type fire emergency. These stations are located near Main Gate and East Plant near LD#1 Canteen respectively.

  27. THE PRO ACTIVE APPROACHES Process Safety Risk Management QRA (PHAST by DNV GL) Bow-Tie Analysis (CGE Risk) Safety Audits. Fire Audits. Inspection of hazardous Substances. Safety training(ERT, Global Rescue Team & Other Expert) Incident Analysis. Contractor’s Audit. Mock drills with Local & Expert (NDRF)

  28. Mock drills

  29. REVIEW AND MONITORING:  The gaps were observed during mock drill are discussed by the CIC/Factory Manager subsequently reviewed by Chairman(VP),Process Safety and Disaster Management Sub Committee. The compliance status is also reviewed in the monthly meeting to bridge up those gaps.

  30. THANK YOU.

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